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TIGSource ForumsCommunityTownhallThe Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread
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Author Topic: The Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread  (Read 2045097 times)
Level 10


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« Reply #1120 on: September 12, 2008, 06:44:10 PM »

pixel art fetish

hyperbole much?  i, for one, like pixel art as well as flash art and many other kinds of art as well.  i'm sure quite a few other people on this board do as well.  don't worry, your art looks great and will be welcomed with open arms here.  we just happen to have more pixellers than flashers (WTF) at the moment. 



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« Reply #1121 on: September 12, 2008, 07:47:34 PM »

Hello internet people!

My name is, well, masteroftheclaw... I'd say more but with prospective employers checking every virtual nook and cranny, I guess I'll stay more anonymous.

I'm an 18 year old female (NO WAI) who's recently taken up video game programming. I'd really love to get into pixel art as well but I've yet to get into that.

Some of my all-time favorite games are (in no significant order):

Hi Jacker
Robotron 2084
Dig Dug
The Legend of Zelda
Super Castlevania IV
Super Mario RPG
Star Fox
Mortal Kombat
Sim Ant
Dino Park Tycoon
The Sims
Grim Fandango
Full Throttle
Leisure Suit Larry series
Space Quest series
Total Distortion
Space Station Silicon Valley
Body Harvest
Blast Corps
Super Smash Bros.
Silent Hill
Bushido Blade
Grand Theft Auto
Soul Blade
Rival Schools

I'm no artist but there's boring sketch of me since I don't have an actual photo to put up. Also, anonymity!

I've barely found out about this site but I'm already falling for it. I hope I can stay here for a nice, long while.
Brother Android
Level 10

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« Reply #1122 on: September 12, 2008, 08:18:02 PM »

May as well introduce myself, I suppose.

I call myself Jabberwock. I have made a few games, though it is entirely a hobby for me. I have very limited pixeling skill, and very limited ability with Game Maker. Some people have found my games enjoyable, though, so I guess there's no terrible embarrassment in posting a list of some of the better ones:

The Wasteland

Here are some things I have drawn, too. I am not much of an artist.


I fancy my primary skill to lay in the realm of music composition, though I still have a long ways to go in that area, as well.


I also record some rock/pop/folk/electronica/whatever sort of music. With sci-fi themes. A space rock sort of thing, I guess.





I guess that is all I have to say. Oh, I am a member of EO and of The Poppenkast, if that means anything to anyone.

@Markham - yeah, thought I recognized your work... nice style.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 08:21:14 PM by Jabberwock » Logged

Level 10


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« Reply #1123 on: September 12, 2008, 09:29:15 PM »

Ah, Jabberwock. Was wondering who you were. Nice tiny pixels! And musics. Well, I enjoyed them. I shall download your games, too. They look interesting. Good luck with Mekanos, too. Looks sweet, and We can can never have enough of Metroidvanias (the game styles, not the portmanteau. The word itself is clunky and irritating.)

Claw Master. Joust, Bushido Blade, Ico, an unhealthy sense of paranoia and... suspenders? Welcome!

equals P, I'm sure the exciting compos will get you... making games in no time! Maybe. They're a good incentive. Nice outcome.

Markham, we like the look of the arts. Kinda soft and friendly. I think most people get limited by the ease of flash tools in the art-department, but some nice things can be done with it. We don't all have a Pixel Fetish. Well, an exclusive one, anyways.
Level 6


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« Reply #1124 on: September 13, 2008, 04:22:49 PM »


I'm a pixel artist and I also occasionally make games. I use game maker mostly but I spent a few semesters in computer sciences so I know a bit of java and C#. Right now I'm a multimedia student in college. I originally joined here to participate in the random game name-based competition but never finished my entry. I'm a regular at pixel joint and I lurk pixelation a lot. Also I'm a regular at gamingw.net

Here ill pimp' some o' my art and other stuff thats where I show off in the hopes that people will be all OOH THAT IS SO IMPRESSIVE FRANKIE HERE IM GIVING YOU FREE MONEY (that would be soooo cool please do that)

Heres a few random sprites I made... (read: carefully picked sprites because they look better than the rest of my crap)

(my gallery on pixeljoint is there...gimme a holler...gimme dat holler...)

I really like animation but its mostly just with pixel art, I'm still dabbling with other animation, heres one I drew directly in flash with the brush, just fo' fun:

Heres a few games I worked on recently, two of them are for a recent competition on the poppenkast. The controls are shown in the title screens:
The Sad, sad tale of Finnsworth, private eye in space.

download here
(in this one I made the art, Monster King Ren programmed, and Lurdiak made the soundtrack)

Big building boom blues

download here
(In this one I made the art and programmed, and Untitled composed the music and made the buildings' tiles.)

I'm working on lots of little projects for fun right now. Ill post about them on my blog probably, but right now its pretty empty. I was just told its a good idea to keep some sort of design blog because apparently, those are these days slowly replacing "demo reels" when you want to get a job, because blogs allow the employer to like, see your evolution as an artist or some shit.... mmmh... think 'bout it...

I also post some vids on youtube, like, videos of stuff being drawn. Also I put some of my stuff on deviant art because lots of it doesn't fit on pixeljoint. I'm a little ashamed of my non-pixel art work right now so don't look too hard there please!

