« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2014, 10:24:01 AM » |
Yup, turn based, maybe ATB. I've spent a lot of time thinking about the mechanics of it this week, scribbling down notes and things. Perhaps I'll do a big brain dump sometime soon of what it will entail. I'm trying to do something a little different from the classic melee, ranged, white mage, black mage thing.
« Reply #41 on: February 17, 2015, 06:36:32 AM » |
Sooo, not updated this in a while!! The game has undergone a pretty big change in look, a whole rewrite and there is almost a game there now!! Here's a few screenshots: Some fancy automatic doors:  A few enemy designs:  Player run cycle:  Mid attack in battle:  Some cutscene + battle starting:  I should probably update that first post :D
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 08:13:50 AM by empika »
« Reply #42 on: February 17, 2015, 08:47:04 AM » |
Major improvements! Yes, I would update that first post 
Currently developing Demons with Shotguns, a 2D competitive platformer arena game. MindShaft Games
« Reply #43 on: February 17, 2015, 10:11:34 AM » |
This is starting to look pretty good!
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2015, 11:09:15 AM » |
Thanks folks. Updated that first post, wow, it really has come a long way huh?
« Reply #45 on: April 21, 2015, 12:57:48 AM » |
Not a whole lot of progress over the last couple of month due to day job etc, but... I have been trying to grok shaders a little better so wrote my own glitch shader, I think it's way better than what I had: I also added a sneak mechanic so you can avoid getting into random battles... apparently some people hate random battles  you are penalised with a slower movement speed whilst sneaking though:
« Reply #46 on: June 13, 2015, 02:32:04 AM » |
Here's some new animations.
« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2015, 05:43:45 AM » |
Finally had some time to put some more work in on Jack Move. Got a new environment nearly finished along with some new npcs, and have put a ton of work in to the post battle screen and process of levelling up. Here's a screenshot of the new alley environment. I've been experimenting with some post fx (after upgrading to unity 5), trying to keep it subtle though. The upper pic is the one with the bloom  ...it's a little dark, think i need to re-calibrate my monitor.. also being colour blind doesnt help :O
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 02:07:26 PM by empika »
Alex Higgins
« Reply #48 on: August 14, 2015, 10:53:20 AM » |
I haven't been on Tigource in a year (oops), but I'm pleased to see that you're still working on this! It's looking really slick.
« Reply #49 on: August 31, 2015, 02:18:02 PM » |
Been a busy bank holiday here! I've mostly spent it tidying up stuff, finishing off the level up screen, working on some new battle FX (although those need tightening up) and refactoring a ton of old code. I also spent some time to grab a ton of gifs of the games current state. You can see most of the major systems in place: dialog, battles, leveling up, cutscenes etc. (The first post has been updated with a bunch of these too). Hope you like em 
« Reply #50 on: August 31, 2015, 02:56:21 PM » |
Love the lighting and the battle transition! Also the way the rain kind of fades out as you go in the building, very slick.
« Reply #51 on: August 31, 2015, 06:55:48 PM » |
This is looking good! I love the animation of the characters, very.. animated. Following this one.
« Reply #52 on: August 31, 2015, 07:21:27 PM » |
Oh man, you should have showed this at Brighton's Develop conference! 
~The Otherworld Agency~ www.theotherworldagency.comA global team of 30+ composers and sound designers Creds: Eitr, Crossy Road, Tiny Wizard, PAC-MAN 256, Hacknet
« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2015, 03:51:57 AM » |
Thanks folks, that's super encouraging!  Anyone got any questions? I never know what would be interesting to write about with these updates :s Oh man, you should have showed this at Brighton's Develop conference!  I'd love to submit to the develop indie showcase but I'm usually too busy organising the Games by the Sea party  ...which is part of the reason I got so little done on the game in the 6 months prior to this years party 
« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2015, 04:59:25 AM » |
A neon stripper sign? Now I'm intrigued.  The game is looking really neat! My spidey sense always flair up when I see JRPGs. It's something about those consonants in that order.. Not sure if I'm digging too deep, but what's the story about? I played a p-n-c game recently that had a lot to do with hacking in (though it was mainly other people's minds). I REALLY enjoyed the concept/story, though, and am curious to see how it is going to work in the story of an rpg!
