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TIGSource ForumsCommunityTownhallThe Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread
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Author Topic: The Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread  (Read 2001865 times)

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« Reply #10000 on: January 15, 2017, 03:31:31 AM »

I am George from Bulgaria. Started playing games since I was a baby. First game I ever played was Bomber Man 1 on a famiclone my father gave me.

Some favorite games of mine are Super Metroid, Super Contra and Super Castlevania IV. I started learning the basics or coding and 3D modelling with YouTube tutorials in 2015. When I am ready I will post a bunch of stuff about games I am working on.
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« Reply #10001 on: January 16, 2017, 07:37:30 AM »

Hey, I'm Nana and I've been playing games since I was born, mostly. My most favorite titles are Shin Megami Tensei series, Devil Survivor series and Disgaea, although I'm playing more of indie games these days. I am also a pixel artist and writer, now working on 2 projects without knowing much how to program but eager to learn. I hope I'll learn a thing or two here, and maybe help someone with the few knowledge I gathered in gammaking.

Pixel artist, Narrative designer;
Virgo vs The Zodiac
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I write, code, sometimes nicely

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« Reply #10002 on: January 16, 2017, 08:26:06 AM »

Hello, introduction here.

I am a professional Software Engineer at some companies. I have worked on interactive, finance, and healthcare software. I make games and program game *stuff* in my free time. I have the most experience in C++ and C#, but also Java, TypeScript, Python, and JavaScript. I have a B.S. in Game and Simulation Programming, so that is always a good ice breaker at interviews.

Anywho, as a person I am pretty boring. I have travel a bit (Europe, Caribbean, and Canada) every once in a while. I am a resident of the US. I play bagpipes and Trombone when I was younger and now when I am bored. I play games (shocking isn't it?). Happily married and settled down working on hobby game projects.

Game industry wise, I live in a deadzone pretty much (about two hours from three mediocre game industry cities but no intention of moving).

So, yah, just came in to say "hi"


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« Reply #10003 on: January 16, 2017, 02:32:08 PM »

Hello everyone, I'm Toz!

I'm someone who already has been busy with gamedev for quite some time, although I only started programming seriously after I was 18 years old. After completing my applied physics education I managed to get a job at a fairly small game company that made games for the mobile devices. I had a great time there, but unfortunately it only lasted three years before the company struck financial difficulties. In the beginning of 2013 I had to find something else.

Although I did apply at existing game companies again, I didn't manage to get a job there. Ultimately I got a job at a company developing finite element simulation software. However I never lost interest in game development and started developing games in Python. I managed to piece together a small game engine after some prototypes.

In 2015 I entered the gamedev.net Week of Awesome III and the game that I created ended up winning 4th price. You should still be able to download and play it, I didn't take the download links down after the competition. The game's name is "A Death a Dozen" by the way.

But, the reason why I'm joining this site now, is that I have a web game that's nearing completion. And I wanted to have it play-tested here so that I can hopefully receive some feedback that will tell me if the game is nearing a sell-able state or not. So expect to see a post from me in the Playtesting forum soon!
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« Reply #10004 on: January 16, 2017, 05:42:00 PM »

Howdy, my name is Jordan. I use the alias FoxyPanda and I am a producer, DJ, Game Designer, Graphic Artist ect in my spare time. Panda
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« Reply #10005 on: January 17, 2017, 06:15:59 AM »

Hi All,

My name is Dirk, I'm from South Africa and I'm here to get feedback on the games I'm making. IRL I'm a cable guy (I install network cables in offices/factories) that does a bit of IT every now and then. I'd love to do game dev professionally.

I've been doing game dev seriously for about a year, and I've been working on my first title - Thrusterball - for about half a year on and off, hoping to release it within a few months.

I also have almost 15 years experience making Warcraft 3 maps, which I've done since its release in 2002. Warcraft 3 is my all-time favourite game, and I'd love to make something similar if I ever get good enough.

My focus is design and and programming, but I've done much of the 2D art for my current project myself.

