*UPDATE: 06/04/14*
Kali 9 is officially back in action. I took some time off from the project to learn how to translate the program from AS2 to AS3 and made a few games in the process that would help me learn what I would need to complete this project. I've been working on the project for the past few months unofficially in just to see if I was ready to make the full on attempt at completing this game. So far i have a nearly complete cutscene engine and movement engine as well as the first town laid out. There still is a lot more work to do and I'm far from releasing any kind of playable build.
I'm giving myself a generous 2.5 years to complete this project. I don't think it will take that long but you never know with these ambitious one-man projects. I plan to release a demo of the first chapter within the next 6 months. During development I plan to get extremely detailed on how I'm developing this game including the tools and techniques that I use. I'm hoping that it will serve as some kind of teaching to anyone else insane enough to attempt a project like this.
Lastly I'm leaving all my previous posts in this thread exactly how they are (for nostalgia and incase anyone is interested in the journey so far) this post will be the only one I edit.
I will provide a link to where the new build progress begins It's here
Kali 9 is the story of a woman who through certain events gains the limited ability to alter her own destiny. As she changes her fate she'll have to deal with many "unintended consequences" and difficult moral choices. All while keeping her sanity.
Latest Gif - 06/12/14
Screens from 0.8.0 Alpha (Work In Progress)

Screens from 0.6.0 Alpha

Screens from 0.5.0 Alpha

Version Notes
Version 0.8.0 Alpha] - Rebuild Version
Fixes- While redoing movement code I inadvertently solved the long time problem of getting stuck in walls and objects, movement along walls and barriers is now smooth!!!!
Additions & Changes- Initial Rebuild In Progress
- Cutscene Engine
- Graphics Overhauled
- Increased Resolution to 1024 x 768 instead of 800 x 600
- Some character names have been changed (ex: Reilynn to Raelynn etc.)
- Increased FPS from 24 to 30
- Removed use of Outline filter. I'm outlining everything by hand which will remove the "blurry look" of the previous version and I can use gpu rendering for increased performance.
Still Working On - Translating maps and assets from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
Version 0.7.0 Alpha] - Unreleased
Fixes- none
Additions & Changes- This version was to showcase various graphical changes and detail additions
Still Working On - Tweaking battle engine
- Problems with getting stuck in objects.
- I'm still working on the world map display system. I need some more time to get this working.
- I had to lock out the inventory keyboard controls. I found a bug that slows the game down to a crawl while using them. Once I figure out the problem I'll bring them back.
- An algorithm that will "Guide" the player around borders and hopefully make areas easier to move around.
- some of the map tranfers may put players in borders which may make it difficult to move. I am aware of this and working on it.
Version 0.6.0 Alpha] - First Public Release
Fixes- Various minor game tweaks
Additions & Changes- Changed the main game theme music to a song called "Light Blue".
- Added battle music, the song is called "Photokinesis".
- Added more details to some map.
- Created sprites for a few of Reilynn's battle animations.
- Created sprites for monster - "Green Gelat" battle animations.
- Added battle engine with support for: attacking enemies, damage calculation, defeating enemies, moving, victory and calculating spoils.
- Added the animation for Reilynn's first attack "Vertical Slash" under her status/techniques.
- I've locked out the saving and continuing. That feature was only for testing in the previous version. I'll bring it back in a future version.
Still Working On - Adding more details to the maps.
- Tweaking battle engine
- Problems with getting stuck in objects.
- I'm still working on the world map display system. I need some more time to get this working.
- I had to lock out the inventory keyboard controls. I found a bug that slows the game down to a crawl while using them. Once I figure out the problem I'll bring them back.
- An algorithm that will "Guide" the player around borders and hopefully make areas easier to move around.
- some of the map tranfers may put players in borders which may make it difficult to move. I am aware of this and working on it.
Version 0.5.0 Alpha] - Unreleased
Fixes- Fixed the the glitchy action button problem
- Various minor game tweaks
Additions- Added NPCs to maps to test the conversation engine (Some NPCs have dummy text attached to them)
- Added Saving and Loading but the feature has not been tested extensively yet.
- Added More maps to the game world, however I still had to lock some areas away because they're just not ready yet.
- Added Music
- Added Stores
- Added Action Bubbles
- Changed Reilynn's Status Screen Graphic.
- Changed Game Startup Artwork.
- Added item interaction and equipping.
Still Working On - Adding more details to the map.
- The battle engine
- Problems with getting stuck in objects.
- Problem with the in game map. I have to come up with a new strategy.
- An algorithm that will "Guide" the player around borders and hopefully make areas easier to move around.
- some of the map tranfers may put players in borders which may make it difficult to move. I am aware of this and working on it.
Version 0.3.0 Alpha] - Unreleased
Fixes- Fixed problem with screen flashing & locking up between map transfers.
- Fixed problem with animation sometimes locking up.
- Fixed layering problem with some objects.
- Fixed problem with walking in front and behind larger objects (credit sophie for help on this problem).
- Fixed some doorway catches.
- Moved catch for bottom of stairs.
- Altered some maps to make moving easier.
- Changed Alpha filter for "Status Bar" making some map details more apparent.
Additions- Added some more details to the Status Bar.
- Added technique equipping and details to Status >> Technique.
- Save Points now called "Memory Mithra" instead of "Save Mithra".
Still Working On- Problems with getting stuck in objects.
- The interact button is still acting wacky I'm working on it.