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Author Topic: Delver  (Read 787499 times)
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« Reply #1700 on: September 29, 2012, 12:42:12 PM »

Added slopes for ceilings today, next up is converting all the old dungeon tiles to use the new level format and I can put out a new build. I've been modifying a few of the tiles to make use of the slopes and the difference is pretty striking when used effectively, like in the caves above.
Hmmm, I think it looked better without the slopes, gave it a more retro feel.
Anyway to keep the old ceilings?
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« Reply #1701 on: September 29, 2012, 07:57:03 PM »

Added slopes for ceilings today, next up is converting all the old dungeon tiles to use the new level format and I can put out a new build. I've been modifying a few of the tiles to make use of the slopes and the difference is pretty striking when used effectively, like in the caves above.
Hmmm, I think it looked better without the slopes, gave it a more retro feel.
Anyway to keep the old ceilings?

I finally worked my way through this thread from the beginning and I get to start putting in my opinions. This game is looking amazing.

Anyways, I have to agree with DiiSs. Be careful with adding the smooth slopes into the dungeons. That screenshot may just not be verfy flattering to the way it looks, but in my opinion its starting to look to much like the old N64 and PS1 games that tried waaaay to hard to be as 3D as possible while sacrificing actual attractive stylings.

Its not a style that has aged very well.

EDIT: I would also like to specify that I'm not one to like blocky worlds and chunky pixels because they are "retro", I'm much more of the opinion that it is a legit style in its own right.


« Reply #1702 on: September 29, 2012, 08:10:02 PM »

Is the android version touch only? Or does it support key mapping so we can use controllers?
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« Reply #1703 on: September 30, 2012, 04:15:16 AM »

Is the android version touch only? Or does it support key mapping so we can use controllers?

that kinda defeats the purpose of playing it on the android don't you think?
Level 10

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« Reply #1704 on: September 30, 2012, 05:35:26 AM »

Not at all, it's still mobile
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« Reply #1705 on: September 30, 2012, 07:13:07 AM »

Everyone is going to have their opinion about style, so nothing will satisfy everyone.

For me, I like a mixture of beauty and CLARITY. I'm replaying Diablo right now, and it's sort of a muddy mess.  I love Ultima and have played most of them, but I find the Underworlds extremely hard to navigate and tell what's going on. All the THINGS in the dungeon are difficult to distinguish FROM the dungeon.

I think Delver is heading for a good hybrid.  Smooth and beautifully lit dungeons, with objects and enemies that are clear, bright and iconic.
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« Reply #1706 on: October 02, 2012, 05:39:17 AM »

I was thinking about the weapons and I wouldn’t mind a bit more divergent ones, what do you think?

It would be very nice to have it more or less like that:
While right click is used for attack, what about making left click to block? And every weapon would have quality, improvement, material, kind and enchantement.

These are the current ones, as broken, fine etc.

That would make some feature of the weapon better. It can improve damage, knockback, reach, speed or whatever.
Engraved, jewelled, blessed, cursed, sharpened, …

A brand new feature – every ewapon would have random material, the better material the better weapon. Here are some materials, in order of hardness:
Copper, bronze, gold*, iron, steel, meteoric iron, silver*, darkiron*, meteoric steel, mithril*, adamantium
And even though every weapon can block, only some materials enables you block magic attacks. Those are the ones with *.

I wouldn‘t mind more weapon calsses, would you? Like:
Dagger, shortsword, broadsword, sword, longsword, sabre, axe, war axe, war hammer, javelin, spear, …

Nothing new here. :D

And afterwards, the weapon would look something like:
Fine engraved silver broadsword
Cursed meteoric steel war hammer of biting

Can you even imagine the number of various unique weapons?

And this could work for armor, too. You can use the quality, improvements and materials for any metal armor and then the kind would be let’s say chainmail, platemail, scalemail or cuirass. And some enchantements would be great, too.
And for non-metal armors, the materials could be: linen, wool cloth, expensive cloth, quilted cloth, leather, quilted leather, silk*, hardened leather, goblin hide, spider silk*
And again, the * materials would have bonus against magic. I mean, they would reduce the damage as normal armor, but they would have chance to block the secondary effect, so the ice spell won't slow you down, fire spell won't ignite you etc. The kind would be just one for these, simply armor.

So the name of any armor would look like:
Worn blessed hardened leather armor
Excellent jewelled adamantium scalemail of endurance

And I have two ideas of new scrolls, too.
Scroll of repair – this one would raise the quality of an item by two levels, so the broken one will be average, average will turn to excellent etc.
Scroll of recharge – great for mages, this one recharges every empty wand in your inventory

Whit this you can start every game with linen armor (AC 1), copper dagger (0-1 damage) and some gold and food. Other things will be bought in the town or found in dungeons.
So, what do you think?
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 05:53:47 AM by david.vlach2 » Logged
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« Reply #1707 on: October 05, 2012, 02:30:37 AM »

Nearly 1 week since Interrupt's last post... He may be cooking something big !  Durr...?
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« Reply #1708 on: October 05, 2012, 06:21:42 AM »

Nearly 1 week since Interrupt's last post... He may be cooking something big !  Durr...?
Ooohhh, He's cooking? I hope he makes a pie. I like pie XD Lolololol
Level 1

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« Reply #1709 on: October 05, 2012, 09:03:55 AM »

Actually, I think he's been over in San Francisco this week doing, well, something... I'd guess there hasn't been much work on Delver at all because of that.
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« Reply #1710 on: October 05, 2012, 01:26:54 PM »

Ok, I took some licenses in this drawing but I through it would be great to done a so vertical composition (great for banners and modern look tees!)

