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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsMinion's Story [On Hold]
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Author Topic: Minion's Story [On Hold]  (Read 13515 times)
Thomas Finch
Level 8


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« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2011, 02:03:04 PM »

Have you heard of RPG Maker VX? It's their new-ish version.
Also, I didn't mean easy as in too easy to complete. I meant it was easy as in easy to learn how to play. It wasn't difficult for me to understand the game. That's a good thing! Smiley


Level 10

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« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2011, 03:14:59 PM »

Have you heard of RPG Maker VX? It's their new-ish version.
Also, I didn't mean easy as in too easy to complete. I meant it was easy as in easy to learn how to play. It wasn't difficult for me to understand the game. That's a good thing! Smiley

Oh. That's good -  I was considering putting an optional tutorial in, but I figured most people would rather get right to the game.

The funny thing is that RPG Maker VX, despite using a faster engine, is worse than RPG Maker XP due to its limited tileset options and simpler animation. Also, the action RPG script was created specifically for XP, and therefore would not work in VX.

Thomas Finch
Level 8


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« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2011, 04:37:03 PM »

Yeah, I have to agree. I used VX for a while, but ended up wanting XP back. (now I just don't program Tongue)

Level 10

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« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2011, 04:40:31 PM »

Good news, I'm pretty sure I have figured out what was causing the looping issue and corrected it. I've re-uploaded the demo with a few minor fixes.

Yeah, I have to agree. I used VX for a while, but ended up wanting XP back. (now I just don't program Tongue)

Well, the very reason I used RPG Maker was that it turned out to be easier than trying to find a programmer. Without money to spare, I could not find a single programmer who was willing to put in the time to make a full-blown action RPG. I don't plan to use it for future games, because its engine has many obvious drawbacks, but it was very similar to my original concept for Minion's Story.

Level 6

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« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2011, 04:54:02 PM »

 Don't share this with wildcritters, that lizard would so be their type.

Not like...I know what they draw or anythin, heh. Anyways, love the art, great demo! Carry on with this!
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2011, 11:44:27 PM »

since it's an open testing, i should feedback here.

1st thing, i hate myself. i hate myself for not saving up money to get a better pc. the game run, but the framerate are not stable(again, my dino age processor). maybe too many particle, i dunno, as it get really smooth when in the menu.

2nd, i HATE you! the game crash when [SPOILER]i first meet the nameless red hair "hero"[SPOILER] ohh? it's a demo? woops...sorry...

i quite enjoy the game despite the low frame-rate i'm getting. well, to sum up that, i can be patient with the low frame-rate if the game is good(like half-life 2 in my previous dino-age machine and borderlands for my current medieval age machine). so that's mean this game is good that it actually make me ignore the frame-rate.

there's kinda lot(well, i think) of reference in this game, like the menu system(secret of mana Kiss) the art are great, it's good when come together. and i love the tree at the toxica forest(is it?). it sort of give me a pokemon-y feel. one complain though, is when at the cutscene at the start of the game, the evil lord look like a dragon, then inside the game, the evil lord look just like a normal knight with horned helmet and cape. but then, i guess it mean that the previous evil lord are somekind of dragonoid, then the current are human(or human form). its quite confuse me at first. other than that, it's good.

the gameplay, is great. it's kinda like zelda meet mana, which for me, it's quite familiar. but before i learn magic, instead of getting a function-less button(which mean that i don't have magic), i get a "you forgot to make a tool module" pop-up. another thing i think you should ease abit is, the invisible time of the enemy. it's kinda long for right now. other than that, i don't get other bug or wan to make another complain for the gameplay. it just good for what it is.

ohh, another thing for the art. when i destroy a barrel(or other destroyable stuff), it explode into pieces of crate. i do think it's just a place holder, but then...
another thing i guess it's a place holder, is the explosion of the fire ball. the art of this game is pixelart, but the explosion is somekind of high quality effect. it's kinda inconsistent if leave it like this, and the explosion are much larger than the fireball itself.(like *pui* then *KABOOM!*)

i haven't test all and every inch of the game, but this is what i found :

let see if i'm slim enough to squeeze in here...

tadda! it work!

look! i'm walking on water! like a ninja! Ninja

this is all probably happen when the place is out of collision block. i started to look for these thing when i realize that i'm suppose to test the game, not just simply play it...and it happen after i get to this forest. and notice the broken bridge. the missing piece, when installed, it doesn't look align to the bridge. and for the broken bridge, it should look more broken than just missing a block of tile.

here's it, my feedback. i hope that my tone doesn't sound like i'm making fun of your game. and good luck for the future dev! Beer!
Level 10

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« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2011, 05:42:23 AM »

Wow, I totally missed that glitch. Sorry about that. I'll re upload the demo and you should be able to continue from your last save.


New version uploaded!
-Removed placeholder box fragments and burning animation
-Fixed walking on water glitch
-Fixed mid-boss battle crash
-Removed popup message
-Changed intro to make it less confusing

The bridge still needs more work, though.

I think there is a setting you can turn off by pressing F1 to make it go faster.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 06:49:43 AM by SundownKid » Logged

Landshark RAWR
Level 10

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« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2011, 09:21:32 AM »

i crash upon entering area x with the message "Unable to find file Graphics/Pictures/sm1"

Level 0

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« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2011, 09:40:07 AM »

Tried the demo just now! Graphically there's a few "complaints", but as you're probably aware of your placeholder sprites I'll leave that out.

