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Author Topic: Movies  (Read 176042 times)
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« Reply #1420 on: May 15, 2015, 12:55:26 AM »

FURY ROAD is the best action movie i've ever seen. seeing it again on saturday, will likely see it again after that. see it in theaters. don't wait for it on dvd. god. please, see this movie.

YES. and def cop the 3d IMAX on whatever largest screen you can find. its one of those rare films that justifies the existence of things like 3d IMAX. only others i can think of are interstellar and gravity. and im not saying this for the action scenes necessarily, but for the fucking VISTAS. beyond being jaw droppingly beautiful and technically peerless, the experience is like a 2 hour visual tsunami of Dali-meets-Giger, but with vastly more exploding cars and flamethrower guitar solos.

Also I saw Mad Max: Fury Road, every action movie will be compared to it from now on. And nothing will live up to it.

man, i wonder if this movie will influence directors to return to practical effects, because the difference in feel and weight of the action you see here is so huge. the set pieces have momentum and intuitive spatial logic that makes sense, investing you in the scene. you cant see this and then see Ultron or that jurassic world movie, they look like a scribbled up coloring book by comparison.

Level 6

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« Reply #1421 on: May 15, 2015, 02:34:12 AM »

Interstellar wasn't 3D... Also one of the only things I didn't like about Fury Road were the three or four shots that were blatantly staged for 3D. They just looked silly and pandering in 2D. But you know, four shots don't ruin a movie, even if the very last action scene ended on one. Also I'd suggest 2D because the colors are so vibrant and bold. 3D makes everything very dark and fuzzy.

Age of Ultron was total garbage though man. Not a single bit of tension, no unique action sequences, terrible writing. Whenever a new scene came up I felt like I had already watched it before it played out. Boring and nonthreatening villain too. But hey, at least they shot it with anamorphic lenses this time unlike the abomination of the first one that was 1.85:1 with fake CG anamorphic lens flares on top of everything. Some jarring bullshit that was.

Also the trailers for Jurassic World and Ant-Man look terrible.

EDIT: Oh, and action movies need to stop interjecting GoPro shots, the compression/bitrate/whatever is really ugly. So glad Mad Max didn't have it since there was talk of using over 20 cameras for some setpieces.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 02:42:52 AM by Armageddon » Logged

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« Reply #1422 on: May 16, 2015, 12:49:00 PM »

I had some about-to-expire gift tickets for the movies, so went we to see Kingsman with my cousins. They wanted to see either that or American Sniper. Usually I like more 'realistic' type of movies, but I thought Kingsman would probably be more fun. Was not disappointed, the story had kind of cartoonish feel to it and was enjoyable, but some of the action scenes very really spectacular. The church scene was so great (and brutal). Shocked
Level 10

collects sawdust

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« Reply #1423 on: May 16, 2015, 02:25:09 PM »

3D is quite literally a gimmick that deteriorates the experience.

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« Reply #1424 on: May 17, 2015, 05:39:55 AM »

Everyone is building so much hype around mad max, I think it will have to be the next thing I see.

Age of Ultron was my most recent ticket. It was really boring I had this face on the entire time -_-

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« Reply #1425 on: May 17, 2015, 05:49:59 AM »

you seem like a great person to take to the movies

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Level 10

bad, yells

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« Reply #1426 on: May 17, 2015, 05:50:59 AM »

3D is quite literally a gimmick that deteriorates the experience.

jesus christ no

it's a tool like anything


an actual gimmick: that dbox bullshit you see at some theaters. i saw pacific rim with it to try it out and i threw up.

beyond it being two hours of a chair violently shaking you, it...doesn't even work right. it just feels stupid as hell.

but 3D can be used to insane effectiveness and i'll maintain that until people shut up about it. it's just another thing to use, and you don't Have To Use It. it's like color or sound, it's just a Thing to use or not and that's it

if i see mad max without having seen the other three mad maxes will my mad maxcitement not be maxed out? will i be less mad if i don't have the backstory, or is it basically just a reboot

Level 10


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« Reply #1427 on: May 17, 2015, 06:03:38 AM »

like colour or sound if colour and sound in movies was faked using some weird trick to make you think you see colour instead of it being actual coloured light and sound was faked using something that wasn't at all like the vibrations we pick up as sound regularly and it was really distracting and obfuscating rather than enhancing and required you to put special hardware on your face and watching you're like "yeah I guess this is a bit like watching real coloured objects and hearing sounds, it's definitely approaching that experience to a degree" and it subsequently gave half the people watching a headache

then yeah

I guess then it'd be a tool like colour or sound

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« Reply #1428 on: May 17, 2015, 06:11:30 AM »

I have nothing against a slight 3D effect adding a bit of depth to everything, like in Avatar. And it can definitely be fun for kids with something sticking out of the screen in a kid's movie, which is definitely gimmicky use of 3D. Just don't put it in Avatar. And they didn't. So it's fine with me. And there's a non-3D version too for those bothered by it, so 's all good.

