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TIGSource ForumsDeveloperPlaytestingGooter - Fast-paced top down shooter made in GameMaker
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Author Topic: Gooter - Fast-paced top down shooter made in GameMaker  (Read 1058 times)
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« on: December 26, 2024, 09:43:07 PM »

Fast-paced top down shooter made in GameMaker

MediaFire Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/l05v1m9aeatsrkl/Gooter_0.0.9.exe/file

"Trailer" made for this post:

  • There is no music for this demo, so feel free to put on your favorite tunes for now (I've been listening to DEF CON on SomaFM recently, if you guys need a recommendation). There are sound effects, though.
  • This game essentially requires a controller. Keyboard support won't be ruled out for the future but also isn't guaranteed.
  • If anyone has any issues (need an alternate file download, need more information, game won't open, etc), PLEASE let me know. I'll try to be as active on here as I can.

In this smaller demo, you control the titular character across three levels. Shoot down enough randomly-spawning enemies (i.e. the red guys that chase you) to unlock crates. Shoot the crates to get the "Courage" orbs needed to open a portal to the next portal.

You can also get other kinds of orbs dropped by the enemies which serve different purposes:
  • Pink: Heart (You lose one when you get hit; 0 = Death)
  • Blue: Dash (Press X then any direction to move faster; Can be cancelled by pressing X again; Costs 1 per dash; Cannot shoot while dashing)
  • Green: Blast (Press LT to shoot a giant green blast; Perfect for large clumps of enemies; Costs 3 per blast;)
  • Yellow: Charge (Press RB to shoot a quicker bullets; Perfect for getting rid of individual enemies quickly; Costs 1 per shot;)
  • Red: Shield (Press LB to put up a fiery shield; Costs 1 per second, in addition to costing some other orbs when your shield is touched;)

While I'm mostly looking for any kind of general feedback (how you feel about the graphics, gameplay, sfx, etc), here are a few specific questions that I'm particularly curious to know:
  • How's the vibration (if you have vibration turned on in the settings menu)? Too soft? Too hard? Too much?
  • Is the game too fast or too slow?
  • How's the level design? I know that these levels are meant to be simpler and may not be all that interesting, but I wanna hear what you guys think Gooter's levels should be like anyways (I'm not all that good with level design)
  • Do you guys like how the enemies spawn or should it be changed somehow?
  • Do you guys like how the menus are designed right now? I quite like them myself, but if something about them needs to be changed I would really like to know.

Here's what I WON'T add, just so you guys are aware:
  • More weapons (for Gooter, we'll see about other characters). Gooter's mouth (yes, really) will be the only weapon he has throughout the game.

There'll be quite a bit more in the upcoming demo that'll come out for Windows, HTML5, and hopefully Linux sometime in 2025. In terms of progress towards that, all I really need to do is finish up a couple music tracks and the rest of World 1's levels. The 2025 demo will also have the source code come out at the same time (licensed under MIT)!!!

See you all in the replies, and thanks for checking out the ("secret" Cool ) demo for Gooter, if you do decide to give it a try!

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Anthono220 (pronounced Anthono-two-twenty)
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