UPDATE: new version with lots of new fun things:
- Settings for blood and voice!(move mouse to top of title screen)
- Full Screen now Works!
- Online Play with Lobby!
- Blood!
- Speech!
- Better Performance!
- Balance changes (ex: dodge now lessens your level of tiredness)!
...Gentlemen, Gents...
Without further ado, I invite you to partake in an event of multiple importance.
Oxeye Game Studio, in a very humble of sincere fashion, exquisitely presents:
TIG DUELS FOR EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN - And Such Etc.A gut wrenching, wrist twisting, sword stabbing, monocle cracking god beloved, praise the lord, fight to the death dueling game! - by rapier! En garde! Touche! Version 1. [
For non readers] (thanks jeb)
NEW! But also blood spewing, challenge screaming online stabbin', ugh stouting championship honor fighting.
...For your viewing pleasure:

For your downloading pleasure:NEW! http://www.thewreck.se/games/tigduelsSilver.rar (4.8 mb)
OLDhttp://www.thewreck.se/games/tigduelsSilver.rar (5.2 mb) OLDhttp://www.thewreck.se/oxeye/tigduels/tigduels.zip (1.4 mb) (I'm keeping this download alive for archive purposes)
- fight 1
- fight 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD1-Pgc8TKM - fight 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiZRJHlHRQg - fight 4
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haEmyirhQ1A - Highlights from the fights
Be warned though, game requires at least 2 human beings or equivalent. The game can now be played perfectly well alone online against other gentlemen from all over the world!
...NEW! Multiplayer Manual:
Smash the button M to begin your journey towards internet fame! Pick key and yourself. Now you are presented with a screen with fancy techy stuff. If you don't own a router, you are probably safe. If you do, you need to pick a port that is forwarded to your computer. If you need some help on how to do this, hit F11. When that is setup, start!
If you successfully connect to the lobby, you will be able to chat. Now, if there are other gentlemen in the channel, you can select their name in the list and slap their avatar with your white silk glove.
When challenged names will appear in the list to the left, select a name and hit the swords to start!
...Here follows some Scribblings:
Firstly and most foremost importantly,
Pick a key!. One key is all you ever need really, especially in this game! Pick your favorite one! Even that mouse buttons thing works.
When you and your nemesis have hogged a whacker each, you can browse through the tre bien Société le Tigsource! by applying quick and gentle taps to your key. Select the most courteous one by firmly holding the key pressed.
When both players have selected duelists, the serious business begins.
First, tap once to present your sword. (No gentleman would engage another gentleman unless both have their swords presented, aye?)
From now on you can use many different strategies and moves to defeat your nemesis, and once and for all settle the dispute, whatever it may be.
* Hold key pressed to Advance forward (bravely), keep it released to retreat (cowardly)
* Hold key then release it to lunge forward in an attack.
* Press down on key again and hold IMMEDIATELY after you released an attack to enter block. (like a true fencing champion)
* If key is kept down in block, the character will eventually stop blocking and continue to advance (like any true gentleman would). If the key is released before this happens the character will make an agile dodging slide backwards (skillfully keeping the other duelist's edge of the sword at safe distance). If the key is pressed JUST as the blocking stops, you will instead lunge forward in a fast attack.
* If you attack multiple times in a row, you will become slightly fatigued, making it harder to perform fast attacks. Take it easy for a while to regain your strength.
* If you attack an incoming attack right as it hits you, you will parry it. (finally proving that you have the reflexes of a deadly snake!)
Each time you defeat your opponent, you gain a point. When 5 points have been dealt, the duelist with most points wins the set. Similarly, when 5 sets have been won, the duelist with most won sets will be held victorious, and the dispute will be considered settled.
(please do excuse me if this is the wrong forum for this, I was choosing between feedback and general, but this is more themed towards TIGS than indie games, so I thought it fitted better in general)
Also, since this is my first post. Hello everyone! I will soon introduce myself!
I will add everyone with a usable avatar who replies to this thread, and continually update the game with more heads. Ill make a note of the latest added heads in the post.
Also, if you feel you have the perfect head you want to add, just post it here.
They should be in 64x64 and i want an X and Y coordinate for the Monocle!
Check the other heads in the character folder to see how the heads are placed in the picture.
I like cake
sergiocornaga + 3 of his submissions