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TIGSource ForumsCommunityTownhallThe Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread
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Author Topic: The Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread  (Read 2028975 times)
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« Reply #4060 on: November 30, 2010, 06:27:41 AM »

Hey I'm Jesse,

I've been a programmer for around 8 years now, most of that being working on all kinds of games (beginning with ASCII adventure and strategy games).

I've recently started a business called Pandepic, and I'm going to start releasing indie games from early next year.

I love meeting other indie developers and sharing experiences, I also love collaborative projects and making small games just for fun.
Level 0

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« Reply #4061 on: November 30, 2010, 08:15:52 AM »

Hi, I'm Brian. I've worked in computers professionally since I was about 19. Man, it's been a while since then... I mess around with game design/theory and art on the side. I muddle my way through by force but have no mind for programming, so thank goodness for Game Maker, which allowed me to (mostly) complete my first project in the last year. I've also messed with a few 3D engines but 2D is where it's at for me. I've been doing art since an early age, came close to going to art school, wanted to be a comic book artist for the longest time, but ended up going where the money was to support the fam. Now I'm stuck damnit.

I've been into gaming since the Atari 2600, the lovely woodgrain model. I ripped through so many controllers on that thing through hours of River Raid. The higher points for me in gaming: discovering the NES and Super Mario, convincing my mom to give me my birthday present early one summer which turned out to be Zelda gold cart, endless hours with Final Fantasy 3, discovering the personal computer, spending untold hours at my friend's house trying to figure out how to calibrate sights in Police Quest, using my friend's parent's credit card to call in to the hint line for King's Quest, Doom and Duke Nuke'em, and finally discovering multiplayer gaming with Quake, and Warcraft. I don't game as hard any more, not enough time, but I still like the IDEA of it.
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« Reply #4062 on: November 30, 2010, 10:28:11 AM »

Hello everyone, im Ignacio and im from Chile, i dont speak english very well so i have to look at the other people posts and try to make sense at mine.
I've been playing games since NES and never stopped, ive always wanted to make a game on my own, but this is the first time that iim really getting involved with it, so joining TIGSource forums its like a big step for me Tongue
My fav games are Cave Story  Kiss and Knytt Stories  Kiss
Finally the obligatory picture  Facepalm

that's all folks  Gentleman

PS: ignore all the grammar and writting errors  Evil

Jay Margalus
Level 0

designer and developer

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« Reply #4063 on: November 30, 2010, 04:25:16 PM »

This is Poplicola from Lunar Giant Studios.  We released our first indie title, Delve Deeper, a few months back on Steam, GamersGate, and Impulse... will be XBLIG, too, soon.

We recently were accepted into Kickstarter for our next big project, a sequel to Delve Deeper.  We're also working on Delve Deeper DLC right now, and just in general working our butts off to make Delve Deeper the best game we can.

Glad to be joining the community, and I look forward to reviewing other indie games and getting feedback on our own.


Former co-owner of Lunar Giant Studios (game company), former gamedev faculty at DePaul University. Now: Teaching entrepreneurship and design at Washington & Lee. On Twitter @jaymargalus.
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Dough-faced wonderchild

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« Reply #4064 on: November 30, 2010, 04:29:49 PM »

This is Poplicola from Lunar Giant Studios.  We released our first indie title, Delve Deeper, a few months back on Steam, GamersGate, and Impulse... will be XBLIG, too, soon.

We recently were accepted into Kickstarter for our next big project, a sequel to Delve Deeper.  We're also working on Delve Deeper DLC right now, and just in general working our butts off to make Delve Deeper the best game we can.

Glad to be joining the community, and I look forward to reviewing other indie games and getting feedback on our own.


My friend showed my Delve Deeper a few weeks back. I was impressed. Interesting concept with some nice strategical thinking! Good luck with the XBLIG release and sequel!
Level 0

It is you who shall be doing the perishing!

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« Reply #4065 on: November 30, 2010, 07:13:20 PM »

Hello fellow simians.

