« on: October 24, 2014, 02:47:19 PM » |
- First Alpha released: only for Windows sorry!) In the itchio game page you will find all the info about controls, how to play and the enough to start playing. The alpha includes the first Inca zone, the Arkanoid based level and one challenge/puzzle. .GifsFirst Inca Zone - Guide
Tigsource Devlog: - Keyboard Controls feeling/player movement? - How is playing with the Gamepad? (Supports Xbox360 controllers)(Remember press 1=activate) - Have you finished the inca zone? In case of not, Where you stucked? - Have you finished the Arkanoid based level? What medal had you achieved? - Difficult score from 1 to 10? - Fun score from 1 to 10? - What's the most fun and the most annoying/frustrating thing in the game? - Any Error/bugs you found - Anything you want to say about the game. Note: I know the first Inca zone can be hard for new users but is made to show the max things/mechanics possible done in the game. I have in mind do one earlier more basic with the enough to learn the basics as a first contact. Ok, well, this is all, let the BugStorm begins!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 01:25:56 AM by matriax »
Level 1
Out of the sky, into the dirt.
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 04:55:49 PM » |
- Keyboard Controls feeling/player movement? The movement is really glitchy. If you hold down while you fall, you go slower. It feels strange that I cant duck in place. I have to walk. You can shoot up and walk at the same time and the shoots go up without the character aiming up. The pink shoot is completely buggy. If you shoot on air, than flip direction, and continue shooting, shoot starts to give a boost up. If you do the same glitch above, sometimes you can hitch a hide on the pink shoot and go really fast (thats in fact really cool to do). If you go to and edge slowly, you can fall without falling, the character gets stuck in the edge, and you cant even fall. - How is playing with the Gamepad? mine didnt work - Have you finished the Arkanoid based level? What medal had you achieved? ehhe no. But I'm finding it fun. Just needs to correct the movement. - Difficult score from 1 to 10? ah, 8 - Fun score from 1 to 10? 8 XD ? - What's the most fun and the most annoying/frustrating thing in the game? most fun - fast and furious most frustrating - controls - Any Error/bugs you found hehe already mentioned - Anything you want to say about the game. my ears almost exploded when I opened the game. I used to but I don't maximize sound anymore, I let it in 70%, so people don't have to adjust themselves most of the time. why so much megaman reference...? From the very icon to the name... Also zelda reference. I don't thing thats a good idea at all. Its not needed. Even if you based your game on these, I think you should change these references until the references are no longe noticiable.
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 08:22:39 PM » |
Thanks for the Feedback!! :DThe idea to press "down" and go slower is toglide the character, like a bird,etc... but i guess i will remove it i guess if not looks well. Yes you can shoot up and the player is not aiming up, still i not solved this, i don't know where is the bug but i will find it! The pink shoot (Arrows) are corrected now! now there is no boos-up. Now the player starts fallig more down in the arkanoid level to avoid this situations to walk above bricks The gamepad actually only works on XBOX360 controlers, i guess i need to clarify that in the post. Also remember that to activate gamepad you need to press 1, and 0 to deactivate and return to keyboard(in the itchio is explained). Also you need to conect the controler before the game starts. But well, i think is because only Xbox360 is supported ¿What yours?. Agree with the sound i was added a progresive volume from 0 to start to up at 100 i leave the default volume so high. I put to 25% of the older version and seems is good now. About the references the game is made to see all this things. The main is the megaman reference and i added other like zelda, arkanoid, lechuck, purple tentacle and a lot of things like that because this is the idea.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 08:27:59 PM by matriax »
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2014, 11:54:33 PM » |
I found the main menu a bit strange. I wasn't sure which option was the "main" game. I'd also strongly recommend making the platform move up at the start, rather than down. As it is, "Start" is the last option it gets to.
Trying the first challenge level, I got stuck almost right away. Pressing Down didn't make me glide. It just made me fall into the spikes more quickly.
The portals were a little annoying because you can't re-enter one unless you move away from it first.
It might be a good idea to stop the character's sprite from resetting until half a second after the player stops shooting upward.
When I realized that "History" (which I thought would be a list of achievements or something, not a game mode) was the actual game, I found it pretty good. I liked the combat and loved the graphics. The way the death animation/screen works is pretty cool too.
