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Author Topic: Why should I be so serious >:D  (Read 38594 times)
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« Reply #100 on: November 11, 2009, 03:26:32 PM »

Excuse me, but it's an ibex! Still, the admiration shall be conveyed, let me just find my babel fish.
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W/e doesn't kill you; simply makes you....STRANGER

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« Reply #101 on: November 11, 2009, 04:09:07 PM »

Oh, and I'm not American.
Oh sorry - in case that came out as an insult - but weird ain't it - the name thing I mean. I don't see that anywhere else other than america. Definitely not in my home-country - most make literal sense.

What kind of a world do we live in where one cannot admire another's goat without calling the undue attention of antagonistic man-children? You truely make me sad.
Oh, sorry - I actually didn't pay attention to the nick - only Wyv later made me realize its probably a pun/reference to your goat nick. Silly me where paying attention only to the artistic value - sorry ^_^

Firstly all of the people that treat TiG like some holy grail of peace are pathetic

Nobody's trying to treat this forum like it's some kind of perfect special rainbow factory, they're just asking normal human beings to be vaguely polite to each other.

You, on the other hand, are acting like a dick - and from everything you say, you're doing it on purpose, to antagonise. It's called 'trolling', and you're not special just because you're doing it in a vaguely self-aware manner; you're just more of a dick.

It's pretty normal for normal human beings to expect each other to be polite and ask people who are behaving like dicks to either change or leave. If you were in my house I'd have kicked you out onto the street by now (or called the police). It's also entirely possible to be good at stuff without being rude to people, it's not an excuse in the least. If missing out on your precious special genius is the price we pay for not having to listen to your drivel, it's a fine price by me. And apparently by several other people in the thread. Go and bless some other bunch of people with your wonderous presence, see how long they tolerate you.
Is Donal Trump the Jolly Green Giant type? No - he's a pompous, ignorant, asshole with an unfounded superiority complex and that makes him more confident than anyone else in his social celebrity circle. AND he's fucking rich. Open your eyes dude - to get anywhere you gotta be self confident and an ass to everyone - if you won't be brave enough to risk it all, reputation, the amount of contacts you have on your silly facebook - number of entires on you cellphone - then you're gonna die with no achievements at age 75 with your wife that was always of mediocre beauty rvrn at age 25 and kids that aren't special or are even more like wgggers or trailer trash.
I'm chosing another path because a normal dull life is not something i want for myself mmk, thx.

He agreed to stick to this thread, and if he posts like this outside of it he'll be rebanned. I'd suggest avoiding this thread if you're bothered.

I'm not a fan myself but Derek usually knows what he's doing.
First of all don't hide behind the shadow of your lord and master Derek - such behavior is quite deplorable to be politely blunt.

And yes, I see you are in such good contact with your mentor to know I agreed to keep my shit in my thread and my thread only, I don't even open the other threads, let alone feel inclined to comment - I just don't give a flying intercourse. All I ask is that - If you don't like what I have to say - just ignore it - and if you are still interested in assets of my other teammates just open up the first post every single time and don't go no further - every asset will be in there after all. Plus I'm doubling on Dereks experiment. Not only will we see how coders are able to use random assets of people, but also will they discriminate the assets of asshole authors Tongue

And lastly - I promised to stick to my own thread and I aim to keep to that pledge - fuck up or not - "I'm a man of my word" so you are in no position to be making threats "Global Moderator Level 10" Melly - okay?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 04:53:33 PM by NotWorthy » Logged

300 characters is too much - I'd go freaking crazy and freak you out - let's stick to the pic's personal text
Level 10


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« Reply #102 on: November 11, 2009, 04:38:46 PM »

I'm leading a very successful life, and I make sure to be as helpful to everyone and as kind to everyone as I possibly can. I work hard to be nice, when no one is looking. I work hard to help everyone at my cost. And people look up to me, a lot of the time. I say that your strategy is unfounded, and completely asinine. You're just justifying being a jerk, because it makes you happy. But being kind, and helpful, and humble, and sacrificing a bit of your happiness for others makes me happier than any jerk could ever be. I have the best grades, and I am by far more successful, academically, at the very least. And people like me. I say I am the victor here, good sir.

And I know I am just fueling his troll fire. But I think this is a good message to get out. Besides, he is stuck to this one thread, is he not?
« Reply #103 on: November 11, 2009, 04:53:49 PM »

« Reply #104 on: November 11, 2009, 05:35:23 PM »

"I'm chosing another path because a normal dull life is not something i want for myself mmk, thx."