The writing is good, I found it funny and fun to read. The moral choices are perfectly implemented, not becoming a gimmick but a way to make conversations a bit more interactive.

The battle gameplay could use some improvements. Perhaps not in the boss fight, but fighting the normal enemies. It's simply too easy to just stand in one place and hit them when they approach you. They could circle you, or block your attacks etc.

Other then that: really enjoyable!

Level 10

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« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2011, 09:48:39 AM »

My bad. Just re-download/re-install it now and it should work. I broke that in the last update, but it should now be fixed.

Tried the demo just now! Graphically there's a few "complaints", but as you're probably aware of your placeholder sprites I'll leave that out.

The writing is good, I found it funny and fun to read. The moral choices are perfectly implemented, not becoming a gimmick but a way to make conversations a bit more interactive.

The battle gameplay could use some improvements. Perhaps not in the boss fight, but fighting the normal enemies. It's simply too easy to just stand in one place and hit them when they approach you. They could circle you, or block your attacks etc.

Other then that: really enjoyable!

I will try giving the enemies more variety in movement.

There are still a few placeholders around, but I replaced some in the last update. I still need to replace the Stamina gauge in the HUD, though.

It's good that you liked the choices. I was on the ledge about them, but if it does improve the plot, I will keep them. I am planning for your moral choices to influence what kind of weapons or skills you can use later on.

Level 6

please touch me

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« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2011, 11:32:24 AM »

 When trying to exit the quick menu, the game gets some type of error. Not sure if it is the same for you, but yeah.

 I love this game though. I will follow the development, so hard, every day I'll try and see if I can post here. I seriously think this is GENIUS.
Level 10

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« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2011, 12:10:29 PM »

When trying to exit the quick menu, the game gets some type of error. Not sure if it is the same for you, but yeah.

 I love this game though. I will follow the development, so hard, every day I'll try and see if I can post here. I seriously think this is GENIUS.

There's some kind of problem with the menu I have to sort out. Can you tell me what it said?

Anyway, thanks! I am hoping that it will turn out to be great.

Level 10

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« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2011, 08:14:18 PM »

I put together a size comparison of the first and last forms.

It's just sillhouettes, but don't click if you want to stay spoiler-free.

Minor gameplay spoilers!

« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2011, 11:07:33 PM »

continued, it seems that you already fix the old glitch and graphic place holder, but then, this appear:

it come after i defeat the 2nd chosen one...the second one...what ever it called...i believe this is the end of demo though.

another glitch(that come after the new version) is:

see the red dot? its actually the red dot at the overworld. but it stayed even after the game start, until you reload the game or something.

another suggestion, though. it will probably cool if you start the music when displaying the dev-team, after you chose the "New Game". just my suggestion, though.  Tongue

I put together a size comparison of the first and last forms.

It's just sillhouettes, but don't click if you want to stay spoiler-free.

 Shocked second form are human!?
Level 4

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« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2011, 03:50:55 AM »

I've been playing a little, just now, and I must say I'm impressed! :D
This is great fun!
Level 10

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« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2011, 05:47:56 AM »

continued, it seems that you already fix the old glitch and graphic place holder, but then, this appear:

it come after i defeat the 2nd chosen one...the second one...what ever it called...i believe this is the end of demo though.

 Shocked second form are human!?

Darn. I have fixed the dot glitch and the other one that you were getting, and I will re-upload the demo now.

(No, that's not the end of the demo. It's about 2/3 through.)

(No, the second form isn't human, the comparison is just between the first and last. The human is there for comparison.)

(I don't want to extend the music that far, because then it doesn't sync up.)

I've been playing a little, just now, and I must say I'm impressed! :D
This is great fun!

Thanks! Everyone should probably download the new version of the game, to avoid the crash later on.

I promise that I will test this game a lot more before releasing the final one. I think an open release when it's this buggy just ruins players' enjoyment.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 06:11:55 AM by SundownKid » Logged

Level 6

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« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2011, 07:23:38 AM »

 Aw, little first form is so cute :3
Level 10

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« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2011, 07:58:47 AM »

Aw, little first form is so cute :3

Yeah, the actual size is slightly smaller than how it appears in the game due to graphical limitations. I think the smallest you can really make the minions without losing too much detail is 1/2 human size. If the game was 3D, it would probably zoom out the camera farther each time, kind of like an RPG version of Katamari.  Cheesy

« Reply #38 on: August 15, 2011, 05:59:31 AM »

yup, finished the demo. the game is working doesn't found anymore bug. goodluck on the rest of the development! Wink Hand Thumbs Up Right
Level 10

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« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2011, 08:52:00 PM »

A belated thanks! I have now re-uploaded the demo with a new, more SNES-esque cutscene style. I've made a few superficial tweaks and added the logo to the title screen, but I haven't done anything with the AI. I'll save that for after I port the game to the new battle system. It's definitely possible to make enemies do more things, such as block your attacks, limit damage, or drop a bomb when they die...
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 08:58:53 PM by SundownKid » Logged

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