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TIGSource ForumsCommunityJams & EventsCompetitionsOld CompetitionsGAMMA (Moderator: fish)GAMMA IV
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Author Topic: GAMMA IV  (Read 112495 times)
Level 10

cant spell selfish without fish

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« on: December 08, 2009, 02:45:12 PM »


once again, TIGS is the official message board for GAMMA.
(thank you kindly mister yu)

this topic for all gamma-related discussions and questions.
ill be updating this post with any new information.


Gestural controls, multi-touch surfaces, musical instruments, voice recognition—even brain control. Games are moving beyond the iconic hand-held controller, and into the future. But is the secret to good games found in high-tech interfaces? Kokoromi proposes that game developers can still find beauty in absolute simplicity. On March 10th, Gamma 4 will unveil brand-new games that use JUST ONE BUTTON.

Gamma 4 invites software developers to push the limits of gameplay with a single input. Game developers, media, and industry luminaries from around the world, will join the general public to view and play the Gamma 4 games at at a party that bridges the end of the Independent Games Summit and the start of the main GDC. Following the event, all the games will be playable in a dedicated booth on the GDC Expo floor. Game creators whose games are selected for presentation at Gamma 4 will also be awarded free GDC All-Access passes.


Use a single button as your player input, in a unique or experimental way. Be creative.
The game must be “pick up and play.”
The official controller is the Xbox360 controller. Player input must be
assigned to the A button, which can be PRESSED or RELEASED. The Xbox360 controller is the only one used for judging, and the only one provided at Gamma.
Your game can support any number of players up to 4. Each player may have their own controller.
The game may be a Windows .exe or Mac .app, and must use an installer if ANY additional files are required to play.
The game cannot rely on an internet or LAN connection (there will not be connectivity provided during the event).
The gameplay cannot rely on audio information, since there will not be
audio output provided during the event. Non-essential audio is permitted.
The total gameplay session must be no longer than 5 minutes, including any intros, instructions, or credits. At the end of each session, the game must return to a “start” state for the next player(s).
The maximum game resolution is 1024×768.
The submission deadline is Jan 31, 11:59pm Pacific time. Submission instructions to follow in mid-January.
Pre-existing games will not be accepted.


Are there any team size restrictions?
No, but a maximum of 2 (TWO) GDC passes per team will be awarded.
Are gamemakers required to travel to Gamma/GDC if their game is accepted?
No, but the GDC passes are for creators only, and are non-transferable.
Are there any restrictions on (development tools, who can submit, file size, gameplay)?
If it’s not specifically restricted in the Rules, it’s permitted.
Can an individual or team submit more than one game?
We strongly recommend one submission per team.
How many games will be selected for Gamma?
We typically select only 5-7 games to showcase.


Kokoromi’s GDC debut goes back to basics with a one button theme.


MONTREAL, November 24, 2009– Between December 1st 2009 and January 31st 2010, Montreal’s Kokoromi collective challenges game makers to create innovative, experimental new games played with just one button.

Gestural controls, multi-touch surfaces, musical instruments, voice recognition—even brain control. Games are moving beyond the iconic hand-held controller, and into the future. But is the secret to good games found in high-tech interface hardware? Kokoromi proposes that game developers can still find beauty in absolute simplicity. On March 10th, Gamma 4 will unveil a collection of brand-new games that use JUST ONE BUTTON. Game creators around the world now have from December 1st 2009, until January 31st 2010 at midnight Pacific time to complete and submit their single-input creations. Full submission rules and guidelines are available at the official Gamma 4 web page, http://www.kokoromi.org/gamma4.

Kokoromi’s Gamma has become one of the game industry’s most anticipated events, presenting game creators with theme-based challenges that push the boundaries of game design, and showcasing the results in a unique public play format. 2010 marks Gamma’s move to San Francisco and the Game Developers Conference. Taking place on Wednesday March 10th, the event bridges the end of the Independent Games Summit and the start of the main Conference. The playable games will be revealed at the Mezzanine, a venue housed in a historic two-story warehouse near Mint Plaza, in the heart of San Francisco’s SoMa district. The curated games will be featured on large projections, and accompanied by live DJs.

Game developers, media, and industry luminaries from around the world, will join the general public to view and play the Gamma 4 games—offering unprecedented exposure for the selected game makers. Following the opening event, all the games will be playable in a dedicated booth on the GDC Expo floor. Game creators who are selected for presentation at Gamma 4 will also be awarded free GDC All-Access passes.

Gamma is part of Kokoromi’s mandate to inspire and present diverse, experimental game content to a wide public audience. In doing so, they are part of a larger international movement that recognizes games as a unique artistic form.
GAMMA 4 will take place on March 10th at the Mezzanine (444 Jessie Street @ Mint), San Francisco. For more information visit www.kokoromi.org/gamma4.

