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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsMicro Adventure in a dark alley - a short 2d adv platformer - Demo available!
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Author Topic: Micro Adventure in a dark alley - a short 2d adv platformer - Demo available!  (Read 5724 times)
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« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2016, 05:46:11 AM »

Hello everybody!

I did nothing wonderful lately on the game, because I moved in another house so there was a lot of things to do in it (and there is still some), including gardening, and then I was in vacations, and now I'm back and it difficult to get back into game dev, weirdly, and it depress me a little. But I'm scheduling dev session soon to get back on tracks. I'm hoping to make a playable demo by the end of september. I was hoping to finish this little game before Christmas but I doubt I will make it, unless I broke a leg and get stuck at home in front of my pc...

hey, wait a minute... *intense thinking*

No, nevermind, bad idea  Shrug

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« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2016, 04:22:23 AM »

Hey man I dig your art style Smiley

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« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2016, 05:00:42 AM »

Hey man I dig your art style Smiley

Oh, great, an answer! thank you for your support! I have new stuff to show you if you like the art!


I'm sorry because my entry on this diary are not really frequent nor regular, and my layout is inexistant. I'll try to improve from now on, because my motivation is greater than ever!

somes news:

The game now has an IndieDB page, you can found it here:

I will upgrade the page with cool banners soon, and I'll try to be consistant with my diary update. I wanted to gain a bit more of visibility, and with a page like this I feel my game is like a real indie game lol. It is mainly for my self esteem I think.

I'm still on tweeter:

Now about the game dev:

I've never been so close to release a demo than before. I want to take some time to polish it, because I have more or less one quest that could represent well how the game will be, so I want it to be content-complete to make a great impression to those who will test it. I feel that I have all the bricks I need to make the game (except graphics but I do them when I need), I just have to pile them! So I give myself about a month to release this demo. Dustin van Wyk (I told you before about this great guy) will provide me with some music tracks to add to the demo, I think it will really add to the atmosphere of the game so I'm super hyped to listen to it!

Even if it is a really little game it is starting to feel very real, it's cool Smiley

now the mandatory screenshot:

(thanks to my brother for the animations frames, all I hade to do was draw over them Smiley )

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« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2016, 01:10:27 PM »

Wrote an article on indieDB:


I put the link hère until I find the time to copy it.

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« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2016, 01:27:00 AM »

Dev Diary #1: Crappy graphics™

When I first thought of my game, as an idea, I was at work, a little bored. first things I did was to write and draw my ideas, because I have a really bad memory. but hey, little drawing on a papersheet never made a game. I was so eager to start working (on the game) that I couldn't wait to be home to start doing something, I had to make it happen, because I feel I have almost no time at home with the wife, kids, house-job, and at work there is so much opportunities, but I was lacking the right tools! So I went to the bathroom, like for any other poo-break, and started downloading Pixly, and designing the idle pose for my main character. That precisly at this moment that Crappy graphics™ were born.

the Pixly editor for android

It's like drawing with your butt

So every time I have to use the bathroom, I do a little of the graphics of the game. Most of what you will see in the game was done by me sitting on toilets. Disturbing, hey? But it allows me to be more efficient and to separate the roles I take on this development. I may take the time to rework some art on my computer during integration in GameMaker : Studio, but I think it represents roughly 5% of the total work on the graphics.

I work mainly with a grid of 32*32. As I'm new to pixel art (and art in general) it helps me to stick to a low resolution, and I feel more confortable, I have less choices and it helps me to feel proud of my work (because with this resolution, maybe I couldn't do any better! Yes you are right, it's wrong). I use a little copy of my hero for scaling every other object, it's not always easy to jump from a file to another with the main character to copy/past it, because pixly doesn't handle tab or different file opened at the same time, but it usually do the trick. the 32*32 format is also very useful for the background of the game, wich is done with tile mostly. At first I wanted to go for a completly "organic" level, that would be on big drawing without patterns or recognizable tiles, but I faced the fact that it was easier to draw tiles and easier tu use them with game maker than doing a big object for a building and a big object for another, for instance. the Room editor of Game Maker is really bad when you have little object (windows) over big object (buildings), if you want to move the windows you may need to delete the buildings....

