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TIGSource ForumsCommunityTownhallThe Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread
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Author Topic: The Obligatory Introduce Yourself Thread  (Read 1995243 times)
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« Reply #9040 on: October 31, 2015, 03:36:33 AM »

Hello everyone! Polish guy here. Gomez

Police and family call me Michał (Michael), other people call me Harsay.

I've been programming since 2012 and made some little gamejam games before.
Right now I'm working on my personal projects to level up my gamedev skills with Java and libGDX.

I hope to have a good time in this forum with you Smiley


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« Reply #9041 on: October 31, 2015, 02:46:10 PM »

My name is Rikochet.

I love old FMV games like Mad Dog McCree and 7th Guest.  I'm bringing FMV back like it's 1994. 
We've got a pretty fantastic 95% Steam user rating so, you know, check it out if you want to.

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« Reply #9042 on: October 31, 2015, 02:46:54 PM »

I have seen it on jim's channel

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« Reply #9043 on: October 31, 2015, 06:11:43 PM »

Our buddy Jim Sterling?  We loved it when he smacked his forehead at the Angry Birds reference.
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The archivest master, leader of all documents

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« Reply #9044 on: October 31, 2015, 07:25:40 PM »

Anyway can't wait for the sequel: press A for awesome (they learn the trick, now they are ready to kick ass)

and the end of the trilogy: pay F to pay respect (they learn the hard way being a hero is not always about the awesome but also the tragedy)


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« Reply #9045 on: October 31, 2015, 09:56:04 PM »

I wish there was a like button I could click 10x on your post.
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« Reply #9046 on: November 01, 2015, 02:54:20 AM »

Hey all  Gentleman

I'm Igor from Dreamatrix Game Studios. We are a small indie company from Croatia, and we are working on our isometric RPG title Wave of Darkness for several years now :-)

Hello to the community!

I'm a community manager and developer at Dreamatrix Game Studios, a studio behind an RPG title Wave of Darkness.
Ahr Ech
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« Reply #9047 on: November 01, 2015, 01:38:22 PM »

Hi, I'm Riv Hester. Perhaps you've heard of me? I'm best known for rescuing the King of the Moon from drowning in two feet of water when he fell in a duck pond at Werner Herzog's birthday gala. I'm also a compulsive liar, probably. Anyway, I figured it was about time I stop lurking and throw some gifs of my game up in my favorite thread. People keep telling me to do that.

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« Reply #9048 on: November 01, 2015, 07:28:30 PM »

Well Ladies and Gents!

Hello all,

My name is Aaron.  More often or not though, my friends and family call me "Rengard" or "Ren" for short... Don't ask, its a long story as to how I got this nickname.  Anyways, I am a parent of two kids and a Husband doing what ever it takes to survive in the current economy.

For the longest time, I have wanted to become a Game Developer whether part of a small company (or my own) or a rather large company like Bungie, ect.  I have so many ideas but so far am considered a 25yr old nooblet when it comes to this stuff.  Well, time for a change and to start learning more stuff!  If you guys have any pointers, tips or references, ect that can help me out, I am greatly in need and would appreciate the help!  I am also looking for some volunteers (If successful, paid in the future)

My first computer was received at 10 years old when my father made me work on a C64 (Awesome Dad!) and later on would build my own PC by the time I was 12 and was able to use it fluently enough to start messing with Windows Settings!  BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Anyways, later on this would spark the PC Gamer in me and ultimately led me lately to want to build my own games and play other AAA or Indie Games made by others!  Nice to see all of you here and hopefully later on would get to know much of the community (At least that's my hope)

For all of you, keep doing what your doing!  Your all awesome!

He who raises his fist first has run out of ideas.
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« Reply #9049 on: November 02, 2015, 02:07:36 AM »

Hello! Wink

Hi, my name is Justus and I am a hobby teen game developer. When I was very young, I really like to play video games. I was always amazed by what the video games company/studio created. I always want to create a game since then. After that, I started to learn programming and designing by myself, and I was successfully to create my first game, which is a clone of Mario. A few years later, my programming experience increased a lot which help me to make my first mobile game, which really was published in the Google Play. (The game sucks, but it's a good starting point. Grin Grin ) Now, I also need to go to school, but whenever I am free, I will make games and continue my projects.

Hope we can have a good time here!
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« Reply #9050 on: November 02, 2015, 08:39:23 AM »

Hey all, I'm Tuomas Erikoinen a.k.a Part Time Monkey (www.parttimemonkey.com)

I've recently left the company I previously founded, Boomlagoon, to become an indie developer. A few weeks ago I released my first title Monkeyrama (iOS).

Before Boomlagoon I worked at Rovio for about 7 years, where I drew the original Angry Birds art and continued to grow the art department until the company was at about ~500 headcount.

At Rovio I was involved in multiple AB titles, and at Boomlagoon we made Noble Nutlings, Monsu and Spirit Hunter.

I'm an all-rounder as a game developer; programming being my weakest link, audio and design OK, and art likely the strongest.

I'm a casual gamer by heart, even though my ultimate favorite game of all time is Quake III Arena. Played it a few years in a row when I was younger.

I'm a big believer of Unity. It provides everything for me as an individual developer without having to know too much about the underlying engine.

Nice to meet you all, hopefully we can help each others out. Smiley

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« Reply #9051 on: November 02, 2015, 01:28:34 PM »

I just realised that I've committed a massive faux-pas by not introducing myself before starting a devlog.

I'm Kevin Purcell, otherwise known as grayhaze, and I'm an indie developer working on a number of small projects, one of which will hopefully turn into my first full game. I've been trying to get started for a long time now, having taken my first early steps into gamedev in the days of the ZX Spectrum and Commodore Amiga.

