Visit the site for download links or where to play online.Historical Builds:
There were more of these, but changes in the Flash player have rendered a number of them broken. Thanks Adobe.
- Empty dungeon demo - just the rogue alone in a dungeon
- Combat demo - a level with some monsters to fight. Changes to the lighting effected - including less background contrast
- Build 300 - Music, Races, items, spells, traps, and much more in the game. Still much more to be done.
- Build 376 - Nearing completion. Experimenting with pace and tying up loose ends.
MUSIC & SOUNDMusic and sound by
Nathan GallardoSOURCEThe project is open source on GitHub. of the tech I'm uploading as open source examples. Feel free to make use of these.
DESCRIPTIONWHAT IS IT?Red Rogue is a sidescrolling roguelike-like made with Actionscript 3.
HOW DOES THAT WORK THEN?Like Rogue but from side on. You attack by shoving your opponent. You can Goomba-Stomp monsters for a stun/knockback. You can be stunned too. So combat revolves around being leveled up enough to get into a shoving match, or finding a ladder to climb up so you can stun your enemies. Due to the nature of the combat there's no jumping, but this means we get gameplay much more similar to the original Rogue and if you don't think that'll be worth playing, then go play Tony Pa's
Tiny Game - it'll be like that but with smooth movement.
No jumping makes it not a platformer you say? Wait till the end game, I have a surprise for you.
Not conforming enough to the
Berlin Interpretation you say? There is a dogmatic mode in the options that allows you to play without time actually passing until you take an action (like walking).
TELL US ABOUT THE LOOTThere is weapons, armour, and runes. Weapons and armour have levels just like you.
RUNES?I started to model the magic system on Rogue and I realised that I could save myself a lot of work by simplifying the whole system to one item that casts magic. But a very versatile item. Like magic items in Rogue, all of the runes start off unidentified. You have to cast them to find out what they do or use an identify rune. Unless of course you have the chaos rune, which will always have an unknown identity.
HOW VERSATILE?Say you have the heal rune. If you eat it, you get healed. You throw it, it heals what it hits. You cast it on armour and it heals you slowly when worn. You repeat cast it on an item and you improve the effect, so you better collect a lot of that rune and cast it on a decent item for it to be worth it. Effects are instant or temporary, unless they are cast upon items. Thus the question, how does one best use this spell?
Of course I don't tell the player what the exact effects of runes are, leaving it up to the player if they want to be stupid enough to cast a bleed rune on their armour or a heal rune on their sword.
And there is some other unexpected effects too, magic is be highly unpredictable. Sometimes an enchantment sending an item into a mini-dungeon, sometimes a thrown rune being absorbed by a wall and transforming it.
CAN I PLAY IT?That link at the top that says PLAY.
I'm did all the graphics myself, so I went for a black and white with red blood theme. In homage to Rogue's lack of informative graphics.
DECAPITATED?That's what happens when you score a critical hit on a kill. You knock their head off and you can boot it along like a football. I spent an evening putting it in because it amused me. Someone suggested the decapitated heads inflict damage, so I put it in.
Then someone suggested you should be able to wear heads as hats. Crush a head and you get a face. Wear the face and you become that race and gain its special abilities whilst wearing it (you will of course not have the rogue's racial bonuses in the mean-time).
There is also a chance to tear out a heart in combat. This is effectively the potion system. You eat the hearts of your enemies to regain health.
WHEN IS IT RELEASED?It's out, go get it.