Born in the wilds of Western Massachusetts, I was introduced to video games at age three when I had the chance to play a PC version of Elevator Action at my day-care. I'd like to say that ever since then, I've wanted to make games. However, it was only five years ago that I discovered an efficient way to travel between my home in the wilderness to more civilized lands in search of video game jobs.

While I dabble in programming and art, the majority of my experience is in management/production. I started my career working as an intern at Big Huge Games, and then designed a Scenario for CIV IV: Beyond the Sword at Firaxis called Broken Star (among my other duties). I then spent a few years working in educational games for the State of Minnesota before striking out to start my own company, which is currently working on a game called Kung Fu Kingdom (www.kungfu-kingdom.com).

Hope to have fun with the community.

Gorilla One <br />Gorilla Tactics<br />www.gorillatactic.com
Level 2

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« Reply #4066 on: November 30, 2010, 07:47:57 PM »

I am the weirdn8, I am from Chicago, IL in the great U.S.A. U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!
 My Word!

I am the owner and main programmer of an indie gaming firm called Tailware, and I love RPG, RTS, AND MMO games


-The (overly) ambitious open source cross-platform game engine.
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« Reply #4067 on: December 01, 2010, 09:28:56 AM »

Hey guys,

Sonti here, currently living in the UK though seems like I will have to move soon again. I've been following tigsource for quite some time but never actually registered.

I already work in the games industry but want to work on some of my own ideas during my spare time. I think Tigsource is a great community for anyone with Indie game interests which is why I finally decided to register and be a part of it, rather than just being a reader.

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« Reply #4068 on: December 01, 2010, 03:16:19 PM »


I'm all about making mind-bendingly awesome stuff. I don't have a shortage of ideas, however I find it hard to know what to work on. Real artist ship, and all that. I'm Swedish, which is nice, I guess.

Hopefully I'll be able to share something I've made with you sooner or later. Smiley
Level 7

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« Reply #4069 on: December 01, 2010, 08:09:34 PM »

Welcome to all of you guys! Looking forward to seeing some of your projects!

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« Reply #4070 on: December 02, 2010, 08:23:05 AM »

So I guess this is where I start..

Hello people!  Beer!

To be honest I'll probably mostly be lurking for a while, looking at the game maker tutorials, until I find my way around.
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« Reply #4071 on: December 02, 2010, 09:25:25 AM »

Been lurking for several years now.

Just signed up because I have some serious questions and need the support community since I decided to make my first commercial game (I'm too embarrassed about my freeware games so please don't ask).
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« Reply #4072 on: December 02, 2010, 12:02:59 PM »

Hi, I have been developing games for many years (or rather trying to develop games for many years) and am finally feeling like all the threads are coming together. I've developed 2D and 3D games on Windows, Mac, Flash, and I'm spitting distance from releasing my first iPhone game.

My website is www.newarteest.com and there you can check out the various computer art/game projects I've worked on.

Years ago I started out doing 3D graphics, but I learned to program in order to develop my games and found that programming suits me even better than graphics did.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 01:33:23 PM by jhocking » Logged

-Joe Hocking | newArteest
Intro book for programmers: Unity in Action
« Reply #4073 on: December 02, 2010, 06:29:07 PM »

I thought I should do a proper introduction, instead of my lazy one.

Well my name is Michael and i'm 15. Ever since I was born I have loved playing video games. My favorite games are, Pokemon, Sonic games, Dragon quest, FF, any RPG really.. lol, and a little CoD when friends are over.

Well when I was around 7 or so, I made a little RPG on paper, i was the game master and I let everyone make little charaters and play it. It was a lot of fun, from then on out I wanted to learn how to make video games. Around 12 years old I found Game Maker 7, and I downloaded it. I self-taught myself how to use it and I made 1000's of engines that would never be used. Well around age 14 I bought Game Maker Pro and started really learning it. As of this post I'm working on a LoZ styled RPG. Its my best yet. Smiley

Well yep. That is all. :D
Level 0

I also go by Betatronic

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« Reply #4074 on: December 02, 2010, 10:22:33 PM »

I'm the pissed off robot who also goes by Beta. I'm here mostly to support my good buddy "Tokinsom" as we undertake endeavors of the programming and compositional variety.