The reason I'm joining tigsource is to get more feedback on my current project, as I'm currently only getting feedback from reddit's r/gamedev sub.
Filipe Baptista
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« Reply #10006 on: January 18, 2017, 10:16:11 AM »


I've been around TIGSource for a couple of months but didn't get to introduce myself in this thread.

I'm Filipe Baptista and I'm a programmer currently based in Lisbon, Portugal. I studied Computer Science and graduated with a MSc in Multimedia.

I'm currently developing my first personal game project as an independent developer (I only made some little games while in college).
The game is called "Entanglement" (provisory title) and I'm working on it as a designer and programmer.
You can read its devlog here in TIGSource.
Feel free to give feedback or ask anything you want to know about the project.

I only recently started to use Twitter but I'll be putting some screenshots and GIFs there from time to time (hopefully in a weekly basis).
You can follow me here.

Cheers and good luck with your projects !


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Depth perception is overrated

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« Reply #10007 on: January 18, 2017, 03:58:31 PM »


I'm Ben, I've been on and off TIG for a few years.

IRL I'm a London programmer at a company that works in children's education, after graduating in CS last year.

I've been making small games for most of my life, and at this point in time am actively involved in 1GAW, working towards the point I consider myself experienced enough to work on a bigger projects.

With my teen years being at a time when Yoyogames was at its best, a lot of my favourite games ended up coming from that community, like Iji, Super Crate Box, and Spelunky.

Gentlemen, my lady... You will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Ben Wells making a game.
Tyler. H
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« Reply #10008 on: January 19, 2017, 07:47:30 AM »

Hello there.

I'm Tyler, and it's nice to be here.

I'm an amateur game developer who lives in Nova Scotia up in Canada and I'm currently working on games independently. I hope that being here with other budding developers will help fuel my drive to make games the best I can make them. I hope to get productive feedback on the games I post here, just as much as I hope to give productive feedback to some of the projects I see here.

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Will quarter your organ

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« Reply #10009 on: January 19, 2017, 01:11:01 PM »


We're Dmitry (an American) and Alex (a Scot) working on a videogame product together from opposite sides of the pond. It's not the first project for either of us but it's the one we've both been most invested in, probably. A new collaboration, too!

Look forward to getting involved in this community!

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« Reply #10010 on: January 20, 2017, 06:12:07 AM »

Hi all! My name is Mike and Ive been a gamer for a looong time... since the mid 70s and having my dad introduce me to pong... lol   I am the proverbial history of gaming. I can rwmwmber loading games via a cassette tape deck (took a half hour) into a TI 99/4A which had awesome games.  I wrote a text game with minimal sprite graphics on a Commodore 64 at about the age of 14 and a room that had 3 boobs on a wall and if you pressed the wrong one you would get milked to death. The screen would change colors and basically end the game.  Hey I was filed with a lot of hormones Wink

Anyways I have had nearly every gaming system since then and am now a grad student. I am not a game developer, but a UX Designer and am working on a capstone project which involves research.  My research revolves around Kickstarter and  making it more successful specifically for small game developers.   
So thats where I am at. Hopefully I can ask you guys some questions about my capstone shortly!
Thanks for having me.
« Reply #10011 on: January 20, 2017, 10:41:54 AM »

Hello, my name is Michael and I started getting into game development at a young age during the early 90's. My first program language was Q-BASIC on a 386 machine running windows 3.1 with dos 6.22. That is when the idea to make a video game seem cool to me. I also enjoyed drawing, so later went to school for animation. Over the years, I have improved my skills in art along with learning other programming languages such as C/C++. I enjoy looking at old game development tools along with the newer tools available today. That is pretty much it. I am joining this forum for the love of building video games despite what tool someone chooses to work with and hope to share ideas or try to help in any code question if I can.

Here is a link to my artwork if you like to check it out.   


If a had a ship, I would be a pirate

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« Reply #10012 on: January 21, 2017, 01:31:12 AM »

Hello people!

I am a passionate game lover and really glad to have found this site!

My first really great experience in gaming was Heroes of Might and Magic III  Wizard which came out when I was only six years old, but I loved it already!

