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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsCODE ORDINAL RISE ### Low Poly Arena Survival First-Person RPG ###
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Author Topic: CODE ORDINAL RISE ### Low Poly Arena Survival First-Person RPG ###  (Read 1628 times)
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« on: March 31, 2017, 09:56:53 PM »

Code Ordinal Rise - Low Poly Arena Survival RPG

Hello! My name is David and recently I was playing around with creating low poly objects for the first time and ended up starting this new game.

I shared that screenshot and gotten some friends and people interested (yay!) even without any core gameplay added to it. I basically pieced together some random cool words to arrive at the game's name :D

Code Ordinal Rise will be an arena survival First-Person RPG where you have to survive waves and hordes of enemies coming at you. It sounds simple because it is.

Anyhow, this is where I will post frequent updates of the game's progress! As of now, Code Ordinal Rise is 2 weeks and 3 days in its development!

You can also find me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/WhiteSponge where I frequently tweet about the game too!

Look forward to the game's progress as there will be a super early alpha demo coming in the next few months or so! Cheers!
« Last Edit: April 23, 2017, 07:36:17 PM by WhiteSponge » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2017, 09:58:29 PM »


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« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2017, 03:57:09 PM »


Ahahahahah Smiley

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« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2017, 02:22:24 AM »

Development at 2 weeks 2 days in:

I have always been intrigued by magic and so with Code Ordinal Rise, there will be a lot of spell casting (of course you can choose other attack options)!

And here is the 1st ever spell cast test!

I call this the Magic Shot spell! It mainly consists of a magic circle and a purple magic projectile that flies out! Think of it as the 1st spell you will ever get to use in the game Tongue

And as you can see, it still needs lots of improvement (e.g camera shake).

Ok so this is a rather short update but look forward to the next!  Smiley
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 06:49:30 PM by WhiteSponge » Logged

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« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2017, 06:59:01 PM »

Development at 3 weeks 0 days in:

I'm back with another small update on Code Ordinal Rise!

So I have finally added a simple HUD on the bottom left corner of the game!

I decided to go the minimal and clean look so it would not clutter up the screen as well. While it isn't obvious at 1st glance what the various bars are for, I do want you to find out/learn about it in-game instead (the diamond bar is the xp bar, multiple vertical rectangles bar is the health bar and the thinner bar at the bottom is the mana bar)

And towards that aspect, you will also spent mana when casting spells! If you do not have enough mana, puff!

Your mana (MP) will also regenerate on its own and I do plan to add options in the game which will speed that up!

As mentioned, it's a rather short update as well so that's it for today!

Remember to find me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/WhiteSponge where I frequently tweet about the game!

Look forward to the next update! :D

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« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2017, 01:40:50 AM »

Development at 1 month 3 days in:

Hello! I'm back with another update on Code Ordinal Rise!

While you can now cast spells, they will require mana (MP) to cast! And so I have added a simple animation when you run out of mana :D

In additional to that, you might have noticed the new HUD at the bottom left corner. And I have also added a new crosshair that reacts and pulsates when you're jumping/walking and running.

The reason for the pulsating of the dynamic crosshair is to make more sense when you're trying to aim while moving about. As such, the accuracy of ranged attacks will also go down when the crosshair pulsates to a bigger radius.

Besides casting magic spells as a form of ranged attacks, you can't really have a survival game without some close combat or melee action. And that is why I have decided to go with showing 2 hands from your perspective.

And that is the 1st noob weapon (the beginner axe) that you will find yourself using quite often. For example, I have created a few different axe swinging animations so that you will not see the same animation over and over again!

I am currently starting on the 1st enemy that you'll encounter in Code Ordinal Rise so look forward to that!

As usual, find me on Twitter! Cheers :D

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« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2017, 06:54:08 PM »

Development at 1 month 10 days in:

Hey there! I'm back with a new update on Code Ordinal Rise!

With Code Ordinal Rise, my plan is to have a huge variety of monsters so it will be interesting and fun to have different behaviors for them! And I do want the level of difficulty to scale properly so you won't get monsters that are too easy or monsters that are too hard all of a sudden.

So for starters, the first enemy that you will encounter is the Slime! It doesn't do a lot of damage on its own but if if a group of them attack at once, they can deal quite a punch :D

My idea for the Slime is to make it as slimy as possible. However, I do want it to have the "Hey I can bounce" look. So here's a preview of when it is just idling around.

