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Author Topic: Balding's Quest: Latest Download (Update! M2 v.1.0.6)  (Read 157647 times)
« Reply #80 on: December 30, 2008, 08:48:35 AM »

hurrah Smiley

(and yeah, the fall animation does rather pass one by...)
Hayden Scott-Baron
Level 10

also known as 'Dock'

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« Reply #81 on: December 31, 2008, 04:01:50 AM »

How about an audio cue when he reaches 'terminal velocity' when falling? A little 'eep' or if he starts to go 'aaargh' in mid air, that would go some way towards helping to communicate it (come to think of it, this would be useful for Spelunky, and Manic Miner, and everything in between!)

Oh, and in terms of levels, I actually meant which levels should players try out to play first?

twitter: @docky
Senior Editor, Hero,
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Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #82 on: December 31, 2008, 05:56:44 PM »

Oh, hm...  The user-made levels are pretty sweet and beatable.  More platformer-oriented, though.  I'll include those in the next build.

As for the others... WarehouseExample and WarehouseExample2 are pretty good bets.

I'll add a sound for falling too far.  And some other cues in a bit, probably for the update after the next.

Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #83 on: January 03, 2009, 08:40:42 AM »

News:  I finished the update, but I gotta run out for now.  Should post it real, real soon.  I'd like it very much if folks would test it before it's published. Epileptic

Level 2

"Swedish meatballs"

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« Reply #84 on: January 03, 2009, 11:07:56 AM »

sounds awesome :D

One day I'll think about doing something to stop procrastinating.
Level 1

...and we are the Dreamers of Dreams.

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« Reply #85 on: January 04, 2009, 09:23:30 AM »

Looks nice, but on my computer the game crashes at the title screen, with a "division by zero" error.

Specifically, some intro text comes by, then a house appears with a little man who waves at me, then if I press Z (assumedly to start the game), the game crashes.

Level 1


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« Reply #86 on: January 04, 2009, 07:14:49 PM »

Aw man. I was all excited, because it loads up under Linux with Wine! Tears of Joy But I am seeing the same thing as Radiant... divide by zero just as I press a direction and Guy starts walking.

Somebody pwease fix!
Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #87 on: January 05, 2009, 05:21:40 AM »

That's really weird, cuz I think I fixed that yesterday, before seeing these posts! Wink

Warning: The game likely still won't run correctly on Linux.  But at least it won't crash straight off.

Level 1

...and we are the Dreamers of Dreams.

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« Reply #88 on: January 05, 2009, 09:38:45 AM »

That's really weird, cuz I think I fixed that yesterday, before seeing these posts! Wink

Sorry, I just downloaded it again and the problem still occurs. (0xc0000094) occured in the application at location 0x00471102.

Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #89 on: January 05, 2009, 12:56:53 PM »

Right, you downloaded the same version.  I haven't uploaded the updated build yet. Tongue

Senior Editor, Hero,
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Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #90 on: January 05, 2009, 11:07:30 PM »

Alright, kids.  My Christmas/Birthday break is OVER. Hand Metal Right

- The most important objects (so far) have been generalized:
Box, Switch, Door, Laser, Lift, and Thwomp (a new object!)
- Guy can now swim, dive, wall slide, look up, and teeter on edges
(Being the youngest abilities, these still need tweaking)
- In the Editor, you can now set a Start Value for objects
(This allows for certain settings to be made without making a new script)
- Xion's new tileset and level have been included
(I also did music for this new theme!)
- Various tweaks, improvements, and bug fixes have been made
- Some tiles, effects, sounds, and script functions have been added
- Other stuff I can't remember

This is the version I'm going to front page, so please give me any and all feedback you can! Grin

Radiant, Madgarden:  Hopefully this fixes that bug.  If it doesn't, tell me ASAP, please!
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 11:55:10 PM by BMcC » Logged

Level 10

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« Reply #91 on: January 05, 2009, 11:31:24 PM »

bug: in spacegarden01 I was climbing the left ladder. The horizontally moving platform blocked my progress and along came the guillotine to off me, but rather than killing me I was teleported farther up the ladder. It's easy to replicate.

   <MegabitMonday>   it happened after I beat the freshtest level
   and it sent me back to the main area
   and I went over to load another level
   and halfway there the crash happened
   I was just running along in the main menu area
   and it was all like
   "error, bitch"
   that stupid windows thing that was all like "send error report or no" popped up

Yes I told you already but posting it here for record-keeping or whatever.

Also, I abso-freaking-lutely love the swimming!!! It feels sooo gooood. Awesome splash.

Teetering: I don't like the animation for that. And also, when you're teetering on an edge and a moving platform comes along beneath you and lifts you up, the animation continues, even though it cannot be triggered while already on a moving platform.

Will post more as things I find.

Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #92 on: January 05, 2009, 11:45:19 PM »

Yes yes, I'm aware of the teetering thing.  And the collision thing.  (Unfortunately, I can't do much about the collision thing 'til the code's refactored...)

