^^^ Oh yeah, touchpads are definitely NOT recommended.
I don't think you should be able to control it on a 3D plane at all. Cos there's no reason for you to be up in the air, and it's only ever annoying to fling your guy at someone and find out that it doesn't hit cos he's like an inch above the ground. I do like how the blue guys react though, so I'd really prefer if the game was still 3D, but only you could swing him around on a 2D axis.
First of all, thanks for your constructive criticism.
I also find myself usually aiming the camera downwards and basically playing a 2D game because it usually netted me more kills. I'm only hesitant to lock the cube to the ground because I think the slamming ability is fun, and it kind of requires 3D. I do need to make it easier and more effective to slam so that it's sometimes more effective than merely pushing. I'm hoping I can think up an enemy type that utilizes the 3D (tall enemies? buildings?) to make the dimension more interesting and less frustrating.
Actually- Why does it do a 3 2 1? I don't think this game needs a 3 2 1.
Considering you only have 10 seconds to start, I respectfully disagree. I felt it would help the player figure out the best starting move. I admit there aren't many.
Actually I think making a time-based skill game around loose physics is a bad idea in general, cos time allways runs out as you're waiting for the guy to swing back around, or the green block to fall off the edge; basically allways waitin for the physics to catch up with what you're trying to do.
This is something I really got annoyed with as well. At first you merely "squished" the little blue dudes and it didn't feel as fun as smacking them around, but it did make you less of a slave to the physics. Maybe I'll make the green ones (irrationally) get squished, have them explode (ooh, third enemy type!), or maybe make it so if a dude experiences a certain amount of torque or force they will die immediately, or at least provide score/time immediately. Perhaps I could just make green dudes only spawn towards the edges. Lots of things to try out.
It's a shame I only ever hear the first 20 seconds of the music. It might as well just play continuously instead of restarting every round.
There are only about 15-20 seconds in the entire track, actually. It was made with the 10 second theme in mind.
So yea, it's a shame, cos I really like boppin guys around.
Good, I was aiming for the fun of the game to revolve around boppin' guys around. If it shines any light on my design decisions, I was originally inspired to make this game after playing Boom Blox. I would always want to kill the little dudes on the sidelines if I had extra time/throws, and I thought the puzzles where you could move blox around had really awesome this-is-what-the-wiimote-was-made-for controls. Thus, I combined the two.