Doing tile in Pixly

Here you can see one of my first tileset for a type of building of the first zone. I know it's ugly, I may need to rework it someday. variation will be added later, with other tiles or with little decals that I can add over it. As you can see, pixly works horizontally or vertically, which is very convenient.

Nothing is planned, I do it in parrallel of my development on game Maker, and sometimes I go for some new stuff that inspire me (you'll soon see some of the underground level, even if the demo won't include it.

Let's move on

Last thing, I can do animation on my mobile, which is very handy AND very difficult at the same time. But I managed to do a lot with this tools, so I won't complain. Usually I do what I can, because I didn't do any animation studies before:

a pigeon

drinking soda

And sometimes I ask for the help of my brother, because animation is a big part of his work. He draws a rough sketch on some frame, giving me key frame, and I try to draw over it as I can, giving my low resolution:

Milo in garbages

A little more fluid, no? The garbage bah shaking is from me.

Life in colors
A word about colors now: I have no idea what i'm doing. I have no precise palette, I choose my color completly randomly sometimes, it's a mess.

I know I should organise a palette, take the time to do the job, but colors on my phone won't match colors on my computer, and my applications are not compatibles for sharing palettes, so it may be a very rude work to create the palette on one device and do the same thing but with only my eyes to compare, on another device. So for now I stick with my nonsense, and someday I'll do a pass on the color only on PC and I'll see what I can do.

That is pretty all about graphics I think. Thanks for reading, and prepare for my next Dev Diary: Programming in a bathtub! See you!

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« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2016, 03:40:25 AM »

Lots of work yesterday!

did a proper menu
added gamepad support
changed some sounds
tried some surface-things to do outline effect on some object but failed
polished the parrallax effect on the background of my first zone a bit

and finally made a gif:

And I don't know if you've seen the lastest humble bundle about GameMaker lately, but now the game is coming for Pc, linux, AND Mac at least!  Coffee

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« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2016, 06:39:45 AM »


Hey there, just a little update for all my fans (lol) I did some progress on the game but I don't want to show much to keep the surprise for the demo, but I added a new area, it's almost done, it will be mainly full platform for the demo, all the platforms are placed and I just need to make some adjustment in terms of animations, graphic polish, and a little cutscene to put the area at the same level as the others two.
I'm struggling with a good way of doing vertical parralax, I want to have a level of background showing of only when you are at the top level, I'm thinking at a scene I saw in Jotun, when you climb on the top of a hill and a wonderful background showing Yggdrasil appears. I want to have the same effect but I need to make my horizontal parrallax work in the same time...

I'm also upgrading observable object and usable object, now some usable object can be observed once before use, to allow the player to really understand what he is looking at  Tongue

And I was trying to make static light effect by hand, with surface, it's WIP:

I hope you will enjoy the demo when it's out  Grin sooooon


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« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2016, 04:18:52 AM »

Hi there! Here is a little update of my progress for the demo. It won't be release this month, I hope during October.

- I fixed a bug with a collectible object wich was collectible twice in a row. There is a dialog when you first encounter the object, and right after you can press action again to take it, but I didn't want to have the same dialog every time, so I made a modification: If you have at least one of theses objects, when you encounter another you will be able to pick right away; but the first object was "reset to collectible" right after you pick up because of that, so now it's fixed.

- I'm working on three cutscene for the demo, and one is finished. It's a simple one with one dialog and then a PNJ goes away, but for more complexe one it will become very meticulous I think, I hope I'll find a general process I could use for every cutscene.

- I still have a lot of graphics assets to do to make the demo better, and I have a bunch of bugs that needs to be fixed:
- I thought I had fixed the problem when you fall without jumping, the animation of falling is not playing because my player does not detect that he leave the ground/platform.
How it is working: I base my collision system on a tutorial from Shaun Spalding, called pixel-perfect collision, and everything seems fine, but I can't simple put a collision check under my player feet to detect the ground since I've implemented one-way platform that you can leave by pressing "down". When I jump across such a platform, the animation glitch and my player believe he is on the ground so he can jump again. I believe I will have to add vertical speed and others variables in the calculation to fix this.

