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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsComputer Virus Simulator - Patreon is live!
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Author Topic: Computer Virus Simulator - Patreon is live!  (Read 62961 times)
Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« on: January 28, 2015, 08:10:39 AM »

Update 18.09.2018: Patreon campaign announced!
Update 07.07.2018: An updated and greatly improved predemo #2.5 has been released. See this post for more info.
Update 30.05.2018: While the campaign didn't reach its goal despite the daily updates, thanks to one nice person I am able to continue the work again!
Update 20.04.2018: IndieGoGo campaign launched. This is pretty much a hail mary for me and probably the last chance to make it work. Please help me.
Update 03.06.2016: Predemo #1 has been release. Click here for details and download.
Update 24.04.2016: Need your input. See this post and the post right after that.
Update 14.09.2015: Second testbuild has been released! Details.
Update 11.08.2015: There's now playtesting thread so you can help me test aspects of the game I am not confident I can get right by myself! http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=49705.0

Update 25.05.2015: Come and like game's Facebook page! For great justice!

About the game

Computer Virus Simulator is flat-shaded, lowpoly 3D platformer/shooter in which YOU ARE A COMPUTER VIRUS. There will be several missions with various goals made using flexible level goal system, one mission per level, so gameplay won't feel bland.

Missions? What missions?

Well, missions. Every computer virus needs a purpose, doesn't it? And each mission has a goal. Currently following goals are implemented:
- Collect X datagrams (data collection)
- Destroy X datagrams (data deletion)
- Kill X running processes (special kind of NPC; system corruption)
- Infect X running processes (system infection; transform them in zombie processes and slow down the system)
- Kill X enemies (any hostile NPC)
- Infect X enemies (transforms them into your allies and make them attack other hostiles)
- Kill X neutrals (any npc that isn't hostile towards you and isn't a running process)
- Infect X neutrals (does little in terms of changing neutrals' behavior, but if they touch other npcs, including hostiles, they'll spread infection which will then affect those in specific ways characteristic for infection target, e.g. if infected neutral touches running process, running process has chance of infection and if infected, running process will change into zombie process)

Those goals can be mix'n'matched to create unique missions that, along with descriptions and in-game dialogue create unique and fun experience.

You'll be able to name your Virus and change its color to one you desire.

Another thing is a level editor. This is one of main focuses of the game, as I plan to make it so powerful actual game campaign would be made in it.

Yes, I could use Unity's scene editor for making levels, but where's fun in that? More over, I'd only increase my workload as I want you to be able to make everything I can - basically have level of power, editors for Doom, Quake, Duke3D and Unreal have while at the same time be easy to use. The only thing that will be made as an actual Unity scene is level hub/main menu.

Untextured, flat polygons but with dynamic shadows. That kind of artstyle not only decreases my workload, but also makes for a really great looking game with cute art.


Definitely not free Smiley. I plan to start IndieGoGo campaign once I have something playable and include short, possibly 5 level long demo of the game (level editor will be disabled in this version).

Want more?

Aside of updating this thread, I'm doing Twitch coding streams at http://twitch.tv/qvear. Follow me there to be informed when I'll start livecoding!

Also please follow @thedarkhog on Twitter to get updates.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 10:30:14 AM by darkhog » Logged

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 0


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« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2015, 08:38:34 AM »

I'm not so sure about the name Computer Virus Simulator, yes I know it's just a game but really, a computer virus and a living virus are two different things.
Anyway, beyond my gripes of naming I wish you luck  Beer!

Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2015, 09:39:09 AM »

Well, thanks. And name... let's just say it stays that way, okay?

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2015, 02:13:26 PM »

Today on dev stream I've continued development on the object selection widget that would be used in level editor. Can't wait until I'll get to coding actual level editing, but I know I need to make a foundation first (level file format is already mostly designed and now I need to make actual tools).

Funny story though, I've lost connection to the 'net when doing the stream and coded some without not even realizing I was without Internet. It just recently came back on. Weird, since with my ISP I rarely have issues like that.

Anyway, Dariusz "Darkhog" G. Jagielski signing out!  Gentleman

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2015, 01:44:22 AM »

Some info on level building.

Building would be quite similar to what Unity's scene editor offers. At first I've planned (at least for the level geometry) something like building in 0x10c, but it turned out to be more of a hassle than it was worth. So I've made next best thing: building levels out of primitives (all nicely flat-shaded)!

Currently following primitives are in the game:

- Cube/box (obviously after changing scale it may not be a cube anymore Wink)
- Sphere
- Capsule
- Cylinder
- Cone

I'm also planning to add pyramid primitive and whatever it was called that is just like pyramid, but has triangle as a base.

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2015, 11:30:11 AM »

Today on stream I wrote some more code for object widget. It doesn't work for some reason. Looking into it.

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2015, 05:38:32 AM »

Ugh, that level editor stuff is killing me. Today I'll try to integrate RAIN AI into the game. It's free (and royalty-free) AI system for games made in Unity and supports dynamic navmesh generation, which is exactly what I need as levels will be dynamically generated. Will start working on it later that day/tomorrow if I won't have time to do it today and of course I'll stream it. Will post here once I'm done.

