BuildSeed of Hope is a puzzle-platform multiplayer game where two players traverse through a barren landscape to find the key to life hidden deep in the desert. Wield your trusty flashlight and hose to solve puzzles, grow plants, and dodge dangers that block your path.
In our final update, we changed the lighting of the game, the background music, the hose sprite, certain particles, and difficulty ramping between levels. We focused on user experience changes and increased quality of life for our game. Given this focus, this lead us to add depth in certain aspects of our game, such as the lighting level changing as the players go deeping into the desert. We added a few new music tracks and sound effects to break up any monotony in the player experience. We also added a new hose sprite that has much more detail than our previous hose sprite (thank you
Diego!). Finally, we made some game mechanics slightly easier, such as the ability to water bushes and the difficulty of level 3. Given that this is the final version of our game, we have no plans for future changes.
We would love to hear your thoughts! Play using the build link above!