« Reply #80 on: December 04, 2008, 05:48:43 AM » |
Hey, this sounds cool but I can't get past World 2!
There's a jump that's too long. It looks like I need to be able to turn the clouds into platforms but I just can't. X does nothing!
Have I got a glitchy version?
« Reply #81 on: December 04, 2008, 06:01:01 AM » |
Hey, this sounds cool but I can't get past World 2!
There's a jump that's too long. It looks like I need to be able to turn the clouds into platforms but I just can't. X does nothing!
Have I got a glitchy version?
No, you just need to find the spot where you can "everse".
« Reply #82 on: December 04, 2008, 07:13:56 AM » |
For those with crashing issues: I need to know what you were doing and where when it crashed, what OS you're running it under and the last 50 lines or so of the LOG.TXT file post-crash. Otherwise I can't do anything.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2008, 07:18:43 AM by Zaratustra »
« Reply #83 on: December 04, 2008, 10:06:08 AM » |
Alright. I just started the game, entered world 1, jumped on the first platform--there was a pause, and the game crashed with the error displayed in this screenshot. Here's the log. I'm using Windows XP.
Etaoin Shirdlu
« Reply #84 on: December 04, 2008, 10:23:27 AM » |
I absolutely loved this game. Combining a Mario-esque aesthetic with Lovecraftian horror was brilliant. I got the impression from reading this thread that something would happen if I collected all the gems, but nothing seems to have. Can anyone help me out?
EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out. The real ending was awesome!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2008, 11:15:02 AM by Etaoin Shirdlu »
« Reply #85 on: December 05, 2008, 08:19:01 PM » |
One of my favorites so far. Some of the platforming required a little more precision than I would have liked, but it wasn't a huge problem. What did bug me was that there were a few places you could get stuck, which would require you to quit and completely restart the level. It didn't happen often, but it was sure annoying.
I still don't have all the gems, but this is such a good game that I may come back for them.
« Reply #86 on: December 06, 2008, 02:41:33 AM » |
"Colours never seen before" theme fits perfectly in level 4. I got to the level 4 and couldn't pass it. Not very good at pixel-perfect jumping. I'll try some other time.
« Reply #87 on: December 06, 2008, 02:51:03 AM » |
Aww man, I haven't given you a comment for the completed game yet!
It's great, and clever, and pretty damned sinister. And it starts, presentation wise, very similarly to one of your older games. Which was a nice twist, I suppose.
For all those who haven't gotten the gems yet, go, open the file, and do it. It'll take a while, and it'll be well worth it. Becasue Zaratustra, I do love that extra effort you went to for the completionists out there.
Anyways, well done. One of the best. Eversing is also nice and intuitive. And once you do it, you always want to go back.
Oh, but I agree with the big gripe. That pixel-perfect jump in level four? Just plain nasty. Please make it smoother.
« Reply #88 on: December 06, 2008, 03:07:16 PM » |
Now that I think about it more, this game reminds me a lot of Sonic CD. The world-traveling mechanic is pretty similar (although Eversion is more puzzle-y). This is a good thing.
« Reply #89 on: December 06, 2008, 05:20:14 PM » |
The new version fixes: huge log file pause key can't jump off two enemies at the same time bug SPOILER in world 3 SPOILER in world 5 SPOILER in world 7
« Reply #90 on: December 06, 2008, 05:27:29 PM » |
ah; that world 7 thing really cost me a lot of time.
« Reply #91 on: December 06, 2008, 10:17:34 PM » |
that version was broken because I have brain problems. Fixed now.
György Straub
« Reply #92 on: December 09, 2008, 02:35:30 AM » |
I was guessing this is the best of the entries. then I got to world 6-6 and then it was a certainty. and it isn't over yet. damn you! crazy-awesome in every aspect (okay, the distorted music gets annoying... there). extra kudos for player-friendliness. those hand-sperms rule too.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 03:01:26 AM by !CE-9 »
« Reply #93 on: December 12, 2008, 04:30:17 PM » |
I loved this and I guess I missed the pixel perfect jump in level 4 or something (I don't recall having trouble in level 4). The graphics are simple, but very charming and stylized. Controls really nicely also.
It kind of reminds me of Monster Party, except it is actually fun and retains a creepy feel throughout the whole thing instead of only for the first level. It kept reminding me of Yume Nikki, too, with that subtle kinda bleak feeling.
I've only got the bad ending so far; I'm gonna have to go grab the rest of the gems later today.
I love how the messages that appear after you die later on are randomized.
« Reply #94 on: December 17, 2008, 02:44:16 PM » |
I've gotta say, I wanted to love this game more than I actually did. It was clearly vote-worthy, due to the polish, adorable pixel-art and the epic concept; but, as a... second-rate platformer (at best) I felt very excluded [Just to qualify, the author is bad at platform games, the game is not a bad example of platformers ] Not necessarily a bad thing (people with more ability than me have evidently made better progress and loved every second) just got a learning curve like a cliff-face As soon as the auto-scrolling hit I was out.. way too slow. For what it's worth, though, I'm still firing it up every 30mins or so to take another run at it.. someday I'll escape that black wall of doom
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 10:08:33 AM by Widget »
« Reply #95 on: December 18, 2008, 09:51:36 AM » |
Just completely completed it. Outstanding, particlularly given the time-frame. And great ending.
So: Best game of the compo.
Gave me fond memories of watching my brother complete Zeux's World back in the day.
« Reply #96 on: December 24, 2008, 01:46:54 PM » |
Level 0
« Reply #97 on: December 30, 2008, 04:10:48 PM » |
Signed up just to say you made a great game, but there appears to be a problem (not including the CPU Usage.
At World 7, if you high jump over the flag using the monster as a boost, and keep walking right you'll end up on world 8 without all of the gems. So yeah. Had fun beating the game with all the gems though.
« Reply #98 on: December 31, 2008, 07:25:46 AM » |
Excellent game. I'd keep going, but I haven't gotten to the *really* interesting parts yet because of 4-5.
So, er, can anyone help me? I'm stuck at the part where there's a breakable block, an enemy, and a hand that shoots up out of a bridge over a pit. I was guessing there was an eversion area someplace nearby, but I can't find anything and there's no way past that hand.
High jumping doesn't work, etc.
Thanks in advance.
« Reply #99 on: December 31, 2008, 08:03:13 PM » |
Excellent game. I'd keep going, but I haven't gotten to the *really* interesting parts yet because of 4-5.
So, er, can anyone help me? I'm stuck at the part where there's a breakable block, an enemy, and a hand that shoots up out of a bridge over a pit. I was guessing there was an eversion area someplace nearby, but I can't find anything and there's no way past that hand.
High jumping doesn't work, etc.
Thanks in advance.
I couldn't figure this one out for the longest time too. Turns out we're just thinking too hard. SPOILER.