In Code Ordinal Rise, some monsters are also quite aggressive. Therefore, I want those monsters to chase after you. While implementing the A.I or behavior for that, I created this little funny bug in their pathfinding Tongue

Turns out it was because there was a small gap in the areas the slimes were able to find a path for! And remember that I wanted them to bounce as well? So I made them bounce while chasing after me!

Currently that works when they are just moving and bouncing on the ground. I have also gave them the ability to bounce or jump over short walls but when they are attempting to bounce or jump over a wall, sometimes they get stuck when they land on the top of the wall. So I will need to fix that ASAP

In addition to bouncing and moving, I also added simple damaging via the noob axe! Here's some axe on slime action!

To make it more interesting, I made it such that when your axe hits the slime, some small greeny particles will drop out of the slime. This is to give the impression that you are cutting down parts (albeit small) of the slime. I also did a little camera shaking effect (which I'm not satisfied with at the moment) so I might tweak that further down the road.

At the moment, I have not added "taking damage" from monsters so right now, you are kind of invincible in the game lol

That's about it for today's update! I will have to fix that bug where the slime gets stuck on top of rocks and walls and add "taking damage" to the game!

Look forward to the next update!

As usual, find me on Twitter! Cheers :D

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« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2017, 06:59:43 PM »

Development at 1 month 15 days in:

Hey there! How's your weekend coming along? I'm back with a small update on Code Ordinal Rise!

In the previous update, I added the Slime and showed how it bounces and chases you. To be honest, it is really interesting and fun to add behavior to monsters! And since the Slime bounces, I gave it the ability to bounce over short walls if doing so will allow it to reach you faster.

And when it attacks you, you will now see a simple animation on your health bar (bottom left) to indicate how much damage you have taken.

It is also possible for monsters (in this situation the Slime) to attack you from behind. And that is why I have also made it such that you'll know which direction you are under attack from!

I have considered adding a knock-back effect when you get hit by a monster. However, doing so would make the Slime rather powerful for a starting monster. So I will be reserving that for a future monster with the ability to do so.

And that's it for today's short update! Hope you liked it!

Be sure to check out Code Ordinal Rise's new Facebook and Instagram channel!

And as usual, find me on Twitter! Cheers :D

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« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2017, 07:36:44 PM »

Development at 1 month 22 days in:

Hello! Are you enjoying your weekend? I'm back to share more updates on Code Ordinal Rise!

Previously, I shared on some behavior of the slimes and how they are able to take shortcuts to reach you faster. I also shared some simple animations that you see when you are attacked in the game.

So today let's change the perspective and see what happens when you defeat a monster (in this case a slime)

You gain experience! And to draw your attention to the experience diamond (bar), I have also added a simple animation showing bits and particles going into the experience diamond (bar).

So after you have killed a bunch of monsters and gained enough experience, it's time to

Level Up! From my perspective, the leveling up animation is the most important animation in the entire game because it plays a huge factor in creating that sense of satisfaction. And that is especially true after defeating some tough monsters or bosses.

In order to have a steady flow of experience, there needs to be constantly be a certain number of monsters in the arena. To do that, we have to spawn them from time to time. There are many ways to do this. While it is possible to just have them fade in as the spawning animation, that is quite common especially in MMORPGS (or at least the ones that I have played).

To make it more interesting, I created a low poly monster portal that appears and animates while "popping" monsters out of its hole!

As currently there's only 1 type of monster - the Slime, the portal only spawns slimes but randomly spawns 3-5 slimes every time it appears (at random spots). That will certainly change once more monsters are added!

And that's it for today's small update! Hope you liked it and if you have any thoughts or feedback on it, don't hesitate to share them below!

Lastly, check out Code Ordinal Rise's new Facebook and Instagram channel!

And as usual, find me on Twitter! Cheers :D

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« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2017, 07:35:02 PM »

Development at 1 month 29 days in:

Hello! Since it is also time for #screenshotsaturday, I thought I would share another update on Code Ordinal Rise!

Previously, I shared about the animations that you'll see when you get experience or levels from defeating monsters. I have also shared how monsters will appear on the map (through a portal). And today I'm gonna share about your various attack options, or as I would like to call them - skills and spells!

