@Prinsessa thanks! and what you're saying is exactly what i'm aiming for.
Ok, so I managed to make the mockups I wanted to, I know they are not very good looking, but they should at least give a good impression of what I am thinking of.
-Entry 3-
The kill: Discussion of new possibilities
This is kind of weird because it is both a minor and major element of the game. On one hand, it’s only the act that links the freetime interaction with coverup/investigation & trial. But on the other… it is THE kill, I don’t feel its right to make it a simple button press, even though the true fun challenge comes after.
Currently, If you are equipped with a weapon and next to another person you can kill him. If you aren’t fast enough or the other noticed you had the weapon, he will run away to the nearest exit. (I want to make them able to take you down too.)
Two new ideas I thought of.
Kill comicDoing kill next to a person triggers a comic book sequence with quick time events. And slightly branching path depending on the action taken.

Exemple: first panel focus on knife; three choice pop :Stab, Cut, Grab → next panel(s) shows up depending on your action, until next choice happens and so on. Result depends on the sequence you took opponent (reaction may differ), location (possibilities may differ too).
A true sequence would have more choices, that one also benefited of being a surprise attack.
• Assuming I (will?) have a good artist, it would look pretty good!
• Controlled sequences, can be made with more care
• No luck, can be learned. (well, still luck on your first try I guess; but common sense should help)
• A nice nod to my inspiration

• The making of: All the art and alternatives! I guess it wouldn’t be so bad If I left the victim & location “grayed out” so it’s the same sequence for everyone. But that cancels out the pro of more care.
• Limited, once you know the sequence of events, well you can’t really fail anymore.
Kill battleDoing kill triggers a rock-paper-like battle sequence. Every round gives Attack/Defend/charge and the choice of player and victim clash.

In the exemple, the victim was not surprised thus reacted appropriately.
the blue bar is the time to act (choose your choice) then they clash and result is displayed in both text & player action. Black bars would show up for that "
cinematic feel" and the sequence would be in slow-motion during choice selection
• Attack> hurts someone wide open, charging or fleeing.
• Charging> gives superior properties to your next move
• Defend> avoids an attack. Leaves opponent wide open (if attacking)
• Charged attack> Will still hurt someone defending, Will deal critical damage to wide open, charging & fleeing.
• Charged defense> Will hurt someone attacking (counter), will avoid charged attack.
• Fleeing> only available to victim; tries to head to nearest exit.
• Reach> appears when opponent is out of range.
• Stays in world, not really fancy next to a cool comic, but doesn’t break the experience.
o Enemy can flee, the same he would not in freetime.
o Enemy could defend himself with items that happen to be nearby.
o Blood splatter/ evidence are create in real time.
• Always fresh and full of surprises, the opponent can act randomly since there is no premade sequences.
• Luck based (still some strategy)
OverallNo matter what I end up taking as kill sequence/mechanic how it occurs should influence some things:
• The evidence left, did you get hurt too? that would be hard to cover up
• Did objects in the room get broken in the encounter?
• Did you make a mess? (more blood spread etc)
• Did the victim have the opportunity to call for help?
• How dead was the victim after the encounter? Could it leave a final note?
• ? stress level? Reduces carefulness (opposite of luck) may reach observable level. It would rise with how long (not according to plan) the kill went.
That was kind of a long entry... I hopefully I haven't lost anyone.
What do you guys thing? It's probably one of the elements ill work on at later stages so I have time to think it over, but id really like to know if
one method is vastly prefered over the other.
I'm even open to suggestion!(or new ideas)Bring in your opinion, it would greatly help! oh and im still listening for stats (Entry 2)