Kyle did the splashy splash, btw.  Smiley

As for the CRASH, shit, man, I dunno.  I fixed this bogus bug which killed all crashes on my machine, but I noticed something weird as a result (presumably).  I think it has something to do with the effects being loaded.  I'll try and squash it, but it might be yet another thing that will go in my Fix While Refactoring list.

Tanks for the input, bro. Hand Thumbs Up Right

EDIT: Seems that most of the problems are me not updating map files properly.  The Start Value property is to blame.  (And some new object names.)  Will fix right away!
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 11:54:14 PM by BMcC » Logged

Powergloved Andy
« Reply #93 on: January 06, 2009, 12:19:30 AM »

Ok, this is my official statement on the subject of Balding's Quest.

I admit I haven't checked out Balding's Quest until probably a half hour ago, and I probably wouldn't have even checked it out then if McCartin didn't say “no excuses.” to my replying that I was lazy. I had no knowledge of the history of this project, and not even an idea of what it was when I first started it up. So, I'm the prime candidate to give a good valid opinion of this game, if that's what you even classify it as... I would tend to use the term “magical-fun-map-editing experience program-mah-jig.” And I'll tell you why.

First of all, when I first started playing the maps that were included I first selected Boboland. It's very important that you remember that I had never EVER played this before in my life. Anyway, over on the right side of the screen there is a long drop with an electric beacon that shoots lightning down to the ground, and you have to jump in between little crevices to save yourself... And I did this flawlessly on my first time... Because the controls are so freaking solid. So much so that I am really contemplating traveling to everyone who had a hand in this project's house and kissing them, and breaking down and crying.

The one thing you see in a lot of games these days, or since the dawn of gaming, is sloppy controls, and it's my biggest pet peeve.

Also, any game that includes the player in map making, custom level making, anything making anything that contributes to the game is automatically win. Specially, when it's such a simple and easy to use system like Balding's Quest has.

You know, I love the style of the game too. Loading the maps and playing through them collecting gems and such just reminds me of the old arcade DOS games I used to play as a kid, like Jetpac. It would be nice to have a different way to load maps, but that's just pretty knit-picky. Sure this game has a few flaws but they are not too noticeable and just need a spit-shine which in this thread has stated that it's going to be getting in the near future. Also, within the first 10 mins I became attached to Guy, he's such a cute bald guy! He doesn't even seem to let his baldy-ness affect his self-confidence, and he doesn't seem like that creepy history teacher I had when I was in junior high school.

It's just an overall great game magical-fun-map-editing experience program-mah-jig.

A+ and thanks to everybody who contributed to this project!  Beer! I really love it.
Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #94 on: January 06, 2009, 12:27:15 AM »

Holy wow. Shocked

Thank you, that's very kind!  And yes, things will only get (much) better from this point, controls included. Wink

At the moment, there's also a quick-load Map List you hit F5 to access.  It's easier, but in the final game there's going to be a non-linear branching map screen and exciting things like that.  (You can find info on this if you dig around the old threads.  The basic concept is also described in Arne's original doc.)

ALSO, I think I've fixed all the problems you IRC folks have found so far...  unless that bizarre crash persists.

Thanks for the kind words.  Makes me a bit less worried about posting this thing! Epileptic

Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #95 on: January 06, 2009, 12:43:24 AM »

Build updated at the same link.

Should be less crashy now? Shrug

Level 2

"Swedish meatballs"

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« Reply #96 on: January 06, 2009, 03:45:15 AM »

And with added win.

Nice one, there's an absolute stack of updates there, i cant wait to get home and play this sucker!

One day I'll think about doing something to stop procrastinating.
Lord Tim
Level 1

Overclocked to 20 MHz

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« Reply #97 on: January 06, 2009, 07:23:41 AM »

Found a bug with the platforms. To reproduce it, you have to jump off the side moving platform in SpaceGarden right when it pauses on one side. What happens is that Guy will teleport back to the center of the platform. Makes it kind of hard to jump off once the platform gets to the end of it's path. Also, the side moving platform reverse direction when it hits Guy. I would think it should at least push him or something.
Level 10

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« Reply #98 on: January 06, 2009, 12:02:39 PM »

Great work BMcC! I really enjoyed this, especially the swimming. It was fun with the underwater thing where you have to guess where he is, I think it symbolizes the disorientation of diving very well Wink

You say I can contribute, but I don't really get how? Where do you need people?
Senior Editor, Hero,
Level 10

Bee Mixsy

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« Reply #99 on: January 06, 2009, 03:08:08 PM »

Lord Tim:  I made a note of this in the instructions file -- The platform stuff is hacked in at the moment.  After I refactor the code and organize the flag system it'll work fine.

JLJac: Aaah, are you serious?  Read the Development thread -- There's an entire game that needs to be made!  Every aspect needs content, levels need to be made, objects need to be added... Shocked

Thanks for the feedback, guys. Smiley

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