If you'd like to know more about me...


Have a lovely evening, airbreathers.

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« Reply #4075 on: December 03, 2010, 04:36:22 AM »

Hi Tigsource!

My name i Jonatan and i'm 26 years old. I played my first game when i was about seven years old and I was immediately hooked :D (I think it was super mario)

Well now i'm 26 and I've pretty mush been programming things (not just games) all my life. My most recent project is to learn more about game development in the iPhone/iOS environment.

I'm here at tigsource because i'd like to get feedback on the stuff I make, see what other people are doing and discuss technical topics.

Picture of me posing for the camera Smiley

best / Jonatan

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« Reply #4076 on: December 03, 2010, 06:16:44 AM »

Hi everyone! Coffee I'm from Scotland. I got into programming when I was young because I wanted to make games. I started with BASIC on the Amstrad CPC, moved onto C, C++, OCaml and Java on the PC, and now I'm experimenting with Java on Android. I'm working on some small games for the latter at the moment. Some of my all-time favourite games are Syndicate and Syndicate Wars, System Shock, Mass Effect 1+2, Civilization 4, UFO:Enemy Unknown and Elite 2.

Fresco: a bitmap editor with layers and filters for Android. Testers wanted! http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=19238.0
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« Reply #4077 on: December 04, 2010, 01:21:41 PM »

Hello Smiley.

I'm 17 years old boy from Finland. I started playing when I was 2-3 years old. I remember playing Lemmings and Commander Keen. When I was younger we didn't have any consoles but we had few PCs, so I became PC gamer and I'm still one Smiley. My favorite games are Diablo II, C&C games and Team Fortress 2. Recently I have been playing Torchlight.

My programming interest started when I was 12 years old. I learned to make webpages with html and CSS, but I had always wanted to make some games. So at 13-14 years old I learned some Qbasic and Coolbasic. After those I started to try everything and never had patience to learn fully anything.

At some point I found Java. Again I learned some of it and then got bored. After Java I got bored to the whole programming and had little break from all that. When I finally got my interest back, I decided that now I will finally learn programming language.

And now I've finally finished some games (mainly training projects following this article here) with C++. I'm here to follow the masterminds of indie gaming Smiley (and hopefully some day introduce my own project  Undecided).
Level 1

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« Reply #4078 on: December 05, 2010, 04:08:54 PM »

Hey everyone,

I should probably say that I may just lurk around here until I figure out what capacity I want to get involved in all of this, haha.  It's just a very interesting hobby that I'm not sure on what level I want to delve into.  I'm 24 years old and have no programming experience at all.  I graduated in 2008 from an art college in Florida with a major in illustration.  I'm currently working in a store that my mom owns, doing oil paintings and putting them up for sale (or doing commissions).

I think my mom said I first picked up an NES controller at the age of 2 (though I'm sure I had no idea what I was doing, haha).  My earliest game memory is me, wearing my footsy pajamas, playing Super Mario Bros, pooping my pants, and then running in to tell my mom (who was in the shower) that I just pooped my pants.  Thankfully, this does not happen anymore.

I was always a Nintendo kid growing up.  I have too many memories of playing the Super Mario Bros. games, the Zelda games, trying to figure out what the hell Dragon Warrior was all about, and playing Back to the Future (very aware that it was a horrible game).  My late grandmother also used to play Vegas Stakes for hours (the slot machines).  While I'm sure that that much seconhand smoke wasn't good for a child, I absolutely loved watching her play and we'd all ride high or low when she won and lost (who can say they had a grandmother who played Nintendo, haha).  We did have a Genesis that I loved (at least, the few games that we had...Sonic 2, Tecmo Super Bowl, and some others).  My first love was Mario, and I'd always draw him in my various sketchbooks.  I LOVED Sonic.  Watched SatAM like it was my job, and hated how wacky the other show was.  Drew Sonic all the time, had a little Scholastic book...I was a little obsessed, haha.

