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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsChain Of Heroes [Action RPG] [Snake] [Browser Game]
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Author Topic: Chain Of Heroes [Action RPG] [Snake] [Browser Game]  (Read 11443 times)
Level 0

Terrance the Flying Eyeball is complete!

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« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2014, 03:38:40 PM »

30 heroes looks majestic

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Level 0

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« Reply #61 on: September 06, 2014, 11:09:26 PM »

Man, this is a great concept! Love the idea of taking Snake and adding onto it.

@nick_joebgen<br />@bearfootgames
Level 2

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« Reply #62 on: September 12, 2014, 08:43:39 AM »

@krylorz: Thanks for the kind words, I hope it's fun  Hand Thumbs Up Right

@AidenBainsGames: Yeah it looks pretty cool.  You'll mow down everyone Smiley

My life is super busy right now, but I'm still making time to work on this a little bit every day.  Here are some new features:

1. I made a new kind of weapon rarity: Legendary weapons.  There's only one legendary weapon so far, the Heal weapon.  I think you'd almost always want to equip this and people always complain the game is too easy, so hopefully this will make things a little more challenging.

2. Now when you're in the equip dialogs, the borders are color coded according to the weapon's rarity. 

The grey borders are common weapons, the purple are rare weapons and the orange are legendary weapons.

3. I fixed a bug where the weapon sell buttons always said "$1" even when they were worth more.  It was a label issue.

4. I removed the Freeze Ring as a drop and now Psychic Force freezes enemies for 3/4ths of a second when it hits them.

5. After level 5, the bosses get more HP.

Level 2

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« Reply #63 on: September 28, 2014, 10:03:37 AM »

I haven't written for a while.  I've been having some very distracting life events:  I quit my day job without having a follow up in mind and I'm currently looking for consulting work (I've never worked as a consultant before, so that's extra stressful) and I've just moved to a new city.  I'm currently still working from home at my old job, but I'll be leaving it soon.

Anyway, I haven't been able to work on my game that often, and I am concerned that I'll have to quit because it's so much more important to have an income.  Getting my first client will probably be a full time job, and I already have a full time job.  It's extra difficult to find time to work on my game right now.

That said, here's what I've done:

1. I fixed a minor bug where if a label has multiple lines, it wouldn't be centered.

2. There's a new kind of drop that temporarily increases your attack rate.  

Here's how it looks as a drop:

Here's what it does in action:

Basically it makes you shoot twice as often.  Maybe the effect is too subtle and needs to be 3x?

3. Of course, the effect this has is upgradeable.  You can upgrade how many heroes it effects and how long it lasts:

I think the next thing I'll work on is an interactive tutorial.  

Level 8


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« Reply #64 on: September 28, 2014, 02:41:14 PM »

For the last few weeks I gave some thought to your problem of dying by running into your own body (snake logic). While I think that mechanic makes sense in snake, it was never intuitive to begin with, and makes less sense in your game due to it's added complexity and theme. My take would be to make the leader automatically turn if faced with an obstacle. This makes the game more accessible/casual. You still need a solution if you run into a dead end. To mitigate the problem, dead ends could be anticipated by the AI and the decision to automatically turn right-left could be influenced. Perhaps you do die if you run into a dead end.

That said, I don't remember how you are currently handling the situation, so I apologize if your current solution is working well. At the moment I don't have time to work back through the thread.

One more note, an AI that steers would shift the focus of the challenge and that would need to be balanced out with enemies and pickups. Perhaps the leader takes a bit of damage each time he bumps into an obstacle, that way its still casual but the player is eased into the idea he's not supposed to bump things.

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