Others things to do:
- a sound to validate a choice in the menu
- one cutscene to finish, I was defining it but it made me discover a problem about activation of object, and i have to rethink dialogs during cutscene. Currently, the player have to validate dialogs with a button but during a cutscene which I do with timelines from Game Maker, I need either a way to pause the timeline, either to have the dialog runs automatically.
- I need also to translate the dialogs in french, as I plan to distribute it to french people to Smiley and add a choice in the main menu.
- I need a working vertical parralax scrolling and some good looking backgrounds
- Add light effects to areas that don't have it and polish existing ones
- Polish the bar area and create the end of the demo.

Still a lot of work to do!


Here is a cool animation I've done with my brother, but I won't be using it now because his duration will cause me trouble to synchronize animation with an action (flip a switch, give an object...)


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« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2016, 12:38:30 AM »

updated the first post with the latests gif and images I got.

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« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2016, 01:04:44 AM »

Demo is still incoming, here are some graphical assets showing I'm working a bit:

nothing crazy, I'm doing a little tutorial part because everyone told me that in my previous game (where there is only to touch the screen) control weren't explained enough. Here it will be kinda "you can jump with the jump button and talk with the action button" and that's all, but if it what's proffessionnal game does, why not?

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« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2016, 12:31:45 AM »

Hi folks,

I had some problem with hotlink on another message board, can someone tell me if they see this image?

(it's a part of the tutorial)

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« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2016, 06:05:25 AM »

some new environment I have to work on:

the sewer!

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« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2016, 06:55:10 AM »

You are an inspiration to us all by working while you poop, bro. I wish I could to that. And good work, the art style is coming along nicely.

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« Reply #33 on: October 19, 2016, 12:59:50 AM »

You are an inspiration to us all by working while you poop, bro. I wish I could to that. And good work, the art style is coming along nicely.

Your comment made my day Smiley thanks a lot!


A word about Game Maker Timelines:

Dev Diary #2: Finding time for Timelines

well, I was hoping to simple give you some news about the development, and I decided that I could go for a more complete article instead, about my primary source of worries these time: Game Maker Timelines.

How I wanted it to work

At first, I have a simple platformer game mechanics for the game. You walk, you jump, you climb up and down somes ladders, and you talk with NPCs. Simple as that. So how to make cutscene without breaking all the game during them? Because of course, since I'm a beginner, I didn't though ahead of that for the game you know, I went with a platformer and yay I'm happy!

In a perfect world, I wanted my cutscene to be like this: activating some object or starting dialogs would trigger a cutscene, a series of event, movement, sprite changes and sounds, all handcrafted by advance. And, when it would be finished, the player would get the hand again. Seem simple hu? But where to put all theses cutscene? Then I discovered Timelines: a serie of point in time, and for each point you put an action, or a piece of code, and then depending of the speed of your game, when you launch the Timeline it goes from 0 to Xn steps, and for each Xx instant it execute the associated action. It can even Loop. Wonderful, it can make the trick! Here is my first attempt:

(it starts at 00:27, sorry about the crappy recording format)

You can't see but I made the system to launch the associate timeline to a NPC right after his dialog, if there is any, so after the first exchange (Main Character speaks, then the cat) the timeline is launched and every action until the MC touches the ground and speaks is scripted. but it requires to time every action very precisly, and at that time you could move the player while speaking and it was ugly to see.

Then I faced reality

I made other cutscenes afterward, and the system evolved bit by bit. I needed a simple action from a NPC right after the dialog: check, it was easy. Then I needed my MC to make a monolog by triggering the cutscene from an object, and changing animation for each sentence: ok, a bit harder, but doable... Or I though so. I faced a first problem: when you talk to someone in the game, you have to press action to go on between speaches, like that you won't miss anything. In my cutscene, it was like that, so at first all the bubble speech were pilling on the screen since the next sentence was drawn before the player has the chance to validated the first one (in addition to the fact that the triggering oject was still usable during the cutscene, so when you wanted to pass a sentence it would launch the cutscene again... what a mess!). I had to rethink the process. At first I made the drawing of the sentence using a timeout, but synchronizing timeline and timeout for each sentence was hard. And I was going for two different way of managing dialogs, it was definitely not the right way.