Level 10


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« Reply #1125 on: September 13, 2008, 04:46:10 PM »

Dude, those are some sweet animations. Welcome!
« Reply #1126 on: September 13, 2008, 04:53:20 PM »

I love you, man.
Level 10

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« Reply #1127 on: September 14, 2008, 01:37:59 AM »

Goddamn FrankieSmileShow, your stuff is ridiculously good
Level 0

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« Reply #1128 on: September 14, 2008, 02:49:10 AM »

i second that

G.D. Hamell
Level 0

El Viking

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« Reply #1129 on: September 14, 2008, 06:13:49 AM »

Thirded that. Welcome all.
« Reply #1130 on: September 14, 2008, 12:39:11 PM »

Notice how the little green dude manages to strum a few notes while dodging. Gotta admire that.
« Reply #1131 on: September 14, 2008, 02:57:49 PM »

Holy hell Frankie, that's some nice stuff.  Those explosions remind me a lot of the Metal Slug explosions, which are easily my favorite kind.  Also some very top notch on that crazy perspective in the running animation.
Craig Stern
Level 10

I'm not actually all that stern.

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« Reply #1132 on: September 14, 2008, 03:17:42 PM »

Whoa! That's some nice work, there. I love the animation of the robot trying to squish the little musician lizard. Grin

Level 0

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« Reply #1133 on: September 14, 2008, 10:52:03 PM »

Well, here goes nothin'....

Hey everybody, my name is Mike.  I'm a designer / light weight coder, currently working on ARGs, but really interested in mobile development (hooray iPhone).  I'm currently moonlighting as a game maker when I'm not at the 9 to whenever desk job, and I'm working on changing that around so that I'm making games all the time.

I spent a couple years working at EA, got tired of making the same game every year, and left to go to USC's Interactive Media Department.  I just graduated from there, and now I'm trying to turn my thesis into a living.

I'd post snazzy art from it, but my thesis game has no art what-so-ever; it's an entirely audio, casual MMO you played through your phone.  See what happens when you can't get an artist?  Cut the visuals all together.

Anyway, I decided to start posting here because, frankly, I'm getting tired of trying to do this stuff all on my own, and figured at least finding a community of other people doing it would be a good start.

Incidentally... anybody on here an iPhone, or an iPhone interested person in the Los Angeles area?  I'd love to talk to you.

As far as favorite games go, I've probably lost more time to the Civilization series than is healthy.  Also, Wing Commander in the pre Mark Hammil days. 
Level 10

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« Reply #1134 on: September 15, 2008, 12:39:33 AM »

an entirely audio, casual MMO you played through your phone.

Fantastic idea. What kind of MMO, though?

By the way, welcome! That goes to everyone.

Level 0

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« Reply #1135 on: September 15, 2008, 09:11:04 AM »

It's a fantasy stock market MMO - I wanted a game that lets you be Gordon Gecko, who uses his phone as his weapon.
Level 10


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« Reply #1136 on: September 15, 2008, 11:10:58 PM »

That's... potentially very awesome? I mean, with the right snappy presentation, and such. Out-purchasing and out-Eightiesing your opponent. Greed is Good!

Plus, that audio-based dealieo is rather nifty.
Level 10

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« Reply #1137 on: September 15, 2008, 11:19:38 PM »

Will it use speech recognition? It sounds kind of incredibly ambitious, and really unique.

Level 5

Dream Mechanic

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« Reply #1138 on: September 16, 2008, 01:37:33 AM »

I was lured here by links from another game development forum, and thought I'll register, since this seems to be a busy place with a lot of skilled people.

My name's Hajo, long-year wannabe game developer. Well, more of a programmer and maybe graphics artist than a game designer. And still there is a lot to learn for me. I hope I can contribute to the forum, and also hope to get help and advice at times, when I have questions.

I'm currently working my way back from a longer break in game development, even my programming skills got a bit rusty in between.

If it matters, I've been using C++ for many years, once was good at it, but now forgot most of it again. Java knowledge is more up to date, at last good enough for my toy projects. Graphics art skills are fair, until it's about drawing or modelling persons and animals - it seems I'm much better at architecture, plants and landscape things. Once I also was interested in composing and arranging music and sounds, but in between programming and painting there usually just wasn't time to practice that, so I'd say there are no skills left but a few fading memories.

'nuff said. Looking forward to an inspiring stay here, and maybe some day have an interesting game project again Smiley

Per aspera ad astra
Level 0


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« Reply #1139 on: September 16, 2008, 06:32:42 AM »

Ooh I found it.
I finally signed up here at the (brash and - honestly - verbally abusive) request of a developer who shall remain nameless. I did the music for his first little game, MAGI... back in the day and I'm doing the soundtrack to another one of his crazy ideas. It's certainly fun because the experimentation I'm allowed to do on the music is any composer's wet-dream. Anyway I've done other games as well, s'all good.

I was brought up around the blue stylings of mister Sonic the Hedgehog as a kid and then gained a huge fascination with SNES RPGs and platformers: Final Fantasy, Zelda and Donkey Kong are three I could name that I loved during my teenage phase. Games got pushed aside when I realised girls existed, then half a decade later I decided games and music were far more important. Now my poor girlfriend has to contend with both. Even though it's pretty mainstream I'm completely addicted to Call of Duty 4 at the moment, which is odd because I rarely have enough time to play games now a days but somehow I find the time to procrastinate on multi-player long enough put off doing very important things until the next day.

I love the indie circuit because - well - it just rocks the socks off any dinner plate. There's so much innovation and originality and it's filled with people who have a love of making cracking games and not money, money, money. Or, at least, if they're interested in making the money they'll probably be sorely disappointed with how much they get. It also means I can compose interesting things rather than having to compose 'generic soundtrack for a fat man sitting on the toilet after a curry #2: make it sound like Hans Zimmer, kk? Very epic!!1one'... it's a nice call for originality where I feel somehow (maybe just to one lonely teenager in his room) I can make a new musical statement and set a boundary myself rather than having to follow those created by every A-list composer under the sun.

Uh, I can't think of much more to write now but I guess that's an introduction. I'm happy to be here and thanks for taking the time to read this I guess; introduction or rant, I don't know.

Anyway, hello all!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 06:39:31 AM by Bod » Logged

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