Over the years I always wondered what I would do with the rest of my life, and it became totally clear. As a game-lover, what more can you do than become a game developer? With some friends I recently started to make some games. (We're starting really small).
So I will be keeping you guys posted!

Besides games, my other great love is coffee  Coffee

Cheers!  Gentleman
« Reply #10013 on: January 21, 2017, 06:08:30 AM »

Nice to meet you, Brabo!

I am new here as well and looking forward to seeing your future post on your game project--hope to share my project as well.

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« Reply #10014 on: January 22, 2017, 08:06:46 AM »

Hey everyone!

My real name is Garrett and like most of you, I'm a huge fan of video games. Personally, I enjoy Nintendo games and many Steam games. I still remember back to when I was about 3 or 4 playing Donkey Kong Country on a SNES we borrowed from family and being terrified of the Game Over screen Waaagh!. Good times.

Anyways, I'm currently in college working to become a Game Developer and I though that I would join the TIG community to see what games everyone is working on as well as show what games I'm working on. Here's hoping that everyone's game is successful.
Cheers!  Coffee

- Weakfoggy
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« Reply #10015 on: January 22, 2017, 09:29:07 PM »

Hey Tig Community, I'm Daum also known as ItsNemo an indie game developer living in Sydney.

I started teaching myself about game development towards the end of highschool. I pursued that as my career once highschool was complete. I never saw myself making games, not only that I didn't even know games could be a job!. Luckily at the time it was around the time the indie movement occurred which allowed indie developers to be as popular as triple A companies. A perfect time to join in.

I fell in love with everything to do with games. I love how the medium was constantly growing with new tech and that it was an interactive medium. It allowed you as the developer to shape the world and put players in a world you have created. It was full of potential, the sheer creativity! I'm sure most of you feel the same.

The games that have inspired me are games like: Journey, Braid, Limbo and Undertale. These games were short, and had an interesting story that opened your perspective up on the world around you. I love when a game respects the player's time and doesn't have them go through a tiring grind fest just to justify the worth of the game. I hope to do that too with my games that I create and share them with you.

Some of my games are online on http://itsdaum.com/.

Anyhow that's me. Nemo out.



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« Reply #10016 on: January 22, 2017, 10:32:35 PM »

Hello Tig, my name is David. I am currently an amateur video game developer.

The games that have really inspired me vary, from:
    The Witness
    I Wanna Be The Guy
    Super Meat Boy
    Planescape: Torment
    Magic the gathering

I have the standard indie game dev career path of:
    1. Get Comp Sci Degree, intending to do game dev.
    2. Discover there are no game jobs in game development.
    3. Hilariously overscope first, also group, project. (lets develop a 30 hour isometric RPG in 3 months with no prior game development experience)
    3a. Failure.
    4. Do a couple of game jams, Do a couple of game prototypes.
    4a. Success!
    5 (current) Work on a professional project with plans to monetize.

When I finish the current project I am working on, a hardcore non-linear puzzle game named "Power Match", I will be finally able to consider myself a professional video game developer.

I'm working on the project in collaboration with an artist named Jackson.
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« Reply #10017 on: January 23, 2017, 02:49:55 AM »


I am Minghao Liu (molikto). I am a professional programmer, but not that professional in game programming. I am inspired by Jason Rohrer's multiplayer games. I am currently learning game programming, learning arts & finding good artists to finish one idea I have.


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« Reply #10018 on: January 23, 2017, 08:00:11 AM »


I'm a game dev, doing stuffs with Microsoft Paint for graphics <3.

I also create alt ctrl games with Alineaire (www.alineaire.com).

I'm teaching 3D modeling and shading programming in university. I have a phd in art+game : www.remysohier.com

I have an itchio : https://rmshr.itch.io/

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« Reply #10019 on: January 23, 2017, 08:53:56 AM »


i am Malta. I like drawing lionesses and making videogames about them.
That's my deviant art maltakreuz.deviantart.com/gallery/ if you wanna see them.
I like gothic music and style, but not sure if it is relevant to intruduction in this thread. So that's me.

2d-rpg (metroidvania): https://twitter.com/PawsOnTheSand
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