ROTFL at that Derek :D !!!

Well, I myself had to work while I was at uni to pay my expenses (Nothing game related, such industry is null in this country), so didn't really have heaps of spare time, I think uni is important as it lets you know about the elegant and theorical way to do things, and you are free to mix it with your own super wild style if you feel like doing it

BUT personal experience is MUCH more important.
@Bezzy: That man who didnt recognize stickdudes as UML actors is surely out of date, it is general culture, even if you wont be using them,

At work I tend to have the freedom to apply "good practices" at will, they promote that, as they are really useful for mantainance of big projects... can't talk about a gaming project, as I have always worked on them as personal things (one man teams, plus a casual artist that wants to be involved

@Fish: I can't understand your unhappiness

lot's of people dreams to be working on that... but I guess any job gets dull after a time
@Echo: But some concepts of math are useful, arent them? Specially if one wants to make a tyccoon or something simulation related (Someday I will