A life where everyone hates you, sounds like a lonely life, a dull life - not normal, but subnormal - creature like, like Gollum - a lowlife at best.
Level 0

W/e doesn't kill you; simply makes you....STRANGER

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« Reply #105 on: November 11, 2009, 06:02:06 PM »

Besides, he is stuck to this one thread, is he not?
Why yes I am, thanks for clarifying - thus you may not fear any kinds of retribution on my part in 'your threads' Smiley

And I know I am just fueling his troll fire. But I think this is a good message to get out.
Oh yes, you just opened a great big ass can of 'troll' whoop ass Smiley

I'm leading a very successful life, and I make sure to be as helpful to everyone and as kind to everyone as I possibly can. I work hard to be nice, when no one is looking. I work hard to help everyone at my cost. And people look up to me, a lot of the time. I say that your strategy is unfounded, and completely asinine. You're just justifying being a jerk, because it makes you happy. But being kind, and helpful, and humble, and sacrificing a bit of your happiness for others makes me happier than any jerk could ever be. I have the best grades, and I am by far more successful, academically, at the very least. And people like me. I say I am the victor here, good sir.
If what you are saying is true - then you know what you are? And no, no obscenities - you are an ascetic - like this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexius_of_Rome. Leaving his arrange marriage and a rich wealthy life of a rich family's son, fled to pretend to be a beggar, taught children for free under the guise of that hobo, and to not waste or need a dime lived under the stairs of a church to be showered over with sewage water periodically. And he did it for what? For some masochistic need of feel as a better person on a subconscious level, or because he knew he would be declared a saint post-mortem which he was ('god' knows why).

You know what you are, sir Inanimate? An evolutionary failure - you might argue that as a race we long surpassed the rules of evolution and natural selection, but if everyone in the world was like you - or the person you claim you are - we would have died out ages ago. You're not an altruist if you're as much in denial as to be thinking that such a concept actually exist. All you do, you do out of self serving pleasure, perhaps a sick pleasure, a masochistic pleasure, or maybe just gives you pleasure on a subconscious level.
Anyway the world doesn't "tick" because of people like you - bringing an apple for your teacher to be nice, or cleaning poop after your dog is not pushing the world forward into the future.

So no 'sir' - last thing I would call you is a "victor" here  :D

"I'm chosing another path because a normal dull life is not something i want for myself mmk, thx."

A life where everyone hates you, sounds like a lonely life, a dull life - not normal, but subnormal - creature like, like Gollum - a lowlife at best.
I can see how you might think that, but actually it's far from that - I'm only ass to the people whose opinion I think are worthless and irrelevant to my priorities. In real life I'm actually sociopathic enough to pretend I'm a gentleman and a nice guy. I help old lady's with their bags up the stairs. If on drop something I jump to the rescue. If theres no room in a bus to sit, ad theres still a woman that is standing with our without a bag - i search for the closes young fucker point at him and kindly suggest that he offers his seat to the lady. In university I'm super nice and open to everyone, witty and funny, I pull of crazy stunts during lecture making half of the class giggle uncontrollably. If someone isn't sure he wants to be my mate or acquittance I force my presence for a while and manipulate him for long enough for him to think it will be actually be a good idea to have me as a mate. So I'm generally nice to any super nice to all of my colleges - but if one of them is gonna cross my path in just a tiny little bit of way - he;s gonna see the psycho inside me - and he;s gonna be scared to cross paths with me again.
When I see an attractive woman sitting alone waiting for something I sit over and start with a line "Don't worry, this won't be a come on, but would You mind a friendly chat while we wait for your boyfriend or husband to come? And so far with that opening line I never got a no. And often I also got a subtle signal "no I don't have anyone" heh - but i didn't care - they were just the test subjects of my manipulative sill experiments.

15 of my life I tried to be normal, tried to pretend I can fit in, I tried to fit, I tried to act and make choices as anyone else does - like fucking cunt conformist. And finally I snapped and decided to stop pretending - And i never been happier - I feel I have full, absolute full control of m real life Smiley
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 06:41:24 PM by NotWorthy » Logged

300 characters is too much - I'd go freaking crazy and freak you out - let's stick to the pic's personal text
Level 3

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« Reply #106 on: November 11, 2009, 06:13:06 PM »

Is Donal Trump the Jolly Green Giant type? No - he's a pompous, ignorant, asshole with an unfounded superiority complex and that makes him more confident than anyone else in his social celebrity circle. AND he's fucking rich.

