I just downloaded and played through, but I'm not sure where it ended. I got to the second clock where it says "we're not done yet".
Anyway, thoughts:
1. The art is beautiful and I love how there's hidden things such as (what I assumed was) the Tardis and the Master Sword in paintings. Or maybe I just interpreted them that way, haha.
2. Music is great and totally fits.
However, some questions/confusion/concerns. I know it's just a demo and might not represent anything in the final build, but I'll post it here anyway:
1. I was really confused what was happening in terms of story/context. There's a lot of random characters that just show up without any back story and the character says things that I didn't know his reason behind. Is there going to be a overall narrative to the game?
2. Minor, but maybe make a separate looking text box for the person on the phone. It's a little confusing sometimes to have to see if the little indicator is above the character or not. Also, the font is a little hard to read.
3. Is jumping going to be a thing in the final game? I didn't come across a need for it.
4. The tower is confusing to navigate. I couldn't map where I was when I went through the side doors and the front/back doors. Eventually I just ended up going one direction until I appeared back at the start which confused me even more. But, as I type this, I just realized it's a tower so it is round. I guess it's because everything looks flat, you don't get a sense you're going "around" the tower.
Anyway, I think that's everything. It's really cool and I imagine this is going to be something really awesome. Thanks for sharing your demo.