« Reply #55 on: September 01, 2015, 05:52:44 AM » |
Looks pretty sick. Can you get party members in this game?
« Reply #56 on: September 01, 2015, 06:48:11 AM » |
Cyberpunk JRPG Tight! I really like the recent posts about the game, it looks like it could be really interesting. The animations look really clean and I especially like the atmospheric ones like the lighting glitch and the rain. I agree with M4uesviecr and I'd love to know what the story is about. One simple thing I think could make your game pop even more and give it that extra polish is the color in your art direction. If you look at quintessential cyberpunk visual media you'll notice it is composed of a lot of dark shadowy blue tones with contrasting neon greeble (Here's an example from Blade Runner). Hopefully you've had a chance to check out The Last Night, their art contains this use of the grime with neon tech. I recently did a post for our game on how we generate our color pallets. Your neon sign made me think of this holographic dancer, I wonder if you could incorporate your glitch shader into street signs as well? We've been experimenting with plant shaders in Unity 5.0, but we are just now jumping into neon sign/glitch/digital shaders, yours looks really cool, keep it up!
« Reply #57 on: September 01, 2015, 07:47:03 AM » |
This looks excellent! Good luck with the development. Looking forward to seeing more. :-)
« Reply #58 on: September 01, 2015, 08:50:45 AM » |
Thanks for the questions!  Not sure if I'm digging too deep, but what's the story about? I played a p-n-c game recently that had a lot to do with hacking in (though it was mainly other people's minds). I REALLY enjoyed the concept/story, though, and am curious to see how it is going to work in the story of an rpg!
Cyberpunk JRPG Tight! I really like the recent posts about the game, it looks like it could be really interesting. The animations look really clean and I especially like the atmospheric ones like the lighting glitch and the rain. I agree with M4uesviecr and I'd love to know what the story is about.
I'm still working on the story (it's not my strong point but have some good help from friends). At the start of the game you are set up whilst on a job, it's then time to pull some jack moves, find out who the culprit was and get your revenge. One simple thing I think could make your game pop even more and give it that extra polish is the color in your art direction. If you look at quintessential cyberpunk visual media you'll notice it is composed of a lot of dark shadowy blue tones with contrasting neon greeble (Here's an example from Blade Runner). Hopefully you've had a chance to check out The Last Night, their art contains this use of the grime with neon tech. I recently did a post for our game on how we generate our color pallets. Your neon sign made me think of this holographic dancer, I wonder if you could incorporate your glitch shader into street signs as well? We've been experimenting with plant shaders in Unity 5.0, but we are just now jumping into neon sign/glitch/digital shaders, yours looks really cool, keep it up! I need to go back and redo a couple of those environments. There is a bunch of placeholder there, just to get something to run around in and be able to implement mechanics, I'm pretty happy with the "alley" though. Thanks for the tips with palettes, that's super helpful. As for glitching out the neon... I'm more into the 80's/analogue kind cyberpunk so kind of like the plain neon but it might be a cool effect to apply in other places  Looks pretty sick. Can you get party members in this game?
Nope, there's only the main character i'm afraid. This is mostly down to me trying to limit the scope in any way possible as it's only me working on the game. If I start adding more features like that I'd never finish it!! It's also a nice limitation to try and design around 
« Reply #59 on: September 06, 2015, 02:14:04 PM » |
Been working on a bunch of bits this weekend. First up, screeeeen shaaaaake! This makes battles feel way less stale. Refactoring the clunky deal-damage code was also a nice by product Started on a replacement for the office/lab tileset as it kinda sucked I also reworked how scrolling text for dialog boxes works, something that has been annoying me for months. Previously I just looped over the characters in the text, but this wouldn't wrap on to new lines nicely. You can see that here (on the "yeah sure keep it down though..." line): ...I realised that you could just use the rich text property of unity's text ui element, setting the full text to transparent and then incrementally setting the colour of each letter to the correct colour. This is a lot tidier. Next on the list is reworking how key-card doors work so I can get some nicer art and animation for the new lab environment.