Nice example! I was under the impression Donald Trump inherited most of his huge wads of cash from his successful father anyway, and even seem to recall hearing that he was only moderately successful, as business statistics go, himself. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, on the other hand, both seem like reasonable chaps from what I've seen, and they're richer than Trump is (and earned their billions through hard work) anyway.

Those were the two richest men in the world last time I checked, and neither of them act like such dicks as you or Trump. As it goes, both of them were born to successful parents, and it's generally accepted that that kind of family will often make a person more confident, willing to take risks and more likely to succeed themselves... but all of those things are completely separate from being obnoxious.

Being an arsehole to succeed is doable if you're already rich, already in a position of power, or happen to be in the company of nothing but weak, easily-cowed personalities. But there's a lot of places (honestly, I would expect most places) where it'll get you nothing but failure, and you'll deserve it. Humans in general are social animals, ostracising yourself from normal society through some self-absorbed need to act superior all the time is only going to hurt you most of the time.

Summary: I hope for your sake you're fourteen and have time to grow out of being such a shit. You're obviously too far up your own arse to listen to anything anyone tells you now, after all.

(And as it goes, people called 'William' get called 'Bill' all the time 'round here, and I live in the middle of Britain, it's not an exclusively American thing at all. Not to mention people called 'John' getting called 'Jack', people called 'Edward' being called 'Ted' and so on.)

Currently working on: Chronicle of Mars
Previous Projects: [Käfer|Tristan and Iseult(TIGS)]
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« Reply #107 on: November 11, 2009, 06:13:33 PM »


I...just...oh my god...it.. it finally hit me... all the wrongs in my life. I finally see all the errors of my ways. This was ... oh man I can't stop the tears of joy... this was the single of significant and convincing advice/request I got in this whole thread. So may ppl have I hurt - physically, emotionally, my words like bullets, my fists like sould crushers - but not all that comes to a halt /... never again..and that's it!

I am going to be nice to people form now on, a totally different person, a normal kind one :D And I will be happy.

Thank you LazyWaffle
God Bless You
God..Bless You  Tears of Joy

300 characters is too much - I'd go freaking crazy and freak you out - let's stick to the pic's personal text
Level 10


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« Reply #108 on: November 11, 2009, 06:16:25 PM »

Haha, I do do it because it makes me feel better. I do it because the pleasure of being a better person, of doing good, is worth it. I do it because I get happiness... but so do others. I am willing to sacrifice myself to share happiness among everyone. You, my friend, also do it out of a masochistic want of pleasure and happiness... you hurt your reptutation and your other human beings just to make yourself feel proud of being a massive, throbbing dick. I would willingly give up my house, my successful life, if I knew it would help everyone else in this world. You're evolutionary argument is pure bogus; you're the person who would lay waste to everyone else to be slightly higher up the food chain, step on the heads of others to see the land which is totally against you... people like me, the people who so savor the taste of a good deed, simply help everyone go up that chain, get a better life. We help everyone.

You accidentally opened a big weak point though; we both do it out of pleasure. This is an easy way to show who is morally better; you get a sick, twisted pleasure of helping yourself by pushing others down; and I, a pleasure born of helping others and thus myself. Who is the one in the wrong now?

Also, a good note; Trump is actually a very kind man. There are records of him doing such things as helping two people whose car broke down on the side of the road by first driving them home in his personal limousine, and then buying them the repairs with his own money. (Don't trust me though; might be my memory acting up.)

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W/e doesn't kill you; simply makes you....STRANGER

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« Reply #109 on: November 11, 2009, 07:29:04 PM »

Is Donal Trump the Jolly Green Giant type? No - he's a pompous, ignorant, asshole with an unfounded superiority complex and that makes him more confident than anyone else in his social celebrity circle. AND he's fucking rich.

Nice example! I was under the impression Donald Trump inherited most of his huge wads of cash from his successful father anyway, and even seem to recall hearing that he was only moderately successful, as business statistics go, himself. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, on the other hand, both seem like reasonable chaps from what I've seen, and they're richer than Trump is (and earned their billions through hard work) anyway.