I didn't like the areas where you're killed by surprise or by dropping into an area you can't see. That's just annoying, even with a save point right before. Not being able to shoot down makes it so much more annoying.
The jetpack is a little crazy. It seems like it should have a maximum speed.
If I hold Down while jumping, it does strange things.
Is there any point to crawling?
The jetpack is weird. Is there a reason I can't press Up+Left/Right to use it? I realize I don't have to press Up, but it seemed weird that it stopped the jetpack from working.
I gave up on the first level of "History". The pit at the far end killed me so many times because there's an enemy in the way and I can't shoot downward. If I try to quickly fall past, I just get stuck on the walls or the rope because the pit is so skinny. It seems like it would be a fun game because I like how it feels to play, but I was sick of dealing with that spot while feeling completely unequipped to fight enemies that are below me. Maybe there's some sort of special move that I don't know about? I must've died there about 20 times. No matter if I tried to lure the enemy to one side and then hit it from the other, or squeeze past it, or whatever. I imagine it would be possible if I had more fuel, but I didn't and resetting just sent me back to the save point (I feel like death should send me to a checkpoint but maybe manual resets should restart the level).
On a related note, it was strange that chests and items I'd already gotten before the checkpoint respawned when I did.
I liked the music.
Is there any way to quit back to the menu once you're in a level?
I went back and tried the level with the gamepad. It's weird that it doesn't use analog control (ie. slower movement if I don't push the stuck as much) but it worked fine. I did notice that the jetpack was really unreliable, though. One time, I flew across the bridge and still ended up with the same amount of fuel I'd had before. The next time, my fuel didn't even get me past the second enemy.
Anyway, if I could get farther and could actually deal with enemies coming from below, I think I'd really enjoy this game.
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2014, 01:05:37 AM » |
Thanks QuickSand for the Feedback!! You no need to wait the elevator up, if you press down the player go to the water and appears up, iquial for sides. So you can go to star in less quickly. You can enter in each option in less than 1sec but yes, you need to know how! a bit tricky . You right with the portals, i guess how to solve, will be available in the next update if so. The Down button in the air simply makes you not get inertia but you still falls down. So you can "plane a bit" to get some points. About the reset other people like how is now, start most fast as possible. Depending in all the feedback i will decide if respawn like now i add some pause. Shoot down not is possible becasue the Down buttons is used to slide. The Jetpack maximun speed was 200, i reduced to 120 (You can download again to test it) Yes if you jump and suddenly press down the character goes down. Imagine you are jumping and a bullet is coming and you cant do nothing. Pressing down the character crouch go to the floor to avoid it. Yes there is a point on you need crawling see the video of the Inca SOlution ZOne of the first post: First Inca Zone - Guide To use the Jetpack you only need to press "Z" jump when you are in the air and you have fuel of course. Holding Z you can move right or left without problems. The las pit you need to go down fast, go to left and when the enemy aproach shoot it, I don't know what are you doing . See the video as you see is easy but well i guess for first try can be tricky. Presing M you go to Menu. Again thanks for the feedback!
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2014, 01:19:30 AM » |
The las pit you need to go down fast, go to left and when the enemy aproach shoot it, I don't know what are you doing . See the video as you see is easy but well i guess for first try can be tricky. I checked the video and went "Ohhhhhh". It wasn't clear that I could climb the rope, so I was always stuck down there with no room to maneuver. That's the only problem I had. Trying to fight that enemy without any room to move was incredibly hard.
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2014, 01:23:36 AM » |
The las pit you need to go down fast, go to left and when the enemy aproach shoot it, I don't know what are you doing . See the video as you see is easy but well i guess for first try can be tricky. I checked the video and went "Ohhhhhh". It wasn't clear that I could climb the rope, so I was always stuck down there with no room to maneuver. That's the only problem I had. Trying to fight that enemy without any room to move was incredibly hard. As i said a "Guide-tutorial-howToPlay-level" will be available before the first to know all this things and how to use it, but there is a video that at the moment explain well how to solve all the things .
