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TIGSource ForumsCommunityTownhallThe Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread
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Author Topic: The Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread  (Read 2016015 times)
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« Reply #4020 on: November 11, 2010, 08:18:06 AM »


I'm a PhD student from New Zealand working in computer graphics/artificial intelligence/and some other related stuff. I'm living in Ireland atm. I've been half-finishing games as a hobby since I learned programming (or slightly before that!). Thought I might start interacting more and maybe sharing some of my ideas so they don't disappear in my "unfinished" bin! I've done a whole lot of vehicle mechanical simulation so most of my work is based on that. I would be most happy to share any technical knowledge/implementation stuff if people are interested! I'm a big fan of Ubuntu linux at the moment so most of my development is done on there.
My current hobby game is called Crongdor the Barbarian. It's sort of Golden Axe Warrior inspired. I have a twitter about the tech. details of making it http://www.twitter/capnramses
First games played: Gold Rush!/Kings Quest. Favs: Doom/Colonization. Lately: Minecraft!
Apart from games I do bodybuilding/weightlifting which is superb for general motiviation.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 08:28:07 AM by capnramses » Logged

currently making this game http://www.crongdor.com
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« Reply #4021 on: November 11, 2010, 09:34:05 AM »

Good day!  Gentleman
My name is Daniel Nordlander and I'm an aspiring game designer currently attending Futuregames Academy in Stockholm, Sweden. I've always loved everything gaming related and grew up playing games like Wolfenstein 3d, Command & Conquer, Warcraft, Road Rash and Virtua Fighter. One fond memory I have from playing games is when I was five years old and used my brothers computer, accidentally starting up Alone in the Dark.

I was scared to death but couldn't stop playing because the game was so much cooler than most of the other stuff I was used to playing. I never made it past the first room but it's still one of my most memorable gaming-related moments. 15 years later I still play a lot of games and have also started creating them myself. I tend to stay away from horror-titles though...

My most recent game is called Lost & Found

It's a 2d platformer mixing some point and click-style gameplay in there aswell. You can download it from my website www.danielnordlander.com

Right now though, I'm looking for an internship to eventually fulfill my dream of creating games professionally.
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Gravity Well

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« Reply #4022 on: November 12, 2010, 12:57:51 PM »

Hey!  A few people have been bugging me to join this place, and here I am.

I've been programming in C++ for about two years now, and I've been mostly procrastinating and haven't actually gotten any games finished.  I used to use Game Maker, but then realised how terrible that it was and made the switch, which is probably why I never get anything done. Tongue

But I'll probably finish something eventually.
Paint by Numbers
« Reply #4023 on: November 12, 2010, 08:59:15 PM »

Hey, everyone! Welcome to TIGSource! Hand Point Right Wizard Hand Point Right
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« Reply #4024 on: November 12, 2010, 11:09:49 PM »

My most recent game is called Lost & Found

It's a 2d platformer mixing some point and click-style gameplay in there aswell.
This looks damn cool!

Welcome, new TIGPeople.

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« Reply #4025 on: November 13, 2010, 05:33:06 AM »

Smiling Cat Entertainment, LTD is a small, independent game development studio based in Westerville, Ohio. Founded in 2009 by long-time gamer Duke (that's me!) and my lovely wife Gill!, Smiling Cat seeks to create affordable gaming alternatives that are enjoyable to play, suitable for the entire family, yet enjoyable by avid gamers.

I have been an avid gamer since the age of three, starting back in the era of the Atari 2600. I got my start in gaming late one night when I couldn't sleep because my parents and their friends were having a rowdy match of Video Pinball. With no prior gaming experience, I proceeded to school everyone in the room before being sent back to bed. I narrowly survived the video game crash of 1982, and eventually became a professional software developer, never turning my back on his gaming roots. It had always been my dream to create video games for a living, but I was disappointed to learn how the industry's standard developer-publisher business model really worked. Today, though, I sense that a sea change is underway in the industry, a change which I believe will fundamentally alter the relationship between developers and publishers for the better. Smiling Cat Entertainment is my big opportunity to do what I have always dreamed of doing, on my terms.

When not working for Smiling Cat, I can usually be found working my "day job" as a professional software developer, cooking for my wife, working on my house, playing video games, or watching anime.


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« Reply #4026 on: November 13, 2010, 05:05:08 PM »

Good afternoon Indie Developers.
I spend alot of time doing development primarily in the 2D realm, I work towards more data structures then graphics.

I am joining this Forum to request rounded feedback on some of the many projects I undertake.
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« Reply #4027 on: November 15, 2010, 02:15:15 AM »

Hi, my name is Brian.

I've know that I wanted to make video games since playing Atari 2600 as a young child.

