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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsSoul Searching: A game about sailing to sea
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Author Topic: Soul Searching: A game about sailing to sea  (Read 3842 times)
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Pudding Eater

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« on: July 12, 2014, 08:23:55 AM »

Narrative survival game about sailing away from your homeland

UPDATE: The game is out now on Steam, Humble and itch.io
Official Site


I'm Talha Kaya. Together with Tarık Kaya, we are Kayabros, a game developer from Turkey.

I'm making a game called Soul Searching. The player will try to survive on the sea. It's a top-down survival game with resource management.

Story: There is a village in the game, that has a tradition of teenagers sailing to sea to become more respectable and grown up. The legends tell about the souls on the sea, giving wisdom to poor minds. Nobody really knows if these creatures are real, but they believe in them, and built a whole tradition onto that. If a person decides to go on soul searching, he/she sails away from the village. Most of the soul searchers come back a few days after sailing, because survival is hard on sea. Some searchers never come back, so they are assumed dead, but some believe they found a new place to live. They talk about a distant land full of souls on far west. If you find that place, you will be a hero with songs written for you.

You decide to go on soul searching, and your adventure begins.

You can use oars of your small boat to direct the boat. You can fish, and eat the fish you catch. If you find an island you can gather fruits and get water. There are day-night transitions. You have to sleep to gather energy to survive. You have to drink water, you have to eat fish and fruits.

You can talk to village people, and try to be more informed about the dangers awaiting on the sea, to get a better chance of survival on the sea. There will be mysteries evolving around the souls on the sea. It's up to you to find out about distant lands and souls.

I'll update this post with new stuff and when a demo is available.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 10:48:56 PM by talhakaya » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2014, 10:57:50 AM »

Story sounds interesting. Did player's character just decided to go to the sea, or is he engaged in this coming of age ritual? Will be following this project.

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Pudding Eater

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« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2014, 11:21:42 AM »

Thanks! As you said, the main character is engaged in coming of age ritual. This is not a mandatory ritual, not every teen has to do it. But the ones that do it become wiser and more respectable.

At the start of the game we say goodbye to our parents and the other village people. For the village people this is a celebration party, because someone has chosen to go on soul searching.
Level 2

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« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2014, 02:11:31 PM »

sounds like a neat little idea. will keep an eye on progress  Smiley
Level 0

Pudding Eater

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« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2014, 12:55:11 AM »

Day and night transition: https://vine.co/v/OB9q1ea3gnO

I should update you about what's going on with this game these days. It's actually pretty exciting days for the project. Today I held playtest sessions with a few friends, and all feedback was positive. The playtesters (who are game devs themselves) really believed in the project and said I should keep working hard on it and it might turn out to be great.

The current build just lets you try to survive on the sea with a very limited skill set: fishing, controlling the boat, swimming, sleeping, eating, drinking. And if you come across islands, you can gather fruits from them, and refresh your water supply. That's it. The good news is, game is fun even in this state, which is the first time something like this happens to me. The concept of "trying to survive on a vast sea" already works, and fires up the player's imagination. The project being fun at this state is the biggest reason for me to think seriously about this project as a potential "big scope" game I want to make, while I want to keep the story and the main theme I'm going for in the game as best as I can. I don't want to lose the "soul" of "Soul Searching".

This project is actually very easy to add stuff in, which is kinda scary. It's an infinite content beast. I could easily decide to add things like hunting, character creation, economy, items, boat upgrades, cruise members like in FTL, etc. All these would help the game in some way or another, but I have to be very careful because the scope is getting bigger exponentially!

Also, I've got some comment on the game's look from a professional artist, and it made me think that I might work with an artist on this project. Even though I like this look of the game, it was just something I did out of hurry and impatience. It was a way for me to optimize the development length of the game. But now the project actually seems like it could mount up to something, I started thinking about the other possibilities.

So after the playtesting, I'm left with very useful ideas for making the game more interesting. It's the luxury of playtesting with game designers. They come up with stuff you can't. I believe already that some of these ideas are essential for the game to work better (like adding a binocular to the boat to look for islands). Some of them are stuff that makes the scope bigger and the game deeper, but are not essential.

If I team up with an artist, I'd want the artist to also be a game designer like myself, making conscious decisions about the game together. Right now I've got a good candidate for that, but time will tell what will happen.

I've never had a project before that playtesting was so essential. This is why I might think about releasing it as an Early Access title maybe? I'm really hesitant on Early Access because I'm not a big fan of it myself as a player. I'll probably just playtest a lot, maybe have a demo version that I'd get playtest results from until the game releases.

Oh, local coop! Should I add that? Maybe I should add that! See how these big ideas that'd take months just come and try to make the scope bigger? Uh, local coop would be so good. Okay, this game will release on 2020 and have the longest devlog in history.

Thanks for reading! Keep soul searching!
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« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2014, 09:34:22 AM »

Really loving the vibe and look, the concept seems promising. The current look just needs a bit of touching up and will work brilliant. I sent you an email about playtesting (and some extra stuff), would love to try the game out. 