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2014, 01:28:19 AM » |
As i said a "Guide-tutorial-howToPlay-level" will be available before the first to know all this things and how to use it, but there is a video that at the moment explain well how to solve all the things . All right, but a good game should generally explain things naturally through gameplay without absolutely needing a tutorial. For example, if the only way to reach the jetpack fuel was by climbing a rope, that might be enough to teach player they're climbable. Anyway, I edited my comment but you'd already responded and probably didn't see it so I'm pasting here instead: The climbing feels really buggy, though. I hate that I just fall if I'm not holding Up, but if I do hold it then I vibrate at the top of the ladder/rope. Also, I just dove sideways while trying to climb up away from that eye, as if I'd wall-jumped instead (another thing that seems very inconsistent and only works once out of every thirty times I try it).
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2014, 01:37:25 AM » |
As i said a "Guide-tutorial-howToPlay-level" will be available before the first to know all this things and how to use it, but there is a video that at the moment explain well how to solve all the things . All right, but a good game should generally explain things naturally through gameplay without absolutely needing a tutorial. For example, if the only way to reach the jetpack fuel was by climbing a rope, that might be enough to teach player they're climbable. Anyway, I edited my comment but you'd already responded and probably didn't see it so I'm pasting here instead: The climbing feels really buggy, though. I hate that I just fall if I'm not holding Up, but if I do hold it then I vibrate at the top of the ladder/rope. Also, I just dove sideways while trying to climb up away from that eye, as if I'd wall-jumped instead (another thing that seems very inconsistent and only works once out of every thirty times I try it). Yes, if you not press UP you go down. IF not i see very strange things so i do that in this way at the moment, and yes i know the "vibration", when you are in the top you need to jump but will be better if when you are in the top the player stops, i will try to solve in some way to be more easy. The wall jumping works when you are in the air, near of a wall and press jump. But as you said sometimes when you are in the rope, if you are near and press jump the player wall-jump to the other side when really you simply want scale the rope to get the top of the wall
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2014, 02:20:32 AM » |
Yes, if you not press UP you go down. IF not i see very strange things so i do that in this way at the moment, and yes i know the "vibration", when you are in the top you need to jump but will be better if when you are in the top the player stops, i will try to solve in some way to be more easy.
One other weird thing is that pressing Up while on the ground doesn't make you climb a ladder/rope. That makes it far less likely that a player will figure things out on their own. I'm pretty sure I tried pressing Up at some point, but since it doesn't work I probably just determined that ropes were background decor. Anyway, I finished that level. The second half was pretty good, although not as visually interesting as the outdoor part. The crawling felt sooooo sloooow, but I really liked those flames. It wasn't entirely clear where the ending was. I just guessed. A sign or something might be a good idea.
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2014, 02:25:37 AM » |
Yes, if you not press UP you go down. IF not i see very strange things so i do that in this way at the moment, and yes i know the "vibration", when you are in the top you need to jump but will be better if when you are in the top the player stops, i will try to solve in some way to be more easy.
One other weird thing is that pressing Up while on the ground doesn't make you climb a ladder/rope. That makes it far less likely that a player will figure things out on their own. I'm pretty sure I tried pressing Up at some point, but since it doesn't work I probably just determined that ropes were background decor. Anyway, I finished that level. The second half was pretty good, although not as visually interesting as the outdoor part. The crawling felt sooooo sloooow, but I really liked those flames. It wasn't entirely clear where the ending was. I just guessed. A sign or something might be a good idea. I have to do something with the rope The crouch was more fast but i changed one thing to no stuck inside walls for other recived feedback. SO i think i will finally remove the croch and let the Slide if i not find another solution. Good idea about the sign, i will add
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2014, 04:26:23 AM » |