I took a little rest while finishing a big poster for Delver. I'm about to finish the ink now, but will take awhile to get done with the colors.
I'm enjoying so much taking Chad's work as inspiration.
After the work is done, I think we can build some cool site for Delver.

Image as a Tee:

And as a banner:
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 01:49:07 PM by SamCube » Logged
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« Reply #1711 on: October 05, 2012, 01:55:24 PM »

The year is 1993. We get our first family PC. A 386DX 40MHz. Amazing. Whilst learning DOS at the age of 11 and after a swift DIR command, a folder called UW2 is sitting on the drive.

cd uw2 [enter]
dir [enter]
uw2 [enter]

...about 3-4 hours afterwards I turn off Ultima Underworld 2 and that my friends, that is where it all started. 20 years of gaming later, and finding out about Delver earlier this year, I have that very same Ultima feeling again!

Except this time with a bit of random level generation and item placement! Of course I bought the Android version! I have been watching Delver grow into such a wonderful little game over the past months. It is very well put together and very enjoyable. So enjoyable I still cannot complete it, no matter how many wands and potions I leave myself on each level for the 'escape'!

I'm not gonna lie... as soon as I saw the word 'Editor' on the download page I've been tearing delver-alpha-09-10-12.jar to bits as I am very interested in proceedural map generation. The fact that the levels are saved as .PNGs has made it so easy to double the map segments in the generation folder with added mirrored sections, for that extra random feel.

For those of you who are interested in using the Delver Editor I have done the classic PRESSALLTHEBUTTONS as I couldn't find any documentation and have a list of controls.


Left mouse button: Select tiles
Right mouse button: Deselect tiles
W: Move forwards
A: Strafe left
S: Move backwards
D: Strafe right
Q: Move down
E: Move up
Up Arrow: Look/turn down
Left Arrow: Look/turn left
Down Arrow: Look/turn right
Right Arrow: Look/turn up
P: Player mode on/off
L: Lighting mode on/off
Z: Lower tile(s) floor
X: Lower tile(s) ceiling
Shift + Z: Raise tile(s) floor
Shift + X: Raise tile(s) ceiling
Backspace: Clear highlighted tile
1: Change highlighted tile to "Empty" (Brick walls, dirt floor)
2: Change highlighted tile to "Cave wall"
3: Change highlighted tile to "Accent wall"
4: Change highlighted tile to "Wood wall"
5: Change highlighted tile to "Bookshelf"
6: Change highlighted tile to "Wood floor"
7: Change highlighted tile to "Carpet floor"
8: Change highlighted tile to "Water"
9: Change highlighted tile to "Lava"

Chad, you have done a really sweet job on this, there is SO much potential in Delver. If you could have an option for making the camera move a lot faster in the editor, I would happily sit for hours making some map segments for you.

Level 5

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« Reply #1712 on: October 05, 2012, 06:34:53 PM »

Actually, I think he's been over in San Francisco this week doing, well, something... I'd guess there hasn't been much work on Delver at all because of that.

Yep. Out travelling this week for work, hotels are apparently not that great for coding in. Coworkers that drag you out to the bar every night don't help either Smiley
Level 2

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« Reply #1713 on: October 06, 2012, 04:45:53 AM »

is there a way to do button remapping? I use this very uncommon keyboard layout that works with no game's default button mapping.
Level 10

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« Reply #1714 on: October 06, 2012, 07:50:16 AM »

Ok, I took some licenses in this drawing but I through it would be great to done a so vertical composition (great for banners and modern look tees!)

Derlver the Game
Level 0

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« Reply #1715 on: October 06, 2012, 08:42:06 AM »

is there a way to do button remapping? I use this very uncommon keyboard layout that works with no game's default button mapping.

I use a program called Auto Hotkey http://www.autohotkey.com/download/ which is very cool. Basically install that and load up a new blank notepad. In the new notepad put this in there:

Send i
Send m

...and then save that on your desktop as an .AHK, I called mine 'Delver Key Swap.ahk'.

This script will basically do the following: if the Tab key is pressed, do an 'i' instead (default inventory key) and I personally have it set so when 'x' is pressed, it does an 'm' instead (default map key). You can change them to what you would prefer, I like 'Tab' as my inventory and 'x' as my map.
Hope this helps you out!
Level 1

Tricky Tricky

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« Reply #1716 on: October 06, 2012, 08:43:07 AM »

On the note of AHK, you can also make it only activate if the window title says "Delver". I don't know the function off-hand, though.
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« Reply #1717 on: October 06, 2012, 08:58:42 AM »

Ah yes Linkshot, that IS cool. Just looked it up and for a non-coder I think I'll stick to right-clicking the taskbar icon and doing 'suspend hotkeys' for now. That is good to know though thanks dude  Coffee
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« Reply #1718 on: October 06, 2012, 10:24:47 PM »

Derlver the Game

Yes, I saw that misspelling. It was late at night+English is not my main language.

Awesome, thanks for the comments and appreciation  Tired
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« Reply #1719 on: October 07, 2012, 05:16:19 PM »

Ok, I took some licenses in this drawing but I through it would be great to done a so vertical composition (great for banners and modern look tees!)

I took a little rest while finishing a big poster for Delver. I'm about to finish the ink now, but will take awhile to get done with the colors.
I'm enjoying so much taking Chad's work as inspiration.
After the work is done, I think we can build some cool site for Delver.

Image as a Tee:

And as a banner:

I love how hes acualy biting the eye XD. Just for the record, it looks like the buckle on his satchel is part of the triforce... Not realy... But kind of... Just ignore me  Waaagh!
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