I personally wouldn't go crazy with scope or new features just yet, the current core sounds fun and there is probablly a lot of things it allows you to explore in design without adding extra mechanics. I do want to see more of the "soul" in this as well.

Keep at this, want to start my soul search soon.

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Pudding Eater

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« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2015, 10:15:44 AM »

In this update I’ll be talking about the game design and unintuitive interaction problems that I’ve been facing on Soul Searching.

I’ve been letting people around me know that Soul Searching is my main project now. We had to freeze Orphan, because Alper’s (the artist of Orphan) personal life got in the way. Also, Orphan will be changing its name, because there’s another game with the name Orphan, sadly. I liked that name, but oh well, we’ll come up with something better. Soul Searching is a one-man project for now, with me doing all the code and graphics and music etc. Being the only person to be making this game means I can try new things quickly. So it’s a very dynamic and fast game development experience, which also boosts my motivation. Minimum amount of real life dependencies might just be the thing that this project needs, at least for now.

I’m kind of in a state where I keep thinking about the game design problems I have, and the gameplay problems, the unintuitiveness of the current build. probably for the best. I don’t think I can really get into a PR mood, where I tell people how awesome my game is, because my game is not awesome at all right now. But there’s lots of potential for it to be awesome in the future.

I’m doing a lot of testing and seeing a lot of raw parts that need to be better. I even kinda get into an apologetic state, telling the player “Sorry about that, I noted that down, I’ll try to fix that.” etc.

I’ve been to Nordic Game Jam last weekend. It was a lot of fun. Very tiring (sleeping on the floor kind of tiring), but fun. There were lots of people, and I made some Polish friends! With the hopes that showing some people the current state of Soul Searching, I prepared a build in a week before coming to Copenhagen, selecting the features I want to test. So, new features/changes:

A map that you can see the locations of the islands

Binoculars to see if there’s any island around quickly, since the map only gives a general impression of where you are compared to the island.

Random placement of islands.

Changed the way to catch fish (now you can aim where you want to throw rod).

UI alerts (“Hey you haven’t been eating anything, you’re gonna die soon, dumbass”)

Added music to the game. The soundtrack is just demo recordings for now, but some people really enjoy it even in this state! (Put the current theme song above).

A mechanical engine thingy that makes the boat accelerate. Before, I only had two rows that rotate the boat, so you couldn’t really go straight in a faster fashion.

Rewrote the interaction system, so it’s now more systematized and let’s me adding new interact objects fastly. This will save me from a lot of input bugs that I’d have later on.

I refactored how the game handles input, so now I have a safe ground for adding co-op mode to the way. Currently the game supports these input devices:
Keyboard + mouse
Keyboard only
Mouse only
I’ll be adding gamepad support soon, because that’s easy thanks to Unity.

Good news, people really like the game!

It’s was a joy to see people enjoying being on the sea, playing around with gadgets, and having a good time. So I believe that there is a good foundation. But the thing is, the playtesters were all game designers or developers of some kind. So, when they were playing the game, what they liked about it is the potential of the game. Maybe there’ll be a great world to explore, people to meet. New boats, new gadgets, better visuals and what-not. But it gives me confidence that with enough work and patience, I might be able to make this a great game. This is not a feeling that I had before all that much. The most similar feeling I remember is when I released the trailer of Ode to Pixel Days, some people were pretty excited by it.

The hardest part for me making this game is the game design. This is the most game-y game that I’ve done. My older games were more like telling a story in a short and to-the-point fashion. So this project is pretty challenging, but I’ve got lots of smart people around me to help with the problems. Let me tell you some of the decisions I made for Soul Searching:

If it’s an object that you need to use in real life, you should go to that object and interact with it, instead of pressing a button to summon that object.

So, the game has a map. Games generally have a map button that just pops up the map. But I prefer having a map object that you can go to and interact with. There are some reasons for this. 1) Having a simple control scheme, getting rid of unnecessary UI elements, and button prompts. 2) Having a more natural feeling game experience. I believe that when the player thinks about looking at the map, instead of a button press, going to the map and interacting with it is a more immersive experience. 3) For the map example, I don’t want the player to know where they are in the world at any given moment. A possible problem that this decision might cause is, if there are a lot of objects around, the player might be overwhelmed with the amount of running around they need to do, and might find this approach impractical. And for the map example, people might find it frustrating they can’t look at the map at any given moment, they might get lost.

Imperfect map.

I don’t want the map in this game to decrease the joy of exploration. I’ve seen in previous testing, how much excitement it gives to bump into an island blindly. I want to keep that. In the current build, the map is very crappy, so it wouldn’t be very clear where you actually stand. That’s not a good approach, and was just something that’s done because I was in a hurry. I want the map to be clear about where you are/might be. But it’s for sure that the map won’t include every island in the world. The small islands that gives the player fruit and clean water won’t be in the map. City islands will be in the map, but you’ll be also searching for cities far away that your hometown people didn’t know of, so they couldn’t have a map of those cities. You’ll be unlocking the map slowly, maybe buying some map pieces on islands or drawing the map yourself. I believe that this will give it a better experience of exploring an ocean.