The solution I found

I needed only one thing: to pause the timeline, waiting for the player to lanch it again by pressing the action button. And I discovered the horror: Timelines are bound to the object which launch them (I though that it was instanciated like any other object of Game Maker). So the timeline could not pause itself, and the speech management in the cutscene could not pause it either because it was launch by the "classical" speech management. My brain was hurting. But it doesn't.

My solution may be not perfect for now but it fit my needs (for the moment Smiley ). What I do is when I launch a timeline, I use a script that tell a Timeline Manager objectto launch it. Then I can access to it from where I want to pause or unpause it. From now it manage only one Timeline, but I'm sur I will need to upgrade it.

With this I can pause or unpause the Timeline from wherever I want, just watch:

(Sorry for the mix between french and english dialogs, some are still hardcoded for cutscenes)

During my tutorial I use a cutscene to, while my character is blocked because it is a cutscene, allows the player to interact during it. I pause the Timeline, wait for an input, and unpause the timeline when I receive it. It gives me the opportunity to make the cutscene a part of the game. Since it will be short, I was unsure that put cutscene instead of gameplay would be a good idea. This way I can do both.

I'm still struggling with a problem though, that is my cutscene won't do the same thing depending the time they are started, but it is probably a matter of init values of some sort, I'm investigating, but for the rest of the development I confident about the cutscene system I have Smiley

Goodbye, see you next time for another dev diary of me facing an amazingly simple problem about game development Wink

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« Reply #34 on: October 24, 2016, 01:02:40 AM »

Bad news, infortunately, Dustin van Wyk (who has previously offered his help for free doing the soundtrack of my game) can't afford to be working on the game in addition to his new job, so I am now searching for someone willing to make me some tracks for the game on his free time. I know it's not a very appealing task but if you have some connections that could help me it would be great!
Thank you Dustin and good luck for the future!

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« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2016, 01:49:22 AM »

Hello there!

I'm still alive! And so is the game; but as I am currently destroying my bathroom and building it from scratch, I have less time and energy to develop. I'm still fixing so bugs and preparing the demo, and I have found another musician to help me, his name is Debmaster:

It is really different from what Dustin was doing, but it is still very interesting so I hope this will work out this time!

A little question to those who reads this thread: Do you prefer the demo to be a stand-alone executable, or a installer?

I think i'll provide both since some people have issue with stand-alone executable, but an installer for a tiny demo like mine is probably unnecessary...

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« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2016, 06:22:42 AM »

Hello all!

Still working on the demo, I just need one or two music so I'm waiting for a musician who is willing to help me to deliver some tracks! Until then, I polish the demo and correct some bugs et add some features, sort of.

I'm finally working on the background which was a bit too simple, so here it is:

I've been told that it is a bit too detailed and that it mess with the visibility of the whole game, what do you think?

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« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2016, 08:25:13 AM »

Hey, the game looks pretty cool, will you be needing more music for it? If so I would love to help out, you can check out my portfolio here www.sbeastmusic.com/portfolio

Sbeast - Composer / Cover Artist / Guitarist
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« Reply #38 on: November 30, 2016, 08:49:38 AM »

I love the artwork for this game! I ready there that some of the artwork you did was in a moto g... which app are you using? this looks awesome!
« Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 08:56:31 AM by haks109 » Logged

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« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2016, 04:56:22 AM »

Hey, the game looks pretty cool, will you be needing more music for it? If so I would love to help out, you can check out my portfolio here www.sbeastmusic.com/portfolio

Hey thanks! I'm supposed to work with a musician but he didn't answer for a while, I'll see if he's still interested and I'll come back to you if he's not! I've listened a bit of your work, it's pretty cool!

I love the artwork for this game! I ready there that some of the artwork you did was in a moto g... which app are you using? this looks awesome!

I'm using Pixly, now mainly for designing and starting drawing when I get ideas, and I tend to rework a bit on aseprite for a better integration in the game.

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