Those were the two richest men in the world last time I checked, and neither of them act like such dicks as you or Trump. As it goes, both of them were born to successful parents, and it's generally accepted that that kind of family will often make a person more confident, willing to take risks and more likely to succeed themselves... but all of those things are completely separate from being obnoxious.

Being an arsehole to succeed is doable if you're already rich, already in a position of power, or happen to be in the company of nothing but weak, easily-cowed personalities. But there's a lot of places (honestly, I would expect most places) where it'll get you nothing but failure, and you'll deserve it. Humans in general are social animals, ostracising yourself from normal society through some self-absorbed need to act superior all the time is only going to hurt you most of the time.

Heh, yah I might have been unaware that Trump inheriting most of his money instead of making it - but an asshole he is so at least it was a good comparison there.

As for Bill Gates - hard work; DUH - but he was cocky definitely:
  • "banned [..]after it caught them exploiting bugs in the operating system to obtain free computer time"[/il]
    • "After his administrators became aware of his programming abilities, Gates wrote the school's computer program to schedule students in classes. He modified the code so that he was placed in classes with mostly female students. He later stated that "it was hard to tear myself away from a machine at which I could so unambiguously demonstrate success."
    • "Harvard University (dropped out in 1975) [..] talked this decision over with his parents, who were supportive of him after seeing how much Gates wanted to start a company"
      Also I think he's still a bit of an asshole - firstly protecting Vista despite well known'age of it being a piece of crap, antitrust accusation rebuttal, also remember that one infamous scene - where there was a live or recorded conference with one of the ppl working with BG.. nvm it's here

    - and awesome semi-intentional pr unintentional joke - and Bill was not amused - he rather had rage in the eyes - and i bet if he wasn't so skinny he'd jump up and strangle the guy right there and then. hehe

    Of course I'm not comparing myself to BG - my IQ won't be anyway over 140 though I never took one - firstly fear of having some arbirtary life sentence about ur intelectual limits and secondly because those things imho are outdatedly inaccurate.
    Just saying - being cocky and assholish - helps - alot.

    Summary: I hope for your sake you're fourteen and have time to grow out of being such a shit. You're obviously too far up your own arse to listen to anything anyone tells you now, after all.
    Sigh, will you stop with the blah blah blah your a kid and a brat and the "your the intellectual equivalent of a 14 year old"  crap - it is soo getting old. It is you who uncover that either your not reading this thread at all (cause I already mentioned I'm studying), or you're ignorant (because I know exactly how certain age groups of ppl sound like and normally I can tell within a range of 2.5 years) or lack the knowledge of knowing how to hit a nerve to actually provoke someone because this strategy is not aggravated just so very boring - can't you really come up with a more witty and provocative way of causing some predictable, irritable reaction from me - or are you not equipped mentally enough to do so? - I'm 23 - there's you precious secret and I went to uni went latee because 3 serious and well paid positions I just couldn't refuse.

    (And as it goes, people called 'William' get called 'Bill' all the time 'round here, and I live in the middle of Britain, it's not an exclusively American thing at all. Not to mention people called 'John' getting called 'Jack', people called 'Edward' being called 'Ted' and so on.)
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 07:44:37 PM by NotWorthy » Logged

300 characters is too much - I'd go freaking crazy and freak you out - let's stick to the pic's personal text
William Broom
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formerly chutup

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« Reply #110 on: November 11, 2009, 10:11:10 PM »

Having a beautiful wife and 'special' children is also my primary goal in life.

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« Reply #111 on: November 12, 2009, 01:22:41 AM »

As for Bill Gates - hard work; DUH - but he was cocky definitely:

"Cocky" is a world away from "obnoxious".

Being cocky - self-assured, essentially - will be a help in a lot of situations; being obnoxious will generally just make people hate you, which is very rarely helpful.

Sigh, will you stop with the blah blah blah your a kid and a brat and the "your the intellectual equivalent of a 14 year old"  crap

Congratulations on demonstrating your excellent reading skills! I didn't say any of those things. I said I hope you're actually fourteen, for your sake, because if you were, it would give you some time to grow out of this shit. If you're genuinely 23, you're probably already causing yourself trouble, even if you haven't noticed it yet.

I saw that you said you were studying, but - well, you've already said multiple times that you're deliberately trolling this thread, I'd hardly put it past you to be lying as well, since you're a self-confessed dick.