Problems of the current build:

Oh my god there are so many things on this small boat.

Since there is only one kind of a boat in this game, with no changeable gadgets, and I want to test all the gadgets that I’ve done, the boat got crowded and overwhelming. I’ve seen people interacting with two objects at once, because there’s the gadgets are too close to each other. The solution for this is to unlock some gadgets later on in the game, and be able or even forced to buy a bigger boat when you have too many gadgets.

Slowwww gameplay.
I’ve seen players interacting with only one gadget for a long time, because there are not many things they have to do on the boat. I need to break this cycle, because there’s no fun in pressing space for a minute straight. As a first step, I’ll make the boat faster, and maybe the islands closer to each other. The game is not balanced at all right now, so I can take steps easily to balance with other stuff later on.

No real challenges yet.
I wanted this build to be a more relaxing experience, with some sombre music and an enjoyable ocean. No players starved to death, or run out of clean water. One player fell asleep while swimming and then drowned, that was funny. But my goal for this game is to create both a relaxing world and challenging/strategic gameplay.

Crappy UI
I already knew that the current UI needs to be remade, and the tests also confirmed it. Need to get rid of all the bars that are not absolutely necessary, or make them appear so they don’t mix with more important bars like hunger and thirst bar.

Lots of stuff to do, so much time until the game will be completed. Let’s work.
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Pudding Eater

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« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2015, 11:59:34 AM »

Video update! Sorry my voice is low, will do better next time.
Also I don't know how to embed videos on this forum :/

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Pudding Eater

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« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2015, 12:52:28 AM »

You can check out some of the progress on this game here. Lots of story bits, some music, islands, character customization, and a bit more.

Still don't know how to embed videos, heh.
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Pudding Eater

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« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2015, 11:48:36 AM »

Last Saturday I attended a nice event for testing Soul Searching and hanging out with friends. Some Vine highlights:


It was fun! I have some photos on my blog. Now I want to talk about what the demo session told about the current state of Soul Searching.

The general reaction to the game was very positive, people liked how the game looks, how it sounds, how it feels. Most people ended up saying that this game is something they’d end up playing for a long time. A common comment was that this game looked like it offered “a world to get lost in and explore”. That’s the good part.

Now more relevant info comes from the negative feedback I’ve got and the bugs I witnessed while people other than myself were playing the game. People are still having trouble controlling the boat. With the wonky control scheme that I’ve got from day one, going between oars to use them, everything being an item that you should go to and interact with, some people hate that. I’ve had my doubts from day one, but I feel like that’s such a big part of the game. And I’d have to change so much to get rid of this system. And I still think it’s kind of cool, because it’s easy to understand. Just go around and interact with things, it’s easy to get into. So I think I’ll keep it. This decision might be the horrible mistake that end up ruining the game in its final form! We’ll see.

Also, bugs… Ah, there are plenty of them. The boat kept crashing with some weird physics bug. I’ve had trouble with physics/game logic all the time in development of this game. I’ve “fixed” some bugs more than 5 times. I guess I just have to get better at it, fix things more thoroughly.

I also have this feeling that some life situations might interrupt Soul Searching terribly in 6 months, so I feel like now is a good time to get into the “finish it up” mood, where I work hard and obsessively to finish the game, but there are quite a lot of work to do. I’ll do my best and hope for the best.
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Pudding Eater

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« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2016, 02:30:56 PM »

Soul Searching Alpha Trailer is up!

Soul Searching is a narrative survival game about sailing on sea on a small boat. You can learn about stories of people living on small islands, discover dragons, customize your boat with things like fishing rods, ladders, buy new boats, catch fish, find ghosts, cast magic spells, and more.

Soul Searching is being developed for PC, and is aimed to be released in 2017.

Changes since last update:

A lot! It’s been a very long while since last update. I went to Berlin to show the game at game event A Maze. It went well and further motivated me to work on finishing the game. Since then, I worked on every story bit and some new mechanics. I’ve been testing the game with people around me, I’ve got some great feedback. Feedback helped me work on the bad parts of the game. The game is fully playable, with everything in place. Currently the beginning and the ending of the game are pretty solid. The middle parts could use some more polish, which is what I’m going to be working on. I hope you enjoy the trailer, I’ve worked hard on it! Thanks for your support.

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« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2016, 03:06:51 PM »

The game looks excellent! Definitely interested. Following!
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Pudding Eater

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« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2016, 01:02:23 PM »

Hey guys, Soul Searching is on STEAM GREENLIGHT! Please help us out by voting and sharing.

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Pudding Eater

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« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2017, 10:49:49 PM »

The game is out now on Steam, Humble and itch.io
Official Site
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