There's a slim chance that some of you will be more familiar with my work making skins for the popular WindowBlinds theming application for Windows by Stardock. This was at a time when I was primarily working as a web designer during the day, and I bring a lot of that experience and style to my game visuals. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I can often be found spending hours trying to get a couple of pixels just right rather than worrying that my game isn't in a playable state. I now work as a web and software developer, which has given me more confidence to work on the programming side too.

I'm hoping that documenting my progress on this forum, and seeing the progress made by other aspiring game developers will push me on to finishing that first game.

I currently develop in Haxe, using OpenFL and HaxeFlixel, and have entered a few Ludum Dare contests in the past. I've avoided the last couple though because each time I enter I end up having another big idea and dropping whatever I'm working on to focus on that instead!


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« Reply #9052 on: November 03, 2015, 08:05:33 AM »

Hello! My name is Steve and I've been a life long gamer and IT professional, heavy into networks, services, and development.  I've never combined all these skills into game dev before and now is the time!

I've challenged myself to a 30 day remix of the amazingly fun game Famaze as a proof of concept (that I can do it).

Hi all! Gentleman
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The Self-Proclaimed King of Procrastination

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« Reply #9053 on: November 04, 2015, 12:40:21 PM »

Hi Everyone!

I'm Seb, and I'm a bit of a hobbyist game dev. I mainly use HaxeFlixel to make my games Smiley
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« Reply #9054 on: November 04, 2015, 01:40:30 PM »


My name is Derrick. I'm 24 at the moment, so I started playing games in about the mid-90s. I first started playing games like Sonic 2 and Dinosaurs for Hire for Genesis with my brother. I would also play some MSDOS games like Commander Keen with my dad. In 98, I got a Gameboy Color for Christmas along with Pokemon, a game I played to no end, including an obsession with rumors of "Pokegods". Since about 2009/2010, I've known about TIGSource, and I've really liked the variety present in the games here. More recently, I played Undertale and thought it was awesome, and it's brought me back to games after a short time away.

I've tried learning to program on my own several times but have quit just as many, so I'm looking to start making games, then learn programming later. Currently, I'm using RPG Maker to see if I can get a coherent idea out first.

Hope to enjoy my time here and maybe we'll become friends.

Edit: I'm actually hoping to learn to "program badly with terry". So, I'm really looking forward to that.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 01:59:38 PM by red » Logged

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« Reply #9055 on: November 04, 2015, 05:15:23 PM »

My name is Jason Urban and I love videogames. They are so great that I decided to start a small studio and make games. The idea of crafting worlds and releasing them is an appealing idea, don't you think? My studio's name is Razorsharpgames. You can find it at razorsharpgames.com. This is my first time into this industry so I have no real relevant backstory to tell you but I do have a game. It's a small game that I made in my spare time over the last 8 months. It's a simple game as I am not much of a programmer. My idea is to make to game free, make some money off merchandising and advertising and put together a small team to make bigger projects. The name of the game is Captain Cabbagehead. Captain Cabbagehead is a character I came up with about 22 years ago when I was in elementary school. Although I could come up with new ideas all day, I went with this old character of mine because I see a certain spark in him, a likable oddness that I hope others will also enjoy.
Krysle Quinsen
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« Reply #9056 on: November 04, 2015, 07:02:49 PM »

My name's Keatitsak, I'm 25 soon to be 26 years old. I'm gamer and indie game dveloper from Thailand, I'm currently doing alone right now, there isn't much programmer or game developer around here. I'm quite good at programming, not quite good at art, can't do audio.

I first play game from Famicon and DOS, which is when I very young. My favourite game are changes from time to time, I can't remember their name. For genre, I can play almost everything, but I'm not quite like most simulation, realistic or PvP games.

The game I'm currently develop a game using Esenthel Engine. My game is on Steam Greenlight right now, and I'm going to release demo soon, and I hope to get some feedback before I'm confident enough.

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« Reply #9057 on: November 06, 2015, 10:36:36 AM »

Hi everyone,

Im going to introduce my self whether no one interested in.
I want to find some friends who using Flash, even it is out of date nowaday.
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« Reply #9058 on: November 07, 2015, 12:20:34 AM »


my name is Tom and I am an amateur game dev. I made a couple of games when I was ~10 years old (33 now) but since then I've been more focusing on playing rather than developing. I have been lurking in TIG and other game dev forums for a bit and I think it is a good time to join in.

I am truly impressed by the amount of tools available for game devs nowadays and after +20 years break I decided to develop my first game as an adult (though still being dev infant Smiley ). The game is now nearing completion and I start to experience big swings/fears regarding public reception. Anything between 'yeah, this is going to be awesome everyone will love it' and 'no one will play this crap'.

Good luck to you all on your game projects!
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« Reply #9059 on: November 08, 2015, 12:05:28 AM »

I suppose the indie community is rather small, smaller than the 'known community', so I agree! I may be new, as in under an hour, but I may as well introduce myself!

I'm Chase, but you can call me Rune! It's what I generally go by on most websites, so it only makes sense to use it here! I'm an ogre and this is mah swam- No wait, that's not me. I'm actually an amateur scriptwriter, concept idea/art, newbie trying to break out into the industry, much like many indie players.

My first experience with games came from when I was just a little kid, maybe 6 or 7, and my parents brought my siblings home a Nintendo 64, though it had been released for quite a few years, and my brother and I played it non-stop. Our favorite games were Ocarina of Time, Mario Cart, and the other usual ones.

As for my passions, I love to write. It's something about the worlds that only could be imagined, the story behind it, the future of it, I don't know really. I just love to think up new things all the time and imagine every possible scenario that could take place, that's probably why I love open-world RPGs like The Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

That's really all I have to say, I don't have a website or any pictures I want to pimp, I'm just happy to be hear!
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