You control a high-speed walnut going through a tunnel filled with obstacles.
Controlling has a twist that I'll leave for the first prototypes.
Yes. This thread is a placeholder.

EDIT 2009-12-11:
I've been investigating the UDK.
I've found tutorials for input-binding, camera movement, acceleration, collisions.
That in addition of my teammate already knowing a lot of the UT editor makes UDK a good choice.
EDIT 2009-12-16:
I ran into a lot of trouble (parcially because my non-SSE2 & non-Shader-Model-3 computer)... but I finally got a ball to move around, fall to the ground, and handle special input.
I messed a little bit with Kismet for camera setting but didn't make it work :/
But at least I think the project is doable.
Kismet camera targetting takes rotation into account and I can't use it.
EDIT 2010-01-01:
I got the UDK working as I wanted. After the release I'll probably do a post mortem.
I still have to find out more stuff and fix some aesthetic details but the game part is almost finished.
When I define the final physics, then the level design will start.