Jolly good. As it happens, I have followed the exact same philosophy with my own game - enemies telegraph all their attack moves by at least 1-2 seconds. It does indeed work very well, providing people are sharp enough to stay aware. And you can't say I didn't play fair if you're not.
Hehe, awesome. Yeah, I hope the end result will be the player never blaming the game for losing.
The only thing I didn't like was you can't get off of the ladder in the X direction, and you have to push the action key.
D-Mac suggested that for ledges, too. I'll probably add that in.
Also, is the ceiling climb available? I wasn't able to find any places to try it out.
No, no ceiling climb. I think that's to be more of a specialty maneuver.
bring on teh pushups!!!
They're in there!
1. When you jump and catch a ladder middair, it might be cool if instead of just locking onto it, his momentum followed through a bit so he swings off to the side, before completely grappling onto the rails. Maybe even one-handed, so it looks more dangerous.
Yeah, I want to have this. The ladders need the most animation work I think, at this point.
2. While crawling, when you are about to approach a ladder and can't stand up, it might be cool if he did a somersault into the dangle animation, instead of just transitioning right to the dangle. Might look funny in the small space, but that would be badass.
Er... I guess if someone animates it, I could sneak it in.
Keep up the good work, wish there was something I could do to contribute (3D Balding?)
Yeah, we're tired of 2D. Bring on the three dimensions! :D
When I'm standing at the bottom of a 3 tile wall and jumping, it's strange that I am not able to hang on to the edge because visually it seems to be possible.
I'm just doing this all to Arne's specs. And I thought about this when I was first putting jumping in, but the alternative is jumping becomes
even lower (i.e., useless) and you can't clear 3 tile wide gaps. Also, I don't think it looks like he can hang on now, 'cause his arms are too short!
Down Ladder to Crouch Bug
Bug: Coming down off a ladder (not jumping off) guy goes to stand, not crouch. Have to re-press down to crouch. Repeatable every time. Is this just because there's no bottomladder->crouch animation? Or something more sinister?
Something more sinister like... I deliberately put that in? I hated him always going into a crouch at the bottom of ladders. Though I suppose a bottom-of-ladder animation would give the player time to take their hand off the down button...
Terminal Velocity
When you fall far, you start to really fall fast. Can I recommend you add some terminal velocity so that he actually starts to sort of "float" down after a bit?
Terminal Velocity will be in, don't worry. I just needed to test the limits of the collision detection at this point.
Grip -> Stand Animation[/b]
I hope this still goes in, and is played fairly fast. That'll make the "diagonal" trick (holding "up" while running into a block to climb it) quicker, and maybe look a bit smoother? I don't know.
I'll put that in eventually.
I was the one who commissioned it, yeah?
But the grip to crawl transitioned so splendidly with standing up, I moved on to something else. Remember: This != finished game.
Sprinting Acceleration?
I like that you reach your max velocity really, basically immediately. That's good for little nudges to get pixel perfect. Could you also add a slow acceleration on top of that which helps you build up speed so that you could go for 4-5 block gaps if you have enough space to runup?
Well, now we're getting into completely altering Arne's concept. I was going to play with the idea of a run on top of the walk, but I don't think it's something that's necessarily needed. (How many open expanses are there going to be in a tightly-wound single-screen platform game?)
Alternate Jump Anim
The current jump anim is perfect for fairly vertical jumping. Does the other one really not fit for lateral ones? Could you switch between them fluidly based on a lateral velocity threshold? If you were to do the over-drive acceleration (above) then it might become more and more useful.
Yeah, right now you have too much air control. There's no way of knowing if the player is going to do a fully lateral jump. Also, didn't the animation have landing built into it? That means it would only work for a single, specific jump.
Jump from Grip
I was thinking that it might be quite nice to be able to do a sort of half jump from a grip state - pushing away from the wall you're pointing at while jumping.
Again, I've thought about it, but it's altering Arne's design a great deal.
Jump from Ladder?
Same as above, really. It feels a bit wrong to simply "detatch" from the ladder. Pressing left or right ought to do that. But pressing jump, for consistency, ought to move us "up" as we detatch, surely?
Again again, design reasons.
I could
maybe work in a little upward velocity, but I don't want it to damage level design by allowing you get to areas you shouldn't.
You know, a lot of these ideas are for a bigger (in play area) game. Increasing the movement speed, adding in extra jumps -- this stuff spreads out the play area if the level designer wants challenges or to only allow a certain route or whatever.
I dunno about you, but I really like how compact and specific his movements are right now.
Additional Transition: Walk to Crawl
If you walk, and then move into crawl (so press right to diagonal down-right) you stop, go through the stand-crouch, then start crawling again. We could improve fluidity if we had an animation where you perhaps slightly dive/trip straight into a crawl from running, and don't stop moving while doing so.
That's a good idea! I like that. (One out of
fifteen ain't bad, hahaha. :D Just kidding of course.
Re: Exertion Lines
Yeah, the sweat things are cool in of themselves, but definately happen too much (and perhaps are a bit big?).
I'll make em a little more subtle, then. I mean, it's your animation.
I already removed all the other lines from it, if you remember them being there.
It's fine to have them different, but in this case I'd switch them:
Because, as we all know, this is Balding's Quest: Advanced Parkour Simulator. :D
I don't like that he looks at the camera at all! So I'm happy to change it.
Though, IIRC, one of the animations needed to transition into that frame...
Of course, later there could be three fall damage levels.
That's exactly what I wanted to do. Especially the hitting the ground hard, kneeling thing. With some white dust.
Hey, is BMcC still asleep? Let's draw funny things on his face and... oh, I mean...
Hahaha, awesome picture by the way. :D
Definately need a falling animation. I noticed that when you just walk off some edge, you actually start the jump animation, so he looks at the heavens, rather than at where he's going to land. The falling animation should also follow in from the end of the jump animation, right?
That's already in place. The only problem is Guy looking up in the first frame of the falling animation. WHICH IS NOT MY DOING.
Pixel Perfect Jump Bonus
Just a thought, and real gravy, but how about being awarded a score for managing a 3-block gap?
nice. Might be a little out of character, though.