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Author Topic: Red Rogue  (Read 245558 times)
« Reply #280 on: July 05, 2010, 10:44:43 AM »

Yup, I was checking the start position against the visible map not the end position.


I've also tweaked the trap a bit so it will pick locations under ledges (darts ignore ledges) but not ladders (that would be unfair). And I've added a little red graphic when you trigger a dart trap so you can avoid it thereafter. Build and sauce updated.

I should add a search action. It should be a little progress bar that ticks down if you stay still and will show all secrets and traps on screen. Need to get the quicksave done first though.
Level 10

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« Reply #281 on: July 05, 2010, 12:10:35 PM »

Instead of digging a new holes for a pit trap, you could pick a vertical shaft with no ladder and replace it with a pit trap.
« Reply #282 on: July 05, 2010, 01:46:57 PM »

If you examine all the vertical shafts, you'll notice that I've had to put a ledge at the top of them.

This was because I was getting very rare situations where leaving any vertical shaft uncapped resulted in a broken level. It's pretty hard to describe why it occurs, but I felt the compromise was better than spending another month on the route planner.

Retro fitting pit shafts in the end guarantees un-broken levels. As does retro-fitting secret rooms (I especially like clipping the camera so that new players will be unaware of secret rooms - but a search action would help smooth this over).
Level 10

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« Reply #283 on: July 05, 2010, 04:22:40 PM »

Only having pits in the corners of rooms isn't as interesting as having them everywhere.
Here's an idea:

Have the pits go fairly early in the generation process. Have the generator place a ledge above the pit and treat that spot as a wall. The generator would connect up with this ledge and make a path above it to make the level not broken.
This may not work as I'm not sure exactly how the generator works, and would probably need some tweaking no matter what.

Fake edit:
I thought of a better idea:
Have a ledge appear when the pit trap is sprung. (The rouge would still fall through first.) This would let you put pit traps anywhere.

Make it avoid putting pit traps next to already existing shafts. It looks weird and obvious.

Maybe the minion should be able to trigger traps, or at least just dart traps.

Are there any darts other than teleport and poison? Other darts would be less hindering, but still fun. Also, poison darts seem to do very little damage. If they don't already, dart 'enchantment' levels should increase as you go down, making them more dangerous later on.
« Reply #284 on: July 06, 2010, 12:57:03 AM »

As I said ALL vertical shafts that were made in the generation process MUST be capped by the route planner to guarantee access to all surfaces. That would include pits dug at that time. The route planner is incapable of dealing with vertical shafts adequately.

Capping pits in the center of rooms may work. It would depend on being able to get the player into her ledge ignoring state.

I considered all characters or some characters triggering traps. That would require more complex AI to avoid an existing revealed trap. The player would get fed up of the minion triggering traps all the time.

The variation of dart traps depends on the range of spells I invent. And yes, level 1 poison is very weak, it only takes a 20th of your health, it's level 1 after all.
Level 10

Design Guru

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« Reply #285 on: July 07, 2010, 01:16:28 AM »

You could check both sides of a shaft (>15 tiles) for a ladder on each side of it; providing some means of exploring the entirety of it. Or you can have the top coincide with a "ladder up and bridge across" platform, but in a one-way kind of situation, where once you drop, there's no going back up.

« Reply #286 on: July 07, 2010, 01:34:01 AM »

Tried that before. Didn't work.

Like I said, it's a route planning problem. The pits in corners works because the route from the corners is already a node in the route planner.

Any suggestion which doesn't account for the route planner is going to end up in a broken level.
Level 10

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« Reply #287 on: July 07, 2010, 10:07:02 AM »

Well, for what it's worth, it's considerably more polished-feeling now than it was. Smiley

No more menu errors, the arrangements and distributions of platforms, items, and enemies is a lot better balanced than earlier renditions. And the traps make it a lot fun and exciting, without being excessively cheap about it. Have yet to run across a "broken" dungeon yet.

Sir Raptor
Level 6

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« Reply #288 on: July 07, 2010, 10:47:25 AM »

In my most recent play, I appeared to be suffering from disappearing equipped weapon and random teleportation with no mention whatsoever in the log to help explain what was going on.
« Reply #289 on: July 07, 2010, 11:36:09 AM »

Am working on the save feature at the moment. Then I'm gonna plow through all the bugs and suggestions in the thread. Things will have to stay broken for the moment.

