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TIGSource ForumsPlayerGamesEDGE Games and Tim Langdell ( Mobigame's Edge pulled because of the word Edge )
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Author Topic: EDGE Games and Tim Langdell ( Mobigame's Edge pulled because of the word Edge )  (Read 427199 times)
Martin 2BAM
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« Reply #920 on: August 05, 2009, 04:54:25 PM »

It's really ironic/scary that he's got a PhD in psychology.

A PhD is a measurement of tenaciousness and determination, not intelligence.


Odd! (Scroll down to the comments)
Someone get me THE MAYOR... it would be good to find this guy Carlton Holder to ask them a couple of questions.

Working on HeliBrawl
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« Reply #921 on: August 05, 2009, 04:56:04 PM »


Odd! (Scroll down to the comments)

That is very interesting. Turns out Edge's latest and most hyped project doesn't actually belong to Edge or Langdell in any way, big surprise!

A bit of research on the commenter turns up a not very usefull imdb page:

and a slightly more usefull twitter, that shares preview videos for Teenage Wasteland and claims to have a press release (but the link is broken).

Someone should get in touch with him and ask him what his side of the story is and if he has any new tales of Langdell Douchebaggery to share with us.
Martin 2BAM
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« Reply #922 on: August 05, 2009, 05:03:06 PM »

Yesterday I read this article on SomethingAwful and reminded me of Langdell, but more douche in the sense that a big ass company that sells a shitload of cables was putting pressure to a vintage store for 1000 bucks.


Working on HeliBrawl
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« Reply #923 on: August 05, 2009, 10:47:41 PM »

It's really ironic/scary that he's got a PhD in psychology.

A PhD is a measurement of tenaciousness and determination, not intelligence.

Still means 6 odd years of persevering with a subject dedicated to the study of the human mind. You'd think some understanding would make someone a nicer person.
« Reply #924 on: August 06, 2009, 06:44:52 AM »

Ahaha, this has just been dug up on the IGDA board. It's a bit special.

So, The Annual Brit Awards then. Anyone heard of them? They're one of those backslapping events where the music industry congratulates itself on who managed to promote the biggest load of guff that year whilst getting incredibly pissed.

Only really worth it to the public for the KLF invasion of

and Jarvis Cocker waggling his arse during

(ok, it was just an excuse to post 2 of the greatest moments in British pop history there, sorry!).

Who'da thunk that as well as being an industry pioneer, spawner of much multimedia and all round nice guy, Tim Langdell is associated with The Brits? Quite amazing really!

What do you mean where's the catch? Oh yeah, you're right folks. This isn't those Brit Awards! It's the Brit Awards for the games industry (membership open to anyone who has been engaged within the games industry for 3 years in the past 10 years - huh?) organised by The British Academy of Interactive Arts and Science (BAIAS - LOL). An organisation with one website, no events and, I assume, one member (or 30, which at last count is probably the amount of people Tim seems to think he is whilst commenting on websites) ran from a virtual office.

Or, y'know, outside of Tim's head - there's no such thing.

Shade Jackrabbit
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« Reply #925 on: August 06, 2009, 07:23:51 AM »

I'm starting to notice a consistency in the bevel filter Langdell keeps using.

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« Reply #926 on: August 06, 2009, 07:34:30 AM »

It's really ironic/scary that he's got a PhD in psychology.

A PhD is a measurement of tenaciousness and determination, not intelligence.

Still means 6 odd years of persevering with a subject dedicated to the study of the human mind. You'd think some understanding would make someone a nicer person.
He probably blackmailed the university

subsystems   subsystems   subsystems
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« Reply #927 on: August 06, 2009, 12:53:48 PM »

I really like the cut of GaryBracey's jib (on the IGDA forums):

I've been in this business since the early 80's and thus aware of Tim and his 'trademark practices' for many years. Having such a low regard for this man for as long as I have known him, I have therefore consciously avoided any company/body/organisation he has been associated with. It is for this reason I haven't joined the IGDA.

Any trade body that claims to represent the interest of its membership needs to first lead by example. Allowing such a character an influential position on the Board demonstrates I believe, at best a lack of diligence and at worst an insult to the 'victims' of Dr Langdell.

I am writing as this issue has now been brought to my attention, much like many thousands of other people in this industry who would normally be unaware of most IGDA activities. It seems shocking to me that the Association has not moved quickly to remove Tim from office (yes, I know there are 'procedures' to be followed, but that is what Extraordinary Meetings are for). By this inaction, it brings into question the whole issue of IGDA credibility.