I think I'm gonna cheat a little bit with the game's demo and build stuff with Unity's scene editor, though I'll replace those levels with stuff made with level editor once latter one is done. I don't need LE in demo for obvious reasons anyway. Of course due to my philosophy of "anything in game can be redone in level editor" philosophy, I'll build these levels exactly like I would in level editor for campaigns.

Plural isn't mistake by the way, for two reasons: you'll be able to make your own campaigns in editor and there may be DLC campaigns (don't worry, they'll have nothing to do with main game and you won't need to have all the DLCs in order to enjoy it, it'll be more like expansions really) if the game is successful.

//edit: Follw me on Twitter, @thedarkhog as I'll tweet right before I'll start devstream.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 05:43:58 AM by darkhog » Logged

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 0

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« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2015, 05:59:49 AM »

Just sort of a general note that might be inspirational: There was what I consider a

made a while back that might be an interesting stylistic reference as far as the whole human-computer interface goes.

Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2015, 07:21:59 AM »

Tron aesthetics are bit too futuristic for this project, but I'll keep it in mind for future games of mine.

//edit: To expand on this: I'm looking to make vintage game, something that looks like it could run on early 90s hardware, therefore I'll use more vintage look rather than Tron-like. Think more of something that you'd see in Commander Keen or SkyRoads, or in Wipeout <editoftheedit>original, for psx</editoftheedit>.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 07:30:48 AM by darkhog » Logged

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 0

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« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2015, 10:13:00 AM »

I love low poly, let the textures do the talking. Though i have a feeling you'll be avoiding texture's if the screenshot is anything to go by. Unless that is developer art? Non the less you mention that this game won't be free. The only thing i will mention, a 3d platformer will not be the most marketable type of game. Unless your targeting mobile's, even then mobile user's don't like to part with their money. I know in these early stages it's easy to oversee the final goal. Though as a word of advice, have a little think about the audience, market and also how and where you will sell the game. That being said, i've never made a platformer so i could be completely wrong. Either way just wanted to mention these few things to help you towards your final goal.

Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2015, 12:58:20 PM »

Don't worry, what I have planned for this game is original enough to stand on its own and I took a clue from developers of Machinarium and Botanicula about how to resurrect a genre (they did so with point&click).

Also yes, the art style will be untextured polygons. Not only it will make game smaller, but also it is outstanding enough to make my game noticeable.

The artstyle is based on such hits as SkyRoads, great racing game for DOS (and currently freeware) and Alphawaves (also known as Continuum and for DOS as well), the first 3D platformer ever. Yes, you heard me right, it was a first 3D platformer, released in 1990, whole six years before SM64 and even before first (pseudo) 3D Mario game - Super Mario Kart for the SNES.

The untextured polygons is also great because assets can be made really fast - you only need a model which then can be recolored. Also this enables me to stretch cubes, cones, spheres and other shapes in levels at will, without fear textures will become blurry.

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 0

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« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2015, 11:10:44 AM »

Sound's like a good plan, nice clean UI and you might be onto something that will get noticed. You also make a good point about stretching objects which could make for some interesting game mechanics. Looking forward to some more screenshot's.

Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2015, 10:46:57 AM »

Thank you. I don't know about level mechanics, but it certainly makes making level editor easier.

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2015, 01:36:13 PM »

Trying to figure out level editor stuff again. Expecting to go bald by the end of the month due to hair pulling.

Also I may be integrating new solution that will make making level geometry much easier. Actually planned to do it like this in the first place, but lacked skill to do so, so I went with building scenes with differently shaped blocks. But that will mean even more hairpulling. Jolly me Well, hello there!

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2015, 02:07:09 PM »

Also a new screenshot, from within the game using "playground" scene on which I test different things:

I've improved lighting a bit - nothing is changing with the artstyle itself, untextured polygons aren't going away, just wanted to do it like if those games I've noted for inspiration would be done today given they keep same style - high res and with dynamic shadows.

Note that playground scene probably won't make into the final game as it is pretty much only to test things up. Also it is done with Unity editor itself due to level editor being not done yet.

Though certain elements of it may make it's way to one of the maps. Maybe "playground" design will serve as tutorial map? Who knows...

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2015, 05:10:13 AM »

Good news. Object selection for level editor is semi-working.

There still seems to be some ghost selection going on, but I'll figure it out. Soon I can get to more interesting stuff which is actual level editing. Then, RAIN integration. Damn.

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 1

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« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2015, 06:31:01 AM »

Will the virus mutate to the environment?

Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2015, 08:26:46 AM »

Dunno if I'll be able to make actual mutations, but I have planned different powerups, different weapons, modification of movement, stuff like that.

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
Level 1

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« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2015, 04:50:32 PM »

Yeah I guess that would only work if there was an RPG element to it. Good luck with everything.

Level 6

Dragon Agent

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« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2015, 01:47:09 PM »

Ok, fixed selection, no more ghost selection! No gif this time, because I'm too lazy to make one, imagine previous one but without ghost selections.

Now I will work on level camera movement, so you can move around level you're making and moving/scaling/rotating widgets.

Be a computer virus!

I cannot C well, so I stick with simpler languages.

There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill.
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