About Kokoromi
Kokoromi is an experimental game collective formed by a rare union of gamemakers and theorists to promote games as an art form and expressive medium worldwide. Based in Montreal, Quebec, Kokoromi produces and curates events, develops games, and hosts a blog at www.kokoromi.org.
For more information about Kokoromi or GAMMA 4, contact Cindy Poremba at [email protected].
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 04:05:57 PM by fish » Logged

Level 0

Quixotic Engineer

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« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 03:20:32 PM »

Woo, exciting! Hand Any Key Some food for thought: http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20050602/green_01.shtml

Loves Juno
Level 10

onuJ sevoL

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« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 03:26:42 PM »


This is a great theme, phil, moboid & cindy.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 03:35:22 PM by Golds » Logged

@doomlaser, mark johns       our company: @DoomlaserCorp
Level 10

cant spell selfish without fish

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« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2009, 03:33:21 PM »

Woo, exciting! Hand Any Key Some food for thought: http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20050602/green_01.shtml

very good point.
id been meaning to post that somewhere at some point.

Level 0

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« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2009, 03:34:00 PM »

Its on! Good luck to everyone!  Beer!
Matt G
Level 0

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« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2009, 03:35:38 PM »

Is holding the button down a valid interaction? I would assume so, as it falls under the PRESS category, but thought it better to ask.
Level 10

Divide by everything is fine and nothing is wrong.

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« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2009, 03:51:39 PM »

I think that's more of the explanation of the states of an Xbox Button.


Dirty Rectangles

Level 0

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« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2009, 03:57:20 PM »

Is holding the button down a valid interaction? I would assume so, as it falls under the PRESS category, but thought it better to ask.

I'm more interested in if the xbox pads pressure sensitivity can be used.

Edit: Damn! I never knew...
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 04:04:42 PM by Spacenaut » Logged
Level 10

cant spell selfish without fish

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« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2009, 03:59:07 PM »

the xbox 360 does NOT have pressure sensitive face buttons.
look it up.

holding a button pressed is perfectly fine.

Martin 2BAM
Level 10


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« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2009, 04:13:56 PM »

Does anyone has some sort of code for SFML (or SDL) for the input?

I don't own an Xbox controller to test it, and it would be nice to know


Working on HeliBrawl
Level 0

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« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2009, 04:31:41 PM »

Very excited about Gamma IV. Thank you for running this!

For entrants interested in making their games accessible to the broadest range of players please take a look here:


Alongside some basic guidance, there's examples of existing one-button games and more that may help people trying to think of something original. GOOD LUCK ALL!

Barrie Ellis
www.OneSwitch.org.uk and the IGDA Game Accessibility Special Interest Group
Level 4

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« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2009, 05:00:15 PM »


That blows my mind.  I hadn't even thought about menus.

these are from an actual radio shack in the ghetto
Level 10

cant spell selfish without fish

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« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2009, 05:02:59 PM »

everything has to only use 1 button.
you cant use a d-pad to go in options and then its just one button when the game actually start.

all one button all the time.

oh yeah.

« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2009, 05:17:37 PM »

I was planning on having a press to start, hold to exit and wait for high scores type of menu. When the game started up I was planning on having a timer during which the game asks if the user wants to switch to full screen (in which case you press the button). Just in case anyone had a hard time coming up with a system Tongue.
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2009, 05:41:56 PM »

Think you've used up your word quota for the next decade.

Can the button be analogue?
Level 0

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« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2009, 07:21:12 PM »

Can the button be analogue?

One binary digit of input information. It's either 1 or 0, nothing in between.

I'm so happy to see this theme. We have been pushing accessibility stuff in games for a few years now over on RetroRemakes.

I have two ideas for games and don't know which one to go with yet. Smiley

Good luck to everyone who makes something.  Hand Any Key

Level 1

Got to love them pixels

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« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2009, 09:19:46 PM »

Could you use flashjoystick so you can create a game in flash?

Level 10

cant spell selfish without fish

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« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2009, 10:15:16 PM »


Martin 2BAM
Level 10


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« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2009, 10:42:56 PM »

When someone tries it and has some code, please post it.

It says at the link's page that the xbox A-button is the "button 1", but I don't know if it's the first index (i.e. Joy button 0) or the index number one (i.e. Joy button 1)

...or, I could bind all buttons to the same single action, just in case, if that's allowed.

Working on HeliBrawl
Level 0

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« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2009, 11:34:12 PM »

It says at the link's page that the xbox A-button is the "button 1", but I don't know if it's the first index (i.e. Joy button 0) or the index number one (i.e. Joy button 1)

...or, I could bind all buttons to the same single action, just in case, if that's allowed.

For a PC from the Joystick properties utility the Xbox 360 joypad buttons are indicated as:

A = button 1
B = button 2
X = button 3
Y = button 4

LB = button 5
RB = button 6

BACK  = button 7
START = button 8


An easy way to test this is to connect almost any compatible joypad/joystick controller to your PC. Go to "Devices and Printers" (via the START menu and for XP/Vista via the Control Panel). Next access your connected joystick and open up the "Game Controller Settings" or properties. If you press "A" on an Xbox 360 controller - you should see the on-screen button 1 indicator illuminate. Almost all joysticks/joypads will have a button mapped to 1.

There's nothing in the rules to stop you mapping your single control to all of those buttons. Nor also the SPACE BAR and LEFT MOUSE CLICK to make your game compatible with most accessibility switch interfaces. So long as they all do the same thing.
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