In the Assemblee compo forum, Zaratustra
pointed out some tools for Windows to convert animated GIFs to sprite sheets.
Here's some love for Mac and Linux people.
Always keep a backup directory of your source images. These commands won't poop on your source images, but a typo might!
Thanks to
mr. podunkian for letting me use this animation for the tutorial:
(If you're following along at home, the frames in this image are 64x96, not 32x32 like in the examples).
If you're on Linux or Mac, and have
ImageMagick installed, you can open up a terminal and type the following commands.
Animated GIF --> PNG sprite strip:
montage input.gif -tile x1 -geometry '1x1+0+0<' -alpha On -background "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)" -quality 100 output.png -->
All animated GIFs in the current directory --> sprite strips: (type it all in one line)
for x in *.gif ; do montage "$x".gif -tile x1 -geometry '1x1+0+0<' -alpha On -background "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)" -quality 100 "$(basename $x .gif)-strip".png ; doneThis will batch convert all of your
foo.gif into sprite strips names
anim01.gif anim01-strip.png
anim02.gif anim02-strip.png
lolfuzz.gif lolfuzz-strip.png
Note that there will be zero spacing between the frames. To add a 1-pixel border between them, change the geometry option to read
-geometry '1x1+1+1<' Remove Pink Death (#FF00FF)
convert input.png -transparent "rgb(255,0,255)" -alpha On -background "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)" -quality 100 output.png |
Remove Pink Death from an animated GIF:
convert input.gif -transparent "rgb(255, 0, 255)" output.gif -->
Add Pink Death:
convert input.png -background "rgb(255,0,255)" -alpha Background -layers flatten -quality 100 output.png |
If the source image has any semi-transparent pixels, then this will look bad.
Sprite strip --> animation test (GIF)
convert input-strip.png -crop 32x32 +repage -set dispose background -loop 0 -set delay 6 output-test.gif -->
Change the 32x32 after crop to match the dimensions of your frames, and change the
delay 6 to be whatever you want it to be. The delay is in 100ths of a second, so
6 is 16.6 fps,
5 is 20 fps,
4 is 25 fps,
3 is 33.3 fps,
2 is 50 fps, and
1 is 100 fps.
PINK DEATH sprite strip --> TRANSPARENT animation test
convert pink-death-strip.png -transparent "rgb(255,0,255)" -alpha On -background "rgb(0,0,0,0.0)" -crop 32x32 +repage -set dispose background -loop 0 -set delay 6 awesome-test.gif -->
Individual frames (frame00.png frame01.png, ...) --> sprite sheet:
convert frame??.png +append -quality 100 output-sheet.png |