« on: April 10, 2010, 05:38:45 PM » |
play it! (14MB in-browser) or, There's a devlog for this game but now that it's released I wanted to share it with more people. I'm still sorting out my own ideas about what worked & didn't work, it would be awesome to get tig'ers feedback to think over as well.  
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 05:42:18 PM by maxwell »
Level 1
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 10:15:21 AM » |
It's pretty good, I like how it allows you focus on more stealth-based gameplay rather than being just another shooter game.
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2010, 10:52:17 AM » |
Probably the best implementation of the top down perspective in a shooting game I've ever seen. The graphics were great. My only complaint was that it was hard to judge the AI's vision, so I got spotted a lot until I could figure it out.
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2010, 11:05:34 AM » |
I found the shooting was a little loose; It was kind of difficult to tell if I was actually hitting anybody and vice versa. And like AndroidScholar said, it was kinda hard to tell if enemies could see you or not.
Aside from all those things I really liked it. Looks great and it all controls pretty well.
Level 1
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2010, 01:04:42 AM » |
Probably the best implementation of the top down perspective in a shooting game I've ever seen. The graphics were great. My only complaint was that it was hard to judge the AI's vision, so I got spotted a lot until I could figure it out.
Maybe I will put an hard blow on this big part of the game, but seriously, for me that the worst point of the game. Visually the perspective is not well-rendered and in some levels, it is a pain to figure out how objects are layered. From this bad start followed the hard task to judge properly how the enemies vision works. You know, that is really bad because despite this part, I really enjoy the game. The stealth-based gameplay is a good idea for such a game (it reminds me a lot the first Metal Gear  ) and despite my denigration about the graphics perspective, I find the game very absorbing. Some suggestions I would make to improve your: - Add some music if you can. Player will gain a lot in immersion if you add a good infiltration theme or even an dynamic music change according to the player situation (stealth mode/spotted/combat). - Try to think to an alternate control setup, especially for the "silent killing" with the knife. There are many different buttons to use which are not so handy to master during the first steps. For instance, the "F" key is probably not the best way to perform a "silent kill" because it requires me to stop pressing "D" (the "move right" key). Maybe you might consider an auto-use of the knife when the avatar is near to an enemy (a sort of proximity rules). Just try to test it just to see if it is better this way or not. - If you plan to keep the current graphics perspective, you should also consider the possibility to add a visual clue for enemies sight. In many case I was sure to be out of their field of vision, despite this I was clearly visible. Keep up some add on this, and I'm sure you will have a lot of positive feedback! Good luck.
Level 1
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2010, 10:56:28 AM » |
I found the shooting was a little loose; It was kind of difficult to tell if I was actually hitting anybody and vice versa. And like AndroidScholar said, it was kinda hard to tell if enemies could see you or not.
Aside from all those things I really liked it. Looks great and it all controls pretty well.
I think you mean what ninjutsu said, not me, but fair point - it was kinda hard to tell where they could see.
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2010, 12:18:53 PM » |
I found the shooting was a little loose; It was kind of difficult to tell if I was actually hitting anybody and vice versa. And like AndroidScholar said, it was kinda hard to tell if enemies could see you or not.
Aside from all those things I really liked it. Looks great and it all controls pretty well.
I think you mean what ninjutsu said, not me, but fair point - it was kinda hard to tell where they could see. Ah, my bad. Guess I thought the names were under the posts :/
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2010, 01:01:28 PM » |
I really like everything except all of the level design. Most of the levels just don't seem very well laid out for what I'm expected to be accomplish.
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2010, 07:27:43 PM » |
I really like everything except all of the level design. Most of the levels just don't seem very well laid out for what I'm expected to be accomplish.
I have to agree. There's lots of potential here, but the level design drags the standard down a notch. You might wanna grab some of your friends and watch their play through.
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2010, 08:21:17 PM » |
Thanks for playing! appreciate the feedback.
The perspective, line-of-sight & control issues kind of got out of hand because I got used to them myself but I wasn't really showing the game to anyone and getting the kind of corrective advice I needed. Definitely not a mistake I will make repeat. I need to drop this old code and start fresh, though.
If you don't mind going into more detail, what wasn't working in the level design?
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2010, 10:33:40 PM » |
I really quite liked this. It's fun! I first tried this at work, but it was really hard because the gameplay area was bigger than my screen. So I waited until I got home, where I've a slightly higher resolution - and I could fit everything on the screen, but it was there was no room for error. So the screen size is a little big. . . I didn't really have trouble with the line-of-sight. The line-of-sight actually reminded me a lot of a silly short Star Trek game that came out a while ago, Star Trek: Away Team, and I guess that was some decent training for this. I did get stuck on the level with the boss with the shield. He spots you right away and then dudes come in all the doors, can't figure out somewhere to go to be stealthy so I can go and shiv the boss's back. I'll figure it out, later, maybe. The F key is not easy to use for stabbing someone in the back. Some of the stab spots are really tight and it's a pixel or two away from running into the guy you want to shiv, and you gotta hit a movement key to aim the knife. Maybe it's possible to incorporate the knife into the mouse control scheme, maybe with a weapon switch button? At least, that'd be my suggestion. Cool work, though!
"Vigorous writing is concise." - William Strunk, Jr. As is coding.
I take life with a grain of salt. And a slice of lime, plus a shot of tequila.
Level 0
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2010, 05:41:45 AM » |
This game is awesome. I love the detail of the level art and characters. The only thing I may suggest changing is the users character, he looks very similar to his enemies. Other then that the animations and levels are very well done.
As far as gameplay I love how the user has control of the speed of the game whether choosing stealth or just run-n-gun. As with others that posted, I too felt it hard to judge the AI's vision. The perspective just does not feel right to me. The game is stuck between side scroller and top down shooter which presents flattened walls and weird object layering.
Level 0
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2010, 12:05:44 PM » |
I felt the AI's vision was fine, however I'll admit the level design can be confusing at times, my only issue with the AI happened when I thought there was a wall when there really wasn't, and it was just some low crates.
I would suggest to try experimenting with larger levels, because although small ones are fine, it limits what you can do imo if you can't make the levels larger.
Also, I feel like there should be more incentive to pick up the enemy guns. I only got to the room with the guy with the shotgun, but before that I encountered the guys with machine guns, which ran out of ammo a bit too quickly for me to actually be excited about having it. So, maybe give the special guns some more ammo?
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2010, 12:32:43 PM » |
First impression : Doesn't fit on a widescreen(1440*900) in firefox with XP(small taskbar) and no special yahoo or whatnot firefox bar.
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2010, 10:05:01 PM » |
Visually, i find it pretty impressive. Would be better if theres such visual cues when you are taking damage or attacking someone. Even a simple white tint over the guy is sufficient.
I find the cover system pretty cool, but not without flaws. Theres times when i feel that im under cover, but is still taking damage.
And might i suggest moving the "shift" button (teleport) to another button? Its not that comfortable.
Overall, i see great potential in it. Just need some polish to make it really good.
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2010, 01:36:23 AM » |
The game is very cool. Not just another shooter. The graphics are also very good. Congrats
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2010, 06:43:07 PM » |
I had a blast playing this. Thumbs up for this game. It's not easy... challenge is definitely there! The visuals are just great, so many details and stuff, wow! But the guys all look like John Locke... one or two more character designs would have been cool, but that's not hurting too much since i like John Locke.
I found it to be very difficult to stealth through the levels, so i used ultra violence most of the time. It's cool to have the freedom of so. Wasn't too easy either.
What I really missed was some music and/or world ambient sounds!
"i like seeing... people... come out of the dark." -David Lynch