Tried it out, looking at the screenshots and gifs I had very high hopes, but sadly I was a bit disappointed. The graphics are really cool, nothing to change there, except the black border/background of the player sprite. That was really bugging me.. But the gameplay mechanics - still a lot of work to do. But overall the whole game concept is really nice, and I like the arkanoid idea and everything, but not every idea was presented so well. - Keyboard Controls feeling/player movement? The movement controls were kinda fine, except a ton of collision bugs, like getting stuck in the wall, not being able to jump where I should have been able to jump etc. You should work more on the collision masks with the wall tiles. And the ropes and chains, can't climb from standing position, always have to jump, and it's hard to get off the chains, too. - Have you finished the inca zone? In case of not, Where you stucked? Nope didn't finish, got overly frustrated at the part just over those 4 jellyfish, there was a chain that led down and immediately as I got down on the chain, that damn eye thing always came to me, and there was no way I could kill it, because I either always got stuck on the top of the chain and couldnt get off of it, or the eye thing was always under me etc.. - Have you finished the Arkanoid based level? What medal had you achieved? Nope, the idea was really awesome though, but it was all just too chaotic. All kinds of enemies popping up from all the corners and falling from the sky, jumping from bottom of you, those damn eye things flying directly at you. And then having to try to dodge the suckers, and not getting killed by the wall spikes, it was just too frustrating for me.. It would be fine, if more and more didn't pop up all the time.. - Difficult score from 1 to 10? It was difficult, but not 'good' difficult, but 'frustrating' difficult because of the glitches, imperfections and all that chaos around you. i'd say 8/10 - Fun score from 1 to 10? Not very much at the moment for me, sadly - like 5/10. - What's the most fun and the most annoying/frustrating thing in the game? The most fun thing was just the pew-pew'ing. And about that frustration, i think you get the point already. - Anything you want to say about the game. As good as the menu idea is, I think it's something people would get tired from quickly, atleast I did, as I hate to wait for tiny things like that.When you have to wait for the platform to take you all the way from bottom to top, to just try to hit the start button, but you accidentally miss, because of the small hit box the start button has.. :/ :D But anyways, good luck with the project. I'll definitely try it out again, when you get a few more builds out, as I like the idea and art of the game very much.
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2014, 07:16:20 AM » |
Thanks aamatniekss! and everybody for the feedback! I can confirm that the next week will be a new alpha release of Mighty Retro Zero ! Also in that i will decrease the OneEye enemy dificulty, improved colisions, more simply menu with a best look etc :D BTW, if anybody find more bugs or similar and want to drop his feeling, please! do it!
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2014, 04:31:06 AM » |
- Keyboard Controls feeling/player movement? Throwable items feel awkward but I am pretty sure it is something that just needs experience.
- How is playing with the Gamepad? (Supports Xbox360 controllers)(Remember press 1=activate) No game pad
- Have you finished the inca zone? In case of not, Where you stucked? Yes
- Have you finished the Arkanoid based level? What medal had you achieved? Yes, it was frustrating an really random until I've discovered the trick to it. WTF Medal.
- Difficult score from 1 to 10? Somewhere between 7 and 8, more often than not I died due to the way ropes/ladders work (ie. when you stop holding up you you fall down).
- Fun score from 1 to 10? About 6 with potential to be much higher. It just needs more content and polishing.
- What's the most fun and the most annoying/frustrating thing in the game? Most fun: fast pace! Annoying/frustrating: climbing mechanics, inability to fire down
- Bugs 1. If you jump and fire up, you are not able to shoot unless you press left or right first 2. If you are facing left, and jump and fire up, the player turns right 3. There is no separate frame for firing up and jumping at the same time, and thus there is this 1-frame-long 4 4. blink of the player changing to the stand-and-fire-up frame and revert back to the jump frame 5. If you are standing on the ground and fire up, the player turns right for the time the fire-up sprite is 6. displayed 7. If you are jetpacking and run out of fuel, the flame displays on the position you last had fuel until you 8. release the jump button 9. Not sure if this is intended, but pressing down during a jump automatically stops the jump and make the player fall with the maximum speed possible
- Anything you want to say about the game. - Please add ability to fire down if you jump and hold down while jumping
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2014, 10:44:56 AM » |
- Bugs
1/2/4 - All the directions bugs seems been solved now.
3 - Actually there are no frames to shoot while running or shoot-up while jumping.
5 - There is only 1 direction/animation when you shoot-up, for this reason seems the character change the direction. Maybe do another one more neutral.
6. ¿?
7. Solved
8 ¿?
9- Yes is intended. Imagine you go to die by a shot or enemy, then press down to avoid. Also is used to stop inertia when falling and plane like a bird. This options maybe is deleted in the final version, will see.
New feature: Now you can shoot down in the air :D
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2014, 11:21:05 AM » |
Really thanks guys for all the feedback! very much appreciated!!