I would beg my parents to take me to the local Clover so I could play Super Mario World in the video game section.  They bought it for me one Easter as a surprised, and I played the crap out of it.  I remember at the time loving it, but also being disappointed with how easy it was compared to Super Mario Bros. 3 (which was probably due to the game's save mechanic, or the much easier to use cape).  Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Mario RPG, Mega Man X, Secret of Mana, and Illusion of Gaia dominated my life for several years, haha.  My last SNES game, from what I remember, was Donkey Kong Country 3.  I really like it in retrospect, though at the time was a little disappointed with it.  I still don't think it's on the level of the first two games (for many reasons), but it was a great game nonetheless.

We briefly (for maybe a year?) owned a Playstation when it was hyped out the wazoo.  I unfortunately didn't play Final Fantasy 7 until a couple years later (on the PC), so my game library at the time was pretty sad.  I did really enjoy Crash Bandicoot 2 (and still maintain that those games were pretty good).  I honestly can't even remember what other games we had for the system, but I remember none of them really being able to hold my attention.  I was never into the whole Metal Gear Solid thing.

I could not have been more excited for the N64 to come out.  As a Nintendo Power subscriber since I was maybe 6 years old, I was fully ready to sacrifice small animals for it.  I watched that VHS tape that Nintendo sent out maybe a hundred times.  I just wanted to play Mario 64 in the worst way...but it was sold out everywhere!  So, my first game for the N64 was Shadows of the Empire, which for the time, was pretty impressive (hasn't really aged well though, haha).  I finally got Mario 64 months later, played it nonstop and finished it pretty quickly.  As a kid, I had a hard time realizing that games were infinite and ended quickly, especially if I played them 24/7, haha.

The N64's library was small, but still with some amazing titles.  Star Fox 64, Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye?  Nintendo again won me over.  Then the titles stopped really coming out, and I think I maybe got a game once a year at the end (I remember DK64, PD, and Majora being my last games).

I skipped the PS2, as a lot of the games at the time didn't really interest me.  I figured Nintendo would come out with something anyway, so I waited for the Gamecube, and of course got hyped over that as well.  I'll never forget playing Rogue Squadron 2 allllllll day.  I really had never seen graphics like that in a game before.  The Gamecube got a bad rap, but I loved it.  Metroid Prime is still maybe my favorite game of all time.

Now I currently own a Wii and XBox 360 and love them both dearly, though granted, the XBox gets more of my playtime.  I'm currently alternating between online sessions of Reach with friends, and too many hours of Pac-Man Championship DX (have S ranked everything so far!)

Anywho, my background has always been art, but I feel that I really do know what makes a game successful and fun.  I'm going to be lurking around and maybe chime in when I can on things, and hopefully see if I can find my place in all of this.

I'm here because I've always been fascinated with game development.  I used to fool around with Sonic fan game stuff years ago and loved trying out the different games.  A friend of mine has been making games recently (even had one mentioned on Bytejacker!) so I'm really interested to check all this stuff out.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2010, 04:57:11 PM by PogueSquadron » Logged
Morgan Ender
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« Reply #4079 on: December 06, 2010, 11:23:10 AM »

Afternoon gentlemen and gentlewomen, I'm not a man of words, but a man of action. Specifically, platformer action. I've been programming in C# using XNA for about a year now, which is my first real programming language. (Before this, I mostly stuck to middleware such as RPG Maker XP and Game Maker. Not that I judge anyone who does, though.)
I love most video games although retro and indie come in as my favorite stuff. I'm mainly a programmer, although I favor game design before programming. Nice to meet you.  Gentleman
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