Hi all!
Here is our devblog for this weeek.
## The Game
The game is now complete and readily playable!
We also changed the title to Solariscape. Interstellar was a great name, and we did make it a tribute to the film but... copyright, copyright, copyright.
## Audio
We added a bunnnnch of audio to our game, both sfx and voice. Specifically:
- sfx for player: engine sfx for acceleration and deceleration;
- sfx for enemies: enemy encountering alert;
- ambient sfx;
- Background music for each level;
- Voiceover for the new story content
## Story
Yes, we've completed the story! We've got texts, audio and animations for the last several levels, explaining what is going on.
## Scenes & challenges
Accompanied by the story are a few new levels, for telling the story, guiding the player and displaying animations.
We've also adjusted existing scenes a lot. We added more sorts of enemies to make the scene more interesting. Also, we removed some challenges which seem unfair to the player, e.g., obstacles that appear in your face from nowhere
## Guidance
We received lots of feedback regarding the guidance part, so we overhauled it
- Now the player must press EVERY key that appears in the guidance to pass.
- Remove Q/E for rolling, instead, we use auto balancing. Controlling 6 keys at once is too much, indeed.
- We combined the story with the guidance, so the player can now understand why they have to face these obstacles.
- Seperate input tutorial into two levels, hopefully the player has more time to practice on every control.
## Adjustments
- Modified death animation - feedbacks for our trailer show that the death animation was confusing.
- Area limitation - now the player will get a hint when they go too far from the target.
- Acceleration & decel animation.
- Better asteroids, which enhance the performance and is more consistent.
- Better vfx: cooler blackhole, cooler animations!
Thank you!