Saving the player, minion, items, keys and the entire structure of the menu is a bit of a monumental head fuck.
« Reply #290 on: July 07, 2010, 02:16:49 PM »


 Hand Shake Left Shocked Hand Shake Right

It saves!

You'll notice a bit of a pause when changing levels now. The game auto-saves when going up and down stairs. This includes a compression phase as I'm running things through a ByteArray compression. No saving during levels! I'm only going to bend the permadeath rule of roguelikes a little because of stomping.

Hot Key bindings and the Content Manager aren't saving yet - that's still to do. But it will save your key preferences, items, equipment, status and dungeon level. Oh, and it saves the sound setting.

I realised there wasn't any point in saving the menu layout, made my job easier.  Smiley

This will no doubt spur a whole new wave of bugs, but at least people will be able to explore deeper (and find more bugs).
Sir Raptor
Level 6

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« Reply #291 on: July 07, 2010, 11:22:49 PM »

This is prolly a stretch here, but could you adjust stoping so that it only applies when the stomper is on a ladder or in the air? Too many times I die because there's not enough room on a platform for me to climb a ladder without ending up right under a goblin.
In my most recent play, I appeared to be suffering from disappearing equipped weapon and random teleportation with no mention whatsoever in the log to help explain what was going on.
« Reply #292 on: July 08, 2010, 12:46:11 AM »

Then you would end up with a monster as a hat when you walk up the ladder. The current crush rules are buggy anyway - characters are supposed to slip off each other if not completely on top of each other.

The bugs I am going to deal with when I have finished work on the save game feature.

Also - I'm not getting that equipped weapon and teleportation bug. If you have the flash debug player installed you might get an error come up which will explain to me the exact nature of the bug. I'm afraid the golden rule of the bug hunt is: Can't reproduce. Can't fix. Sorry.

Debug Player can be installed from here.
« Reply #293 on: July 14, 2010, 01:07:14 PM »

Finished work on the save game feature.

The content on levels 1 to 20 is now static. Although the layout changes, you can't stair scum for items and monsters to kill, you'll have to head downwards. This is also in the game save.

Hot keys also save as well now.

Now comes the bug hunt. I'm going to try to tighten all the bolts so I can post up the next milestone build.

Then a graphics overhaul, then as much content as I can shake an orc at.
Level 10

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« Reply #294 on: July 14, 2010, 04:41:33 PM »

You know that odd suicidal tendency goblins have where they climb up right beside you?
I just had a orc climb up beside my minion, and they just got stuck in place kinda glitching out. They weren't completely stuck, as every few seconds, they would move up a tile or two. They made it to the top, but didn't stop. I didn't get to watch for very long though, because I got stomped by a goblin as I wasn't paying attention. I did get a screen shot though:

They alternated up and down every frame, so it looked like they were in the same place.
Also, that's the goblin that stomped me.
« Reply #295 on: July 15, 2010, 12:23:51 AM »

I'll bug-hunt AI next then. Gonna be a tough one.  Tired
« Reply #296 on: July 18, 2010, 12:30:52 PM »

Whilst procrastinating from doing the AI, I've added an actions menu with "search", "summon" and "exit level". Searching requires you stand still for 3 seconds, but now you can discover where traps and secrets are.

I've also updated the ledges, modified the crush rules (hopefully no more monster surfing), fixed various bugs and modified decapitation so that a running corpse gouting blood out of its neck is spawned when you take a head off. (It doesn't work too well on orcs and trolls so I may have to create separate bodies and heads for all creatures.)
Level 1

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« Reply #297 on: July 18, 2010, 02:52:18 PM »

Ah I hope you don't let the AI put the project on hold. If you just start working on it, it might be easier than it seems. I hate whenever I have a good project going and let some small detail put a stop to it.

« Reply #298 on: July 20, 2010, 02:42:48 PM »

The whole point of this project was to do something big that would have humps that would normally make me quit.

The AI needs a massive overhaul though. I need to write a pathfinder, and for that I need to graph the level.

Just uploaded critters and new pits. The critters are rats and spiders that make the place feel more "lived in". New pits follow mokesmoe's suggestion of ledges appearing over triggered pits. The only way I could get them to work reliably was to have them fill over after a period of time (about 7 frames). They're quite hilarious now though, if you don't search first you end up dropping through the floor all over the place.  Cheesy
« Reply #299 on: July 22, 2010, 01:51:34 AM »


I was sure I uploaded the latest version. My site's been down for 3 days so I had no way to check.

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