I wish Mobigame EVERY success in their defence of this allegation (I have already donated to the cause) and will be watching with interest to see how the IGDA officially responds to this issue... and when.


'Technically' being the operative word, Kemper. The address given is a Virtual Office and the rest of the site is pure fluff.

Personally, I find the Title and organisation confusingly similar to that of BAFTA, which makes me consider the enormous irony of someone setting up such an organisation whilst seemingly making a profit from people he purports to be trading on a similar name/brand to his own.

The blatant hypocrisy of this man is exceeded only by my puzzlement as to why the IGDA still seems to be dithering on this whole issue. In some ways I wish I was a member so I could cancel my subscription in protest!

My personal concern is that we have this person presenting himself as a representative of a (still young) industry within other organisations such as the Writers Guild and the Producers Guild (as per his bio on this website). By representing our industry (certainly as an Executive member of the IGDA) it does an enormous disservice to all of the ethical, hard-working individuals who really do currently contribute something tangible to the videogames business.
« Reply #928 on: August 06, 2009, 01:11:22 PM »

And at least Mr Bracey can contend that he is an industry legend too, although Tim is definitely heading for legendary status just perhaps not in the way he'd like Wink
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« Reply #929 on: August 06, 2009, 02:28:18 PM »

Looks like Edge games abandoned the trademark for 'EDGY' on August 3rd.


I wonder what this means. Is Tim trying to cover his tracks and mend his reputation? Is he content to leave mobigames alone now that apple is on his side and has pulled there game? Is it totally irrelevant?

Not sure what this means, just wanna bring some more facts and information to the table.
Martin 2BAM
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« Reply #930 on: August 06, 2009, 05:47:19 PM »

Tim Douchefag should pay for Edge's damages... The removal of edge (game) on it's first moments of publishing is economically damaging (everybody knows that the first months are the only profitable ones)

So the fucker must pay  Apoplectic

Working on HeliBrawl
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« Reply #931 on: August 06, 2009, 06:39:10 PM »

Fun update from the IGDA thread. Carlton Holder, the guy behind Teenage Wasteland, a project that Edge claims as one of other own on their site wrote this reply to someone asking about Tim:
Re: Researching Tim Langdell Re: Researching Tim Langdell
Hi Brian,

I would be glad to give you whatever info I can. Tim Langdell is a very fraudulent person. He is trying to claim rights to my project. I am not in business with him. I am not a partner of his and he has nothing to do with my project Teenage Wasteland. I was talking to him early on about having him do the game, but I quickly realized he did not have the capability of doing a game and his past is steeped in suspicious activity and shady business dealings. I have asked him to take my show off his site. He refuses. He is keeping it on there because he thinks if I have a pending deal with a Hollywood company (I am a Hollywood writer) they will see his site and he can try to claim rights. What he does not realize is he is infringing on my copyright and will face a severe copyright infringement suit. The guy is a creep and a coward (He won't even pick up the phone when I call). He thinks he can strong arm me, but he does not have any idea of the people I deal with.

I have also asked the people at GameBeefer to take down their posting, but they will not respond to me.

Looks like the law might be catching up to Tim...
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« Reply #932 on: August 06, 2009, 06:53:35 PM »

Yeah, that Teenage Wasteland thing is the lowest Tim has stooped. It's also the most easy one for him to get caught on. What was he thinking?
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« Reply #933 on: August 06, 2009, 07:31:22 PM »

I'm not convinced those are posted by the real holder yet...that would be pretty glorious though.

cup full of magic charisma
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« Reply #934 on: August 07, 2009, 12:59:37 AM »

I'm not convinced those are posted by the real holder yet...that would be pretty glorious though.
"Hey, I just wanted to warn everyone at Twitter about a man named Tim Langdell who is posing as a video game producer. He's a lowlife con man"
-Carlton Holder

Martin 2BAM
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« Reply #935 on: August 07, 2009, 01:15:09 AM »

That guy is what, 10 years old?

Working on HeliBrawl
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« Reply #936 on: August 07, 2009, 01:52:45 AM »

That guy is what, 10 years old?
Talking about the way he writes? I have a screenwriter friend who's kind of the same online, maybe it's a thing.
« Reply #937 on: August 07, 2009, 11:03:39 AM »