After a period of my life in which I was a total fuck up, and made no progress towards any dream, of any sort, and managed to get kicked out of high school and end up in USMC Infantry, I went to Full Sail.

I worked on a game about ballet there, it was terrible gameplay wise, but it looked kind of neat -


I ended up being good at something for once, and landed an internship a Merit Industries, who makes those bartop touch-screen games for drunk people. I did the programming for a game called "Video Whiz"

After the internship, I decided to move out to California, to see if I could get a job in the game industry proper.  I had a friend who was working at a company named Infinity Ward, and I somehow managed to get an interview there.

I worked as an LD on CoD2, and did scripting for the Matmata and Toujane_ride levels.

On CoD4, I worked on the scripts for the AI, and helped with the motion capture sessions for the general AI behaviors. 

Towards the end of CoD4, I left Infinity Ward, and went backpacking for a year.  After traveling for a while, I decided that I would work in China. I got a job at Ubisoft Shanghai.  After working there for a year and a half, I decided that I would rather do indie game development, quit, and moved up to Beijing, where I live now. 

I'm currently working on a game project for the iPad, which I should "soft-announce" shortly.

I also participated in the Assemblee competition a while back with "Crazy Train", but didn't finish.

Favorite Games -
Ultima 7
Street Fighter series

Thanks for reading!
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ok person extraordinaire

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« Reply #4028 on: November 15, 2010, 04:58:02 PM »

Heyo. I'm RevCosmosis. I'm more commonly known as Cosine, but someone here already stole took that name, so I chose my default someone-took-that-name-already name.   Everyone should have one.

Anyhow, I'm the developer of titles such as "Cycles" and "You Can't Possibly Expect Me To Do That!", which netted me a neato JIG game-of-the-year award for the category of "Freeware Action", beating Jesse Venbrux's "Focus" which came in 2nd place!  Grin I have no experience in the industry, as I'm still a freshman in highschool. I code entirely in GameMaker, and I have quite a bit of experience with the engine. I also write music from time to time.

Musician, level/game designer, professional moper
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« Reply #4029 on: November 16, 2010, 08:32:39 AM »

Heh-hey! My name is Andrew (ambushsabre), and I've been making about one, tiny (read:awful) game a year for a while now (mostly as inside jokes between my friends and I). It's only really now that I've decided to take this a little more seriously, so here goes. I favor rapid proto-typing instead of big, longer projects. I use flixel and flashpunk the most. 
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« Reply #4030 on: November 16, 2010, 09:51:39 PM »

10 print "Hello Forum, my name is Johan Bergelo";
20 goto 10;

I still remember making simple games on the C64 using it's Basic language (trying
desperately to learn how to do it using assembler or "machine code"). 30 years later
I'm back trying to do computer games. It seems some things have improved (like
graphics and computer performance). Other things have just plain changed (like the
overall feel of gameplay).

I have just completed a first version of a game (I will post it in Feedback) and
I'm pretty satisfied with some of the features of it. Other parts of the game, I'm not so satisfied with.

Oh, yes, I live in Sweden with my family (children, wife, dogs, house, snowmobile, car, a lot of snow outside and wild animals and sometimes deer roaming around bugging the dogs, you know).

When developing games I can handle the math and physics. My weapon of choice is C# (previously it was Fortran77... but hey, the gaming scene for that language is just not-so-good).


Keep your angular momentum high! Rolling Coaster - a game of racing
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« Reply #4031 on: November 16, 2010, 11:01:23 PM »

Hi tiggers

I'm Philip Tchernavskij, dane of 18 years and currently first time game developer.
I see it's common to give a summary of one's history with videogames. Well, as a kid I played warcraft 2 and a crummy street fighter 2 port on our family pc. I never really got obsessively into any of them nor really even understand the games.
Later I got a gameboy for which I only ever owned a single game, Robocop. I never got past the first level of Robocop. Then me and my brothers and sister shared a PSX, for which we played an obsessive lot of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomba! . There was some pokemon silver at some point, too. Fast forward to getting a GBA and experiencing the Castlevania series for the first time, but post SotN. I played Circle of the Moon, Aria of Sorrow and after upgrading to the ds, Dawn of Sorrow. I also owned a Wii for a while. It's strange how at some point I became a Nintendo-centric gamer.
Now we're up to a few years ago, where I sell my Wii and decide to be a PC-only(With a sprinkling of DS) guy. I start playing STALKER, X-com, Microsoft Flight Simulator and follow Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
I don't think I can truly point to one game that's the best I've ever experienced. Yet I remain ridiculously fascinated with videogames. Where has this mixed upbringing brought me? Hopefully to a place where I have an appreciation for the many kinds of games that exist, and through that am able to create things that draw from all of videogameland  Smiley
And that game I'm developing?
Watch out, here I come  Grin
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« Reply #4032 on: November 17, 2010, 02:06:54 AM »

Hey, I'm William Sworin. I am currently 22 and reside in Edmonton, Alberta. The great white north! But it's not too cold. I have been playing games daily since about 3 or 4 years old. I am mainly a PC centric gamer now.