Here this will be the log for the next public alpha(Maybe next week)
Alpha 0.11 ------------------------
* Improved menu: More simple, clear and beatiful! (Still in W.I.P) * Earlier level with intuitive features learning (Still in W.I.P)
- All the player directions seems been solved now(Or major part of them) - Jetpack fuel disappears when you are at 0. - Jetpack maximun speed decreased from 200 to 120 (Less chaotic). - Bloqued the roof of the game to no jump out from the level. - Improved collisions! (Deleted irregular walls). - Shoot up corrected while stand in the ground. - You can shoot down in the air! :D - Horizontal Portals corrected. - Solved Bug that make you can't shoot sometimes. - Now you can up the rope without jump or be in the air. - No vibration at the top of the rope. When you are in the top the player stops like a platform. - Deleted the "plane" feature when you press down. - Initial sound decreased from 100 to 25 for not kill the potential headphone users. - Added a sign at the end of the level to be more clear the direction to finish the zone. - ESC added to back to Main Menu. ESC in the Main Menu = end application.
Alpha 0.10 ------------------------ First public release
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 01:47:50 PM by matriax »
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2014, 12:17:07 PM » |
- Keyboard Controls feeling/player movement? - How is playing with the Gamepad? (Supports Xbox360 controllers)(Remember press 1=activate)
For the most part it was good. The movement seemed a little too sensitive - in the Araknoid level I would often move in one direction and then try to stop and just shoot upwards, but I would keep walking and fall off the platform.
- Have you finished the inca zone? In case of not, Where you stucked?
I did! I almost gave up a few times. At first I didn't realize how to go under the spikes, and then I accidentally figured out how to slide.
At the very end, I almost gave up when I found the floating enemy that I think is invincible. It wasn't that hard to get past him, it was just frustrating to unexpectedly find an enemy I couldn't kill.
- Have you finished the Arkanoid based level? What medal had you achieved?
I don't think I got a medal. I managed to destroy more than half the blocks before I gave up, though.
- Difficult score from 1 to 10?
8, I guess. Very difficult, but not quite so difficult that it seems intentionally unfair.
- Fun score from 1 to 10?
6, maybe? A little too much frustration to be purely enjoyable, but definitely fun enough that I kept playing even after I was frustrated.
- What's the most fun and the most annoying/frustrating thing in the game?
The most fun was probably the Araknoid level. I think the fast-paced action suits the game well. The most frustrating thing for was probably the challenge room, since it relied on a couple things that I didn't yet understand. It wasn't obvious to me that I could pick up blocks, or that they would destroy spikes.
- Any Error/bugs you found
In the Inca level, I found that I couldn't always climb up the rope. I think I may have been too close to the wall.
I believe I got the latest build, but the "can't shoot up unless you shoot right or left first" bug seems to still exist.
- Anything you want to say about the game.
The instructions don't mention that you can slide or crawl.
The wall jump is pretty hard to do. I would make it a little more forgiving if you want to make the player do the wall jump frequently.
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2014, 12:55:09 PM » |
The previous solved bugs list will be available on the next alpha , maybe the next week, tha actual public alpha still have all the bugs.
The walls jumps work like that: Jump, and where you are in the air and near of a wall simply press jump = The player wil change the direction and propulsate to the other side.
So, you only have to press Z all the times you want to wall jumping wuen you you are near a wall.
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2014, 08:23:00 AM » |
One more suggesion I forgot about. Currently, in order to wall jump, you need to be very close to the wall and try to jump while NOT pressing either left or right. I'd say it would be better if you were actually required to move against the wall in order to wall jump. Plus, wall jump should be disabled when you are on a rope/ladder.
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2014, 08:36:44 AM » |
One more suggesion I forgot about. Currently, in order to wall jump, you need to be very close to the wall and try to jump while NOT pressing either left or right. I'd say it would be better if you were actually required to move against the wall in order to wall jump. Plus, wall jump should be disabled when you are on a rope/ladder.
Yes, but now there is no problem with that. Actually if you are overlaping a rope and press up the player go until the top(Without jump begore) and hold quiet like a platform so, no vibration and no need to press jump, so there is no problem. You can up the rope or wall-jump near a rope without problems, there is no interference after the change . Yes, you only needs to press jump near a wall and the player change the direction and jump to the other side automatically instead of pressing two keys. Various people like this and you are the first that not like it? or mentinoned because you thought was a bug? About the zone to wall-jump actually is 8pixels of distance that i think is enough, if not the character will give the sensation to wall-jump from the air without touch the wall. In this case i guess is practice to get the point .