Hello Nicolas
I am sorry you are being exposed to such a flood of lies about me and my company. First, Edge Games has never demanded money from any one for its trademarks. That was a lie made up to try to make Edge and me look bad. Second, in all the trademark settlements we have done over the years we have never taken a cent from anyone. Not one penny. People want you to think we are trademark trolls, but there is no truth to that at all.
As to Mobigame, they infringed our registered trademarks EDGE and THE EDGE which we have held for decades. It was not just a matter of "letter of the law" that they were wrong, it was morally and ethically they were wrong too. Apple investigated the matter and they came to the conclusion that Mobigame were wrong to use the name Edge in the UK, US and Germany where Edge Games has registered the mark EDGE. We did not influence Apple's decision. We did bring the fact of our registered trademarks to Apple's attention, but we are forced to do that by law which demands when we see our mark being used we are obliged to tell the party selling the infringing goods. We would have have serious consequences had we not told Apple.
We never asked Mobigame for money and they have not paid us anything. That dispute is over with Apple deciding in our favor. We tried for months since late May to persuade Mobigame to change the name of their game to EDGY but they have repeatedly refused to do so (while lying to the public by claiming we somehow stopped them from changing the name). We abandoned the application in the US for EDGY (which we can prove, if necessary, that we only applied for because Mobigame asked us to), and have done everything in our power to encourage Mobigame to rename their game EDGY, get it back on sale, and stop losing money by keeping the game off the market. Mobigame have refused (as recently as last week) saying that they want to keep the name as "Edge" despite Apple and the US Trademark Office both telling them they may not do so. Mobigame must now fight with Apple and the US Trademark office if they are being so stubborn as to not change the name of their game, but Edge Games is now out of that argument.
Again, Edge Games has only sued one company in the past 30 years and that law suit was withdrawn with a very amicable settlement being reached between the parties. So there is not the slightest validity in calling us a company that threatens indie developers, tries to make money off of our trademarks, or etc. We are not, nor have we ever been, "trademark trolls."
Do better research, ignore the lies being stated and restated all over the internet, find out the truth (as us more questions if you like) and come to you own conclusion not one based on the falsehoods being said about us.
From a personal perspective, I serve on the Board of the IGDA as an individual, NOT as the CEO of Edge Games. Thus all these criticisms of Edge Games' practices should not influence anyones opinion as to my suitability to be on the Board. I have been an indie developer for 30 years (one of the first) and am a strong supporter of indie rights. My company has funded several hundred indie developers to get their first start in the game industry and my university classes have graduated several hundred students who have gone on to work in the industry both as indies and as part of large studios. With respect, I have give a sizable contribution to the game developer community and have never, ever, done anything that is contrary to the interests of game developers or the IGDA. Those are all malicious falsehoods.
Tim Langdell
CEO, Edge Games Inc


For 10 peggles, see how many contradictions with previous claims you can find in there, for 12 peggles, see how many diversions and for 15 peggles, spot the blatant untruths.
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« Reply #938 on: August 07, 2009, 11:08:15 AM »

Its funny, but Edge by Mobigames is probably the closest instance I would side with Tim. When I read emails like that I start to think that he might be being misrepresented, then I remember "Mirrors a game from Edge" something I saw on his site with my own eyes, and all that goes out the window.

Dirty Rectangles

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« Reply #939 on: August 07, 2009, 11:42:17 AM »

The latest official IGDA email:

Dear IGDA Members,

As many of you are aware, the IGDA website was recently exploited to send emails to members. This use of private data occurred in the context of a group's efforts to gain signatures for a petition. The day after the exploit we received the petition with signatures. The method used to gain these signatures has complicated an already complex situation. We have heard from those who feel they were justified in taking such measures, those who are concerned their privacy was violated, and many other perspectives, opinions, and concerns.

The debate over the issues at hand has had a negative impact on the association, and our ability to move forward on member programs and initiatives. Rather than continue a public and internal discourse on the circumstances and validity of the petition, Bob Bates and I have decided that the least damaging approach for the organization is to call a special membership meeting, as the co-Chairs may do as per the by-laws.

Since the IGDA does not yet have a policy for how to hold special membership meetings, at our Aug 5th meeting the Board chartered a Task Force comprised of IGDA Board members Tom Buscaglia and Coray Seifert, and at large members Darius Kazemi, Dustin Clingman and Brian Robbins, with the Executive Director acting in an advisory role to the Taskforce. The Taskforce will evaluate and recommend a policy regarding the methodology and procedures for holding special meetings of the membership of the IGDA, that serves the intent of the by-laws.

Once this course of action is established, it will be possible to fix the other details of the meeting, which needs to occur at least 35 days after the date is announced. We all share the goals of a fair and professional process that can let our organization move beyond this controversy, and I appreciate your patience as we work out the details.

Thank you,
Tobi Saulnier

Tobi was just appointed to co-chair from the position of treasurer a couple days ago, I believe.  Also, I love that Buscaglia is leading this "task force".

cup full of magic charisma
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