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LATEST BUILD (M2 v.1.0.6): Download here!Read BASIC INSTRUCTIONS.txt! It has (nearly) all the answers.
Balding's Quest: The Quest of Guy Balding is a retro-inspired single-screen platform game which cleverly exploits modern game development techniques.
It is a community project open to anyone and everyone. It features a complete toolset and every element of the game is external and editable. Every contribution is appreciated, from simple feedback to graphics, sound, enemies, or maps!
NOTE: The Milestone Two Build is merely a demonstration of the engine.This next leg of development will be about filling in the "actual" game.
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Join in! You can help make this a great game.How do you join? Just do it! (Like Nike.)
Head on over to the
Milestone 3 Development thread and start contributing.
What's new in Milestone Two?- Every asset and all the logic in the game is fully external and editable
- (In fact, the game itself is fully removed from the engine. You could make nearly any game with this engine as-is.)
- Dev Editor, Tileset Grabber, Animation Editor (made with the game's tools!), and Lua Scripts for all objects
- Particle/Effects system, Sound/Music systems
- Physics, Collisions, and Input systems
- "Attacks" system
- State Machines, Keys/Switches
- Animation system, Animated Tiles, Rotation, etc.
- MOVING PLATFORM support for all objects (!)
- File access, Saving/Loading/Modifying files
- Abstraction and generalization for objects
- Many Tilesets and sprites have been imported
- The gameplay has been refined and expanded -- Guy has many new exciting abilities!
- Bug free (AFAIK)
- Screen Shake!
- Other stuff, which I will add to this list later
Scroll down for more answers...- - -
What is BQ, anyway?BQ is
Balding's Quest: The Quest of Guy Balding, a TIGSource Community Project based on a design concept for a single-screen platform game by Niklas "Arne" Jansson. For an introduction to and rules for this project, go
here. (Where it all began!) It stars a little bald guy named Guy Balding.
Long ago, when BQ was active, it was the largest and fastest moving thread in this forum (and possibly ever, anywhere). I'd like to restore it to its former glory. If
we all work together we can make a huge and wonderful game!
What is Milestone 2? Is this a full game?Milestone 2 is the second leg of development for BQ. (You can find the original M2 development thread
here.) Basically, Milestone 1 was just a test for the platforming code, but Milestone 2 is feature-complete game engine, fully external and editable, with dev tools and everything in place to begin work on the actual game.
NOTE: Milestone 2 is merely a demonstration of the game engine -- practically no gameplay has been put in place. And the tools, while completely functional, are not so user-friendly yet!What's next?Milestone 3, natch! The M3 Build will include a much improved engine, set of tools, and scripting language, established gameplay, and a lot more content in the Reservoir for people to work with. (After that, it'll be down to pulling together the actual, complete game.) You can find the Milestone 3 Development thread
here. Join in!
What took so long? Why did this project disappear?It didn't
actually take this long and project never
actually ended. There were a lot of contributing factors (working on Aquaria, trying to stay alive in Baltimore, battling mental illness), but the important thing is: my hiatus is over and BQ is back.
How was BQ made?BQ was coded from scratch in C/C++, using Allegro for input & blitting, FMOD for sound, and Lua for the scripting language. Almost forgot: I used spellcaster's code for the transitions!
OSX? Linux?Yes, eventually! I just got a Mac, so...
Should I read BASIC INSTRUCTIONS.txt?Why, yes, actually!