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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsHer Majesty's Royal Space Armada
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Author Topic: Her Majesty's Royal Space Armada  (Read 18998 times)
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« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2011, 10:33:45 PM »

New ship type from a new "culture" that likes to make blocky things with antennae sticking out. I wanted to hold off on making any new cultures until I had a demo released with only the first culture (pointy spearhead ships) but inspiration doesn't really work that way.

Level 7

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« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2011, 09:15:41 PM »

I've really liked the look of this game from the first proto-playable-thing! (Probably because I'm a big Homeworld fan, but that's not a bad thing to look like.) Best of luck getting things tuned right!

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« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2011, 07:50:12 AM »

This is lovely! I really like the imperialistic vibe it's got going on. Looking forward to playing it.
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aka dude4k

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« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2011, 04:12:42 PM »

Looks great! Finally a strategy game that looks good. I can't wait to play.
Level 10

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« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2011, 11:31:35 PM »

So I decided I should start working on this again.

I am making a fleet painter that will eventually be used to design the colors and banner of your armada. Once I make the GUI more friendly, add banner design, and provide some kind of export, I will probably release it just to give something people can play with.

The game itself is going to undergo a significant overhaul, and the planned design is completely different. I will disclose details and post screenshots when I actually get around to implementing it!

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« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2011, 08:13:47 PM »


Here is a Web Player link:

I have yet to implement a series of features but the basic idea is there.

Level 5

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« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2011, 05:05:05 PM »

Cool, I love your models!

My only complaint with the editor is that once you left click to move the view around, you have to move your mouse for a little bit before it actually starts moving the view. It would be nice if you could eliminate that delay.

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« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2011, 05:44:54 PM »

Thanks for the feedback! The lag in the camera is due to a zoom-in tween that should really only belong inside the tactical battles. I just removed it on my development version and it works much better.

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« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2011, 08:56:48 AM »

Cross-posting this from my tumblr, instead of just randomly posting things in places I think I should keep my tumblr / indiedb / this thread in sync:

This is the latest interface addition to Her Majesty’s Royal Space Armada.

In order to simplify control over the economy, there is a single global build queue. This is a compromise between the pay-at-once (seen in Starcraft) and the pay-as-you-go (seen in C&C and Total Annihilation) methods for purchasing decisions. The former requires you to waste time, or get distracted doing something else, as you wait for the precise moment when you have enough money to build the next thing you want. The latter allows you to queue up everything you want to build, but because it is all building simultaneously, when you run out of money you run into an “economy gridlock” that you must carefully sort out in order to build the things you really want.

The build queue follows the inuitive, pay-at-once model but merely places these orders in a global queue so you can put in a build order at any time you want. Because there is only one queue, there is no need to remedy “economy gridlock”; when your queue gets larger, you need only take a moment to decide what is most important to you, and put those things at the beginning of the queue. Since squadrons resupply their own units, you don’t need to worry about cluttering up this queue with constant reinforcements, and therefore it should stay relatively small and easy to manage. Currently you can’t easily drag or re-order queue orders easily, but that is on the to-do list.

I will try to make more detailed posts like this as I implement significant features. Hopefully they will convince you that Her Majesty’s Royal Space Armada is not just another RTS.

Oh! I also made this video some time ago, sorry about the crappy quality and no sound. I need to go back and make a proper fraps one sometime.


Level 0

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« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2011, 10:27:54 AM »

I really like both the name of this project and the idea behind it. The ship customisation looks interesting as does the idea behind the gameplay.
Level 10

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« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2011, 11:22:15 AM »

I made a less-shitty video recently: http://www.screenr.com/27xs

I am in the process of getting a skirmish setup screen so that you can pick two fleets (just two players right now, human and AI) and go into battle with them.

I need to get around to fixing the combat code; I have the logic drawn out in pictures and notes, and just need to get the code to work the same way. Hopefully, then, the gameplay will work "as intended" and I can release a public version to get feedback, so I don't have to keep telling people "well it will actually work like this ..." and instead just let the game speak for itself.

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« Reply #31 on: August 29, 2011, 09:10:11 AM »

Made a new set of ship icons. Hopefully these are more descriptive.

Can you guess the type of ship based on the way the icon looks?

Level 0

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« Reply #32 on: August 29, 2011, 05:34:18 PM »

Let's see… Flagship, heavy armour or general fighting ship, long range guns, missile launchers, and interceptors or fast attack corvettes?

Level 10


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« Reply #33 on: August 29, 2011, 06:36:23 PM »

Man, this game is sexy.

Also, my own interpretations:

Winged crest = Voyager (it says so on menu) so presumably scouts, the three missile things are high-damage, the target-reticule is long-range, the shields are giant battleships,
Level 10

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« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2011, 08:12:14 PM »

This reminds me of Homeworld! Though I don't recall much of that. If you need a nice ambient soundtrack, I can provide such!

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« Reply #35 on: August 30, 2011, 04:32:31 PM »

Whoa, cool, so I chose pretty right. Everyone I've asked has gotten them mostly correct.

For each class of ships (Frigate, Cruiser, Battleship) there are four subclasses:
Light (Wings)  : Fastest, worst damage, decent armor, decent range.
Heavy (Shields): Most armor, decent damage, decent speed, short range.
Missile (blobs with trails): Good damage, decent speed, bad armor, long range.
Artillery (crosshairs) : Highest damage, slow, no armor, longest range.