(Also, your perfect grammar doesn't help the "acts like a kid" impression, as it goes. One should really know the difference between "your" and "you're" before one goes to university, let alone before one starts criticising other people for anything and everything. I know, I know, it was an ironic joke because you're incredibly clever, I'm sure...)

Currently working on: Chronicle of Mars
Previous Projects: [Käfer|Tristan and Iseult(TIGS)]
« Reply #112 on: November 12, 2009, 02:27:00 AM »

well that was damn honest I'm glad you're clearheaded enough to see your faults or perks if you see them that way - take life how you want it, whatever, everyone has their opinions - and nobodies about to change anyones anytime soon.  I will say a shallow life is still a empty life.  It's much harder to be close to anyone.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 03:07:54 AM by Bad News » Logged
Level 1

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« Reply #113 on: November 12, 2009, 03:55:34 AM »

Guys, you complain about NotWorthy being an attention whore and yet you keep coming here and answering him, on the only thread he talks on. Looks like a vicious circle.

« Reply #114 on: November 12, 2009, 01:35:02 PM »

Okay, so more than half the assets on here are things submitted by other people. He himself has submitted one thing that really can't be used for much due to the fact that it's just a screen shot of something rendered in a 3D game engine viewed at an odd angle. Which also isn't helped by the fact that he refuses to submit it under any other format besides "APNG." And hell, I don't even think that's his asset. It looks like a screenshot he took of some game.

And I see that he still is acting like this is Gaia Online or GameFAQs or some other forum with a average userbase of people under the age of 13 who think saying shit like LOL SPORKS IN MAH PANTS LOL RANDOM XD is the bees knees of humor.

Why isn't this guy banned yet? He'd be better off in 4chan, but even they wouldn't be able to stand how idiotic this guy is being and that's saying something.
William Broom
Level 10

formerly chutup

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« Reply #115 on: November 13, 2009, 12:09:49 AM »

ugh ban this guy already, it takes up so much of my spare time posting in this thread about how much he should be banned

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« Reply #116 on: November 13, 2009, 01:30:45 AM »

And hell, I don't even think that's his asset. It looks like a screenshot he took of some game.
That's quite a compliment though, isn't it? Smiley It's his, rest assured.

But come on, you guys are being anything but productive yourselves by keeping the flame from extinguishing, so once again, let's just focus on the assets, shall we?
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« Reply #117 on: November 13, 2009, 03:04:24 AM »

And hell, I don't even think that's his asset. It looks like a screenshot he took of some game.
That's quite a compliment though, isn't it? Smiley It's his, rest assured.

But come on, you guys are being anything but productive yourselves by keeping the flame from extinguishing, so once again, let's just focus on the assets, shall we?

Fair enough. NotWorthy, how's yer Kroenen going?

Oh yes, and cheers to you, Wyvern! Your musical skills impress. Got anything else cooking?
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« Reply #118 on: November 13, 2009, 03:42:35 AM »

Thanks, dude. Smiley Nothing brewing currently, rather busy with exam-ish stuff at the moment. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to whip up something new before the end of the contest.
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« Reply #119 on: November 14, 2009, 05:34:25 AM »

Fuck, I missed domino day Sad

Anyway, I've been away for a while - jogging in the rain caused a 41.2 and then faint'ing in my room, waking up on my bed where I have been put and told what happened. Ambulance was called and 2 days spent in ze hospital making sure I don't have the VH1thingy virus. Got discharged but apparently I pulled some cord when faiting (I was in front of ze monitor when it happened - fortunately I guess since I only had 2 measly bumps on ze knoggen).
But didn't have the time to put the pc together again - just went straight to bed after I was released - right now I'm wirtting from my UNI pc access.

Long story short - that's my story believe it or not - and it inclines me to move the date for ze nazy character model publishing for 24h from this moment. W/e this moment is. But, that's way behind within my pledge n sht. So I sense an inevitable bann, heh but that's how the cookies of assholes crumble don't they? ^_^

And THANK YOU Mr ak - like finally someone used some logic and put away the cognitive dissonance. I'm only bitching in THIS thread. To avoid my bitching just go away, mmk thx ;3

P.S. Cheers Wyv, DarkOne and Auto - tell the "peeps" I'm alright and shall be on today on ze irc - Daddy needs some lovin'!

300 characters is too much - I'd go freaking crazy and freak you out - let's stick to the pic's personal text
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