Hello everyone!Here's a part I devlog for Theralite:Theralite is being developed by Thomas x 2. The Team is Thomas Haaks (Code, design) and Thomas -Bahototh- Finholm (Gfx, Design). We started this collab with a vision for a procedurally generated Roguelike in the traditional sense. More on the procedural stuff to follow!
The world moves and reacts only when player does. That means you can take your time and plan ahead, This doesn't mean mistakes wont happen of course. One idea form the start was to have more movement and feedback for player instead of only static tiles and sprites. That means everything looks a bit more alive. You can often times be fooled into thinking its real time events and rush ahead which, of course, isn't a smart move in the long run. So the best of both worlds in our opinion.
Some level tiles can be mined by player and yield different forms of loot and treasure. Beware, however, as the mining activity can also make (more) nasties aware of your presence.
The levels are being generated with procedural elements and some static, familiar parts. The basics are a 8x8 tile grid for level layouts and a level structure with connected hubs that make up the world and setting, Speaking of setting...this takes place on a run down mining planet somewhere out there in one galaxy or another. Player has to scavenge for survival and figure out how to escape the deep crystal caverns and mining facilities after a disastrous event.
The usual suspects: Shops, weapons, armour, gems (loot) and much more.
Player needs to collect everything he can find in the form of resources which later can be used for trading and purchasing equipment and upgrades, providing you can find a shop within the deep mines.
Currently working on: the saving system for levels. We are close to a first demo stage. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you're up for providing some help in the form of playtesting!
Thank you for reading!