The cruisers and battleships probably won't get the Artillery but instead get things like carriers, but I will bother with those later once I get the frigates sorted out. There's also a "card deck" system I'm aiming for where you basically construct a "deck" of ships, upgrades, passive effects, and other stuff to basically create your faction. The focus right now is just getting the combat to work properly and in an interesting way, so I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

I made some more videos of a playthrough of a 15 minute game, these are a bit better. There's only one or two glaring bugs showing up.

Pt 1:  (jumps a bit so I skip some of the boring early game ... should be more interesting whenever I implement fog of war)
Pt 2:  (sound cut out because I muted it and forgot that I had done so... oops)
Pt 3: (I can't win because I can't attack the fleeing flagship, flagships shouldn't flee anyways!)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 07:22:01 PM by nihilocrat » Logged

Level 10

The Magical Owl

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« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2011, 10:31:10 AM »

I like space themed games, especially those featuring space battles. What I see in the videos looks technically competent and you have a solid foundation.

  • I believe I see what appears to be am lacking "playability": what is the quirks and uniqueness of the game and mechanics? Currently you send ships out that line up and fire away until they or the opponents are gone, which seems a bit tactically dry.
  • It seems to suffer from the 2D in 3D syndrome, where you have a 3D space but everything still seems to happen on a 2D plane. Is this to make the interface easier for the operator?
  • From the videos it seems to be difficult to have a large overview of the scene, and there seems to be a need to zoom back and forth quite a bit.
  • Though the visuals are highly stylised and your own, particularly in the last screenshot, it still seems very information-sparse. I would also like some more zest to the presentation by particle and light effects to emphasise the drama and scale of the space confrontations.

\\\"There\\\'s a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,\\\" says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex. --IGN<br />My compilation of game engines for indies
Level 3

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« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2011, 03:30:42 PM »

Sweet project, I'll have to read through the rest of your devlog tomorrow when I'm less tired  Smiley.  Just thought I'd make a quick post now since I've got a little idea you might like.  I really love the flat shaded retro look of the ships and planets, really cool, but I think having the high res, more realistic background takes away from that vibe.  I think what would look good for the backgrounds and really pump the retro style is if you used perlin noise but with the smoothing function removed.  It comes out looking something like:

Apply some funky retro arcade space like colour gradients to that and with some messing and tuning it think it could be pretty awesome as a more stylised space backdrop.

Just a thought.
Level 10

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« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2011, 06:50:43 PM »

I like space themed games, especially those featuring space battles. What I see in the videos looks technically competent and you have a solid foundation.

I believe I see what appears to be am lacking "playability": what is the quirks and uniqueness of the game and mechanics? Currently you send ships out that line up and fire away until they or the opponents are gone, which seems a bit tactically dry.

Keeping with the slow-paced nature of the game, tactically your job is to control the circumstances of combat before it begins. Heavies should run out to the front and take damage because their armor will soak up most of it, while missile or artillery frigates fire from behind. Lights have the easiest time either quickly reacting to enemy movements or flanking enemy formations : it is totally not obvious, but there is a damage bonus when attacking from the side or behind. As the battle continues, you might observe the morale and health of your squadrons and withdraw ones that have taken too many hits or are about to rout.

The gameplay is lacking right now because the AI doesn't currently think in any of these terms: it just keeps making ships and throws the at you. I also need to tune the systems a bit more so that the advantages of using unit A over unit B are more obvious.

It seems to suffer from the 2D in 3D syndrome, where you have a 3D space but everything still seems to happen on a 2D plane. Is this to make the interface easier for the operator?
It makes things easier, but it's a bit of a symptom of two things conflicting:
*Retro 3D : I like this art style and have gotten pretty decent at executing it.
*Minimalism : only add elements when they add interesting choices. I don't feel like the third dimension adds a lot to the gameplay either in HMRSA or Homeworld, so I will keep it out until I can think of an interesting use for it.

The current plan is to limit the 3D into three planes: above, below, and in the middle, but even with the simplified structure I'm not sure how I want to use it.

From the videos it seems to be difficult to have a large overview of the scene, and there seems to be a need to zoom back and forth quite a bit.

The minimap is pretty lacking right now. When you bring it up, you will not only get a map (which I should probably go ahead and do in 3D as well, so it matches the camera perspective) but interface that will let you select any unit you own or any outpost you have captured. The objective of the interface is to allow you to make any kind of gameplay action without moving the camera. Sins of a Solar Empire is my source of inspiration here, because they've done such a good job with the interface.

Though the visuals are highly stylised and your own, particularly in the last screenshot, it still seems very information-sparse. I would also like some more zest to the presentation by particle and light effects to emphasise the drama and scale of the space confrontations.

I'm curious what other information you're looking for, maybe tooltips to tell you what things mean and what's going on? UnityGUI is not the greatest at easily providing a rich GUI, hopefully something that will be fixed in 3.5 but might force me to create my own or use a community-made GUI library.

There could be more particles, and a lot of the more interesting visuals (exploding ships, muzzle fire, etc.) aren't implemented yet. The one set of particles I'm looking to implement soon are ones that will fire if you are causing extra damage from flanking, or are using weapons that penetrate armor when hitting armored targets. Hopefully this will make these systems more obvious and accessible. You can notice now but it's quite subtle: your battleships seem a lot less invincible when they've been hit by a few volleys of artillery fire.

Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for the advice! The skyboxes are indeed one of the things that doesn't fit so well and which I haven't bothered with too much.

Level 0

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« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2011, 01:16:31 AM »

Love the art style so far. Just please, PLEASE make an option to space-pause for giving orders in Player vs CPU modes!

"Stand rigid for the next battle
Peace means reloading your guns
The love for life is all hatred in disguise
A carnival creation with masks undone"
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