In one of the first few updates above, I posted about how you can cast magic in Code Ordinal Rise. To refresh your memory, here's what it looks like when you cast Magic Shot (1st spell you'll ever learn).

That was also back when I have not added the left hand to the game. Compare that to when you do get up close to do some melee damage with an axe.

It seems like you are swinging the axe with your right hand. So what happens if you want to use both (magic and melee weapons) at the same time?

Your left hand casts the spell! With Code Ordinal Rise, I want to craft a gameplay experience that isn't bound to traditionally defined player classes. In fact, there are no classes in the game. If you want to be excel in both spell-casting and axe-wielding, go for it! And speaking about excelling, we have to talk about improving skills and spells in Code Ordinal Rise.

While you can still level up and become more powerful when you spend more time with Code Ordinal Rise, you will not get stats or skills points to add to any skills or spells. In fact, there are no stats such as STR, CON or INT for your character.

I decided to make it such that in Code Ordinal Rise, to improve and make your character stronger, you train for it. That is actually what happens in real life. If you want to get better at something, you keep training and practicing it.

So for example, if you want to do more damage in Code Ordinal Rise with an axe, you simply use axes more often!

One of the main reasons why I have decided to go this route is because I feel that it will make you feel more invested in it. You have to actually spend time with your character to train it and make it grow stronger!

There are other skills (active/passive) and spells that I will be implementing over the entire journey which will make your character stronger so look forward to those as well!

That's it for today's weekend update! Hope you enjoyed it and if you have any thoughts or feedback on it, don't hesitate to share them below!

Lastly, check out Code Ordinal Rise's new Facebook and Instagram channel!

And as usual, find me on Twitter! Cheers :D

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« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2017, 01:54:21 AM »

Development at 2 month 6 days in:

Hello! A week has passed and I'm back to share a new update on Code Ordinal Rise!

In the previous update, I shared about casting spells while using axes for some additional melee damage. I have also shared why instead of getting stats/skill points in Code Ordinal Rise, you will have to train your skills to improve them.

So today I would like to talk a little about your inventory in Code Ordinal Rise. Before I show you a preview of what it looks like, let's talk a little about what an inventory should do for you in a game such as Code Ordinal Rise.

In survival games, you need an inventory to store your equipment, usable items and materials that you need for crafting. From my perspective, the crafting process should be part of the entire inventory flow. In this way, you wouldn't have to constantly switch screens between your inventory and a crafting menu.

Now let's take a look at the preview of your inventory in Code Ordinal Rise!

At first glance, you'll notice that the equipment slots are on the left of the inventory and the crafting slots are on the right. Directly below the inventory are the quick slots which are not implemented yet but they'll allow you to use items, skills and spells with a shortcut key.

One of the main reasons why your inventory is designed in this way is to minimize the amount of effort you'll need to achieve tasks. Imagine that you want to put on a piece of equipment. You would want to move or drag that equipment to the left, thereby moving your mouse to the left and back.

This creates a nice UI flow where you do not have to move your cursor over a larger distance just to put on an equipment. However, as I am typing this, I realized that it might be easier for you to just double click on equipment to auto-equip them. So look forward to that as I'll try to add that to your inventory!

You'll also be able to pick up items that are on the floor with the gather shortcut key (E). Once you have done that, hit (I) to open up your inventory and you'll see your new item in your inventory!

Crafting isn't implemented yet at the moment so I'll have to come back to that later on in 1 of the next few updates. Instead of that, I would like to talk a little about skills right now.

In Code Ordinal Rise, you improve your character (mostly) through passive skills. Therefore, when you have discovered or learnt a new skill, you will be able to view them all at once in the new Skills menu!

Unlike most RPG games that come with some sort of skills system, I have decided to make it such that you'll not be able to see what skills or spells you can learn. This is to create a more rewarding experience when you do discover or learn a new skill. So to discover more hidden skills, keep playing the game and do more stuff in Code Ordinal Rise!

And that's it for today's weekend update! I hope that you have enjoyed it and if you have any thoughts or feedback on it, don't hesitate to share them below!

Lastly, check out Code Ordinal Rise's new Facebook and Instagram channel!

And as usual, find me on Twitter! Cheers :D

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« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2017, 04:47:46 AM »

Hey ! The game seems nice =). So is it open world ? Will you ad a night and day cycle ?

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