This is the place for you to post about your games and receive feedback from players. Both work-in-progress and finished projects are welcome. You don't have to include a build, but you need to have real content (screens, code, documentation) available in any case. The place for dreamy game ideas is the Art forum. If you want to create a development thread with constant updates related to all aspects of the project, post in DevLogs.
Guidelines:1. Please introduce yourself in this thread before asking for some feedback. It's always appreciated to have people presenting themselves before asking for some help.
2. When posting, please tell the player what kind of feedback you are looking for. Even if you're looking for general criticism, it always helps to know when playing. If you are not looking for feedback, please do not post your game here, instead use the Announcements forum!
3. If you post here asking for feedback, provide feedback in other threads in return. Spread the love!
4. Only post if you have a free build for players to test. Use Devlogs for games earlier in their development, Workshop for feedback on non-game aspects (like screenshots, trailers, sites, etc), and Announcements for finished games. Feedback is to receive direct feedback for the playtesting part of your game.5. If you have a build to test, include a link to the build and links to any software you will need to play the game.
6. Try to include screenshots in your post, preferably using the "img" tag. You're going to get a lot more feedback if you do, trust me.
7. Include system requirements in your post.
8. One thread per game, please! Update existing threads with new builds and information.
9. You may receive some strong criticism sometimes, especially if your game is still early in development or if you're not very experienced. Don't think these people are trolling your game or trying to mock your efforts, as that's not always the case. Judge their feedback carefully and calmly. If you want opinions on your work, you shoudl always be prepared for people not liking it.
To those providing feedback:1. Be constructive, be honest, be descriptive. When discussing bugs, always provide your system specs.
2. Don't be shy to comment on games from people you don't know!
3. You will notice that there isn't a great ammount of AAA quality games on this forum. This is normal. A lot of young, inexperienced devs post here so they can receive feedback on their efforts. Remember, everybody started somewhere. Offer them detailed, honest,
constructive feedback so they may improve their skills.