My experiences with drug abuse and trying to do stuff:
alcohol-it is next to impossible for me to accomplish anything while drunk. Even with a buzz going, I have a bit more trouble than I should doing normal things. Alcohol scares me more than any other drug I have done (significant loss of motor and speech skills, puking, blacking out, waking up in jail)
percocet and vicodin-gringing up and swallowing a couple of light oral narcotics can get me to a pretty good place. They are very relaxing, a pretty good body high. They come on quick but don't take that long to start to taper down. After about an hour or so I feel relaxed and ready to take on the world. The come down from these pills is really mellow.
Salvia- My favorite legal hallucinogen. Last time I did salvia I thought my arms were being absorbed by the chair I was sitting on. According to some friends I was screaming and laughing at the same time. I don't really remember because I blacked out for part of the trip. So yeah, not good for doing stuff.
A modest ammount of the reefer: Gives energy and helps focus. I'm able to do repetitive tasks without getting bored. Great for doing laundry or cleaning the apartment. Precise tasks are still easily accomplishable.
A fairly large ammount of the refer: Makes anything seem interesting, especially things that are already interesting. I get a lot of good work done while totally stoned because its just so much damn fun! Being really high helps me get really into whatever i'm doing. I might not be working as effeciently, but i'm enjoying every second of it.
A ton of the reefer (Like a long vape session or edibles or alot of kif or something): Getting crazy lifted on thc leaves me pretty much incapable of doing anything other that watching the pretty colors blend into one another or trying to figure out what crazy alien language all the people around me are speaking. Obviously not a state of mind conducive to getting anything accomplished.
I can't really say whether or not substance abuse helps or hinders my creative process, but it does make that process a whole lot more fun.
Drugs may be bad, but I still like them.
thank you for not getting into a moral debate.
you're right about alchool.
its prolly the worst shit out there.
im borderline alchoolic myself, meaning whenever there's booze, i will drink lots of it. to the point of losing hours of my life, waking up locked in a deserted subway station, covered in my own vomit. god times.
thats why they call it substance abuse.
also, i cant work shit when im drunk.
but i do get all dandy and dancy.
also, i played a bit of everyday shooter with a bit of a reefer the other day.
fucking amazing. now i know what it feels like when jon mak makes sweet beautiful love to your mind with his guitar and abstract programmer art. it feels good.