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« Reply #1429 on: May 17, 2015, 06:19:47 AM »

It's such a shame that 3D is seen this way now by the majority of people.
I just wish people, before hating 3d could see what has made them had it
It's been abused! too many producers have pumped out cheap 2d conversions which are nothing but distracting and unnatural to watch. These are easily worse to watch than the original 2D film and are organically going to breed hate for 3D. Given how new the tech is, producers will also intentional spoil good cinematography for the sake of "wow so much 3D" moments, since they think they need to make the 3d into a cheasy toy-like experience for people to be drawn to it
It's been bundled with shitty innovations. In particular I'm referring to the entire hobbit franchise. This is probably a key series for people in forming opinions around 3d movies, being one of VERY FEW which were actually filmed in 3D yet it's coupled with that disgusting 48 frames per second nonsense.
People don't understand HOW to watch 3D.
Before watching a 3D movie it's important to understand the fundamentals of the technology, you are watching 2 different images simultaneously which have been filmed and edited in the past, what this should imply is that any attempt you make while watching the movie to change the object in focus is going to achieve nothing if not frustrating your cortex.
When watching a 3d movie you need to accept that what was filmed will stay that way, focus your eyes at the distance from you to the screen.

Anyway, that's my rant over. Don't hate 3D!

Level 10

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« Reply #1430 on: May 17, 2015, 06:22:29 AM »

surround sound is a gimmick

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« Reply #1431 on: May 17, 2015, 06:28:54 AM »

both are there to drive up production (and distribution) costs and create a visible distinction between "AAA" and not. It's a lot like weird floating high production value menus in video games, they're not there to add to the experience per se: it's just a stamp to show you that the thing you're consuming cost a lot of money to make which in your head is supposed to mean it's better.

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Level 10

wave emoji

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« Reply #1432 on: May 17, 2015, 06:29:08 AM »

if i see mad max without having seen the other three mad maxes will my mad maxcitement not be maxed out? will i be less mad if i don't have the backstory, or is it basically just a reboot

interestingly, all of them are reboots or none of them are reboots. there isnt any real continuity kept, so you should have no problem. george miller thinks of max as a sort of universal archetype, so it doesnt even have the be the same person really.

like colour or sound if colour and sound in movies was faked using some weird trick to make you think you see colour instead of it being actual coloured light and sound was faked using something that wasn't at all like the vibrations we pick up as sound regularly and it was really distracting and obfuscating rather than enhancing and required you to put special hardware on your face and watching you're like "yeah I guess this is a bit like watching real coloured objects and hearing sounds, it's definitely approaching that experience to a degree" and it subsequently gave half the people watching a headache

then yeah

I guess then it'd be a tool like colour or sound

but everything you said is actually whats used, rofl. its all tricks! you are just used to it so it seems normal. "its not real motion, its just a roll of film frames with blank spaces in between running at slightly above noticeable refresh rate to simulate movement!" "its not real colored light, its just 3 overlaid RGB lenses simulating color!" "its not real sound, its digitally quantized approximations of sine waves transmitted through wobbling rubber". wont argue about the glasses, tho the new ones are  a step up

Level 10


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« Reply #1433 on: May 17, 2015, 06:38:09 AM »

no those are actually real soundwaves hitting my ears and real mixes of light frequencies hitting my eyes, just like in real life. The only illusion is that of motion.
I'll give 3D another try when it can take more than stereoscopy into account and we don't need Mittens here in every theatre explaining to people just how to go about looking at the screen in order to minimize nausea.

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« Reply #1434 on: May 17, 2015, 06:43:18 AM »

I've never been nauseous by 3D or heard of anyone I've seen a 3D movie with claim they were... Is that common? Weird. People are weird. People should be like me and have perfect <sense of whatever it is that does not make you nauseous>!!!

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« Reply #1435 on: May 17, 2015, 06:52:36 AM »

dull senses are less sensitive to something being off about an experience. it's why alcohol helps prevent motion sickness.

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« Reply #1436 on: May 17, 2015, 07:04:06 AM »

I'm pretty sensitive to things being off in reality, but I know I'm watching a movie when I'm watching one and I adjust I guess? s:

And shouldn't the brain learn from experiences too? I got car sick as a kid but never any more.

w/e ppl r diffrnt Hand Thumbs Up Left Hand Thumbs Up Right Hand Thumbs Up Left Hand Thumbs Up Right I know for one there are things I can't help too that people find weird. Screamy

Level 10

bad, yells

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« Reply #1437 on: May 17, 2015, 09:55:57 AM »

if i see mad max without having seen the other three mad maxes will my mad maxcitement not be maxed out? will i be less mad if i don't have the backstory, or is it basically just a reboot

interestingly, all of them are reboots or none of them are reboots. there isnt any real continuity kept, so you should have no problem. george miller thinks of max as a sort of universal archetype, so it doesnt even have the be the same person really.

awesome. i can't wait to get maxfreakin' wild

Cowardly Baby
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« Reply #1438 on: May 17, 2015, 01:36:05 PM »

I wait to see if its good-good or Avengers-good.

Or even worse...
Its like 300

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« Reply #1439 on: May 17, 2015, 04:35:08 PM »

saw mad max again, this time in 2d. still great.

3d is only a gimmick when it's used like one. i saw goodbye to language last year and my entire opinion of 3d changed.
other great movie that uses 3d well: hugo

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