Some of my favorite games/franchises are:

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Unreal Tournament
Donkey Kong Country
Perfect Dark
Command and Conquer
Operation Flashpoint

I started developing games when I was 11 years old. My first games were using the RPG maker engine. After that I soon moved to 3d and have been working on it ever since.

The current project I am working on is Silas. It is the first ever kart/shooter hybrid, has cool weapons, great levels, and an amazing soundtrack. I have been working on it myself for about 7 years now! Most of the time it was part time as I need to work other jobs to pay bills and food ect. It is nearing completion and will be releasing on the PC spring 2011. Grin

Here is the website:


My Blog:


Here is a trailer of Silas:

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« Reply #4033 on: November 17, 2010, 06:16:14 AM »

Hi, my name is Christoph Aschwanden, 35 years old, currently living in Switzerland.

I am doing game development as a hobby for ages (at least 20 years). Finally managed to make enough money to make a living out of it, so starting this month, I am working full time for my own Company Noble Master Games  Smiley

I only really have one game that is somewhat successful called "Age of Conquest". I'll post some info in a separate thread about it.

My company site: http://www.noblemaster.com
My blog: http://blog.noblemaster.com

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« Reply #4034 on: November 17, 2010, 02:03:37 PM »

Hello there. Gentleman

My name is Victor Ulhagen, and im from Sweden.

24 Year old game programmer with a focus on system architecture.
Have a couple of indie and commercial flash games under my belt but my native tongue is C++.

Most notable game i made is for "Majblomman" which is a Swedish charity organization.
The largest indie game i took part in is "Secret of time", which is a examination project.

Ive also published some random indie games on Newgrounds.com ( under the same name ) though these are really dated by now.

I have been developing a 2d game engine for some years now which is nearing version 1.0.
Since the engine is maturing Ive also begun creating larger games with it ( instead of testing games ).

Got directed to this forum by ScrewAttack.com.

Looking forward to spend time here.


Cloudscape developer
« Reply #4035 on: November 17, 2010, 09:15:52 PM »


I'm not a game designer!

Not yet Wink

I'm a student studying Music Technology in the West Midlands, England (if anyone is local, I'm looking to do some jams or something or just generally be all geeky and creative, so PM me).

I've always had a vague interest in technology and programming. I remember 'programming' YABASIC on my Playstation using a bloody dualshock controller (mostly stupid things that insulted my family members when they inputted their names Tongue) but that was just messing about.

As with a lot of people I noticed within this thread my first taste of game design was RPG Maker. I made a few rudimentary games with a mate (though he always made better ones Sad) and I remember at one point creating a huge world map which was meant to be the world from Robert Jordans' Wheel of Time series. I believe I intended to make an RPG Maker game to do the entire series haha.

I'm a little more sane now and have since specialised more in Audio and Music. My particular boner at the moment is procedural audio for multimedia stuff (usually using Pure Data patches linked to game code with Open Sound Control messages). Being able to generate audio at runtime gives me lots of awesome ideas for player/audio interaction and my major plan at the moment is to explore that avenue as fully and creatively as I can.

I've recently started learning one of the other sides of the game-media triangle by learning Python and Pygame, which I'm having great fun with. I occasionally blog about some of these experiences on my website runtime-audio.co.uk. I'll also be using my site as a development blog for a game I'm creating - and doing the audio for - for my final year of University. At the moment it's in the research and planning stage.

That's me really. I've lurked around this place a little bit before (was led here via Aquaria via Savage 2) and I thought I would finally say hello Smiley
FK in the Coffee
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« Reply #4036 on: November 19, 2010, 06:22:08 PM »

Hey guys, heard this independent games thing was pretty cool.  So I joined.  And that's about it.
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« Reply #4037 on: November 20, 2010, 02:00:47 AM »

Hey all!

Name's Theo. I live in Gothenburg, Sweden. I run two small independent game companies. One of them actually being my day job together with a bunch of other dweebs www.slxgames.com, working on our online game www.nordgame.com and the other one, more geared towards creating cool, hard to monetize projects on my own, being www.skygoblin.com.

Primarily I'm into the art aspect of games but have become more and more involved in actual gameplay. I do both 2d and 3d in big piles. I do a lot of drawing on my free time, got an online portfolio on www.twgrafik.com. Have done illustrations for all sorts of different projects, the Shadowrun rpg being one of them.

Basically I spend all day at work sitting with my wacom - and then when I get home, I change socks, and sit down with my wacom and draw until I fall asleep. It's all I ask from life.  Addicted

If you're from gbg, swe by any chance, drop me a line so we can get together and dweeb away in unison!  Beer!

Currently developing The Journey Down: Chapter Three
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« Reply #4038 on: November 20, 2010, 11:33:14 AM »

I was looking for the introduce yourself thread so i've already made 2 posts and i apologize  Beg

So anyway, my name is Isak Andersson.

I got in to gaming at a very early age, i think i was around 4 when i played the first game i've every played on a mac, sadly i dont know what game it was and my mom threw that computer out so i cant check what it was.
I got a nintendo 64 on my (atleast i think it was) 6th birthday and ever since then i've been a loyal nintendo fan. I love pretty much all of their franchises but my absolute favourite is the zelda series. My favourite nintendo game (and favourite game of all time) is The legend of zelda: The wind waker.

Nowdays i do most on my gaming on my pc. I'm kind of an fps fan because i grew up playing wolfenstein 3d with my dad (however they are starting to get way to stale now). My favorite fps is the first call of duty.

I've always been fascinated by game developers, i had no idea how they made the games, but i've known for a long time that it is what i want to do for a living.

I'm recently turned 16 years old and i live in gothenburg sweden. I'm studying at Portalens Gymnasium where i learn about programming (in java) and 3d animation. Well at least those are the subjects that are game making related.

Even if i'm only in the first year i think i've decided were i'm gonna study next, its a school that focuses exclusively on gamedesign called gamemaker. However its far away from were i live so i'm not 100% sure.

When i'm done studying i'm gonna start my own independent game company, i think i know what i'm gonna call it but i dont want the name to be stolen during these 5 years of studying.  Evil

I have a blog about how it is to become a gamedeveloper:

My favourite indie game is Amnesia: the dark descent

Over all interests is music, i am a musician and i write my own songs. The genre i most make is metal but i do other stuff to, to prepare myself for making music for my games.

This is probably all you need to know about me for now and i look forward to my stay on this forum Smiley

You can\'t spell \"Programmer\" without \"Pro\"
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« Reply #4039 on: November 20, 2010, 12:39:15 PM »

Hey Tiggers!

I'm a 22 y/o guy from Finland and a long time lurker to TIG forums.

Right now I'm on my last year in university of applied sciences, studying software development.

Let's start with some background stuff:
My first attempt at creating games was with QuickBasic. I made some shitty text adventure games using goto command everywhere. At the time all I could use as a reference was some small program with goto and print commands.

My next attempt was at around 8-9 y/o and I first found out about Klik&Play. I got my dad to buy me a gaming magazine with a demo CD which had the program and some instructions on how to use it. "Make games easily!" was what the magazine said, but oh boy was I dissapointed when I realized all I could really do at the time was make an ugly figure jump up and fall down.

I tried to self-learn C++ as my first language around the age of 14, as that was what everyone was recommending, but man did I get stuck almost right after the simplest "Hello world!" program. The guy who wrote the book obviously expected the reader to have some programming experience.

It took me years to try again, which happened around 2 years ago when I finally started to really learn some programming in school. My main tools right now are C# and Unity3D. What got me using Unity3D was an international game-making project in Holland. Our team got working "Airport Manager" game out in roughly 5 day, where I did most of the programming (looking at the code now makes my eyes bleed, but there was no time to use smart solutions, so the whole game is pretty much one huge IF-statement).

My reason for wanting to make games has lately changed from "I just want to make something!" to "I really want to tell my stories through games". I REALLY, REALLY enjoy good stories (The Farseer Trilogy, HOLY CRAP that series is awesome).
I just think that games are an awesome way of telling stories, as you can use videos, scripted scenes, sound and text all in one product to create the atmosphere and move the story forward. Of course I'm not planning to forget the gameplay part of games, since I do have experience playing games from age of 5 or so forward.

Having learned how to program (somewhat) and having written some stories of my own I thought it would be a good time to start and try getting something done for real.
So far I've somewhat finished 2D character controls (2D controller that came with Unity just felt horrible, and not at all what I wanted from my character movements) and lately (more like for a week) I've done some drawing.
On top of that I'm planning to start learning how to make computer generated music (I do play guitar so I'm not completely oblivious to music).

Right now I'm in no hurry of getting games done, I'm just going to take my time learning things while I progress steadily.

As for my future career, I will probably be working in some company as a programmer and will be doing the game-dev stuff on my free time.

Well then, I think that's all folks. I hope this piece of text wasn't too hard to read in grammatical/formatting sense.   Hand Fork Left Smiley Hand